§ 14. Contracts and purchases—competitive bids and procedures.
Except as otherwise provided in this amended Charter, all contracts of whatever character pertaining to public improvements or the maintenance of property of the city requiring an expenditure of more than seven thousand five hundred dollars ($7,500.00), unless such amount is established otherwise by ordinance, shall be based upon specifications approved by the Mayor. An advertisement for the proposed contract inviting competitive bids shall be published in a daily newspaper of general circulation in the city not less than five (5) times. Specifications for the contract shall be filed with the City Clerk for inspection by parties desiring to bid. All bids shall be sealed and be opened publicly at the time and place specified in the notice. All bids shall be open to the public for inspection for at least forty-eight (48) hours before the award of the contract is made. The Mayor shall:
Accept and enter into a contract with the party submitting the lowest secure bid; or
Enter into a contract with a party other than the lowest secure bidder, with the approval of the Council, if the Mayor determines such bid to be the most advantageous bid for the city; or
Reject all bids, if the Mayor determines that none of the bids are satisfactory, in which event the Mayor may readvertise for bids or, with the approval of the Council, enter into a negotiated contract for the performance of the work.
All expenditures for supplies, materials, equipment, or services, other than those of a professional nature, requiring an expenditure of more than seven thousand five hundred dollars ($7,500.00), unless such amount is established otherwise by ordinance, shall be made upon written contract after such competition prescribed by ordinance. The provisions of this Section may be waived by a majority vote of the entire membership of the Council upon the declaration of an emergency, whereby the immediate award of a contract is determined by the Council to be necessary for the preservation or protection of the public peace, health, safety, or welfare.