§ 8. Filling vacancies in elective offices.  

Latest version.
  • Vacancies in elective offices whether by death, resignation, removal, or recall shall be filled as follows:


    If a vacancy shall occur in the office of Mayor, City Auditor, or a Councilor more than one (1) year prior to the next general election, the Council shall provide for the calling of a special election at the earliest time allowed under the laws of Oklahoma applicable to special elections to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the unexpired term; the candidate receiving the greatest number of votes at the special election shall be deemed elected;


    If a vacancy shall occur in the office of Mayor less than one (1) year prior to the next general election, the Temporary Mayor shall serve as Mayor for the remainder of the unexpired term;


    If a vacancy shall occur in the office of City Auditor less than one (1) year prior to the next general election, the Mayor shall appoint a qualified elector of the city to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the unexpired term, subject to confirmation by a majority vote of the entire membership of the Council; and


    If a vacancy shall occur in the office of a Councilor less than one (1) year prior to the next general election, the Council, by a majority vote of the remaining membership of the Council shall appoint a qualified elector of the election district in which the vacancy exists to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the unexpired term.