Latest version.
  • The following is a list of the various changes made to the original Election District Plan of May 8, 1990, by reason of annexation, disannexation, other minor adjustments in the boundaries of Election Districts, and operation of the Election District Commission to adjust the boundaries of Election Districts each ten years after the completion of the Federal Decennial Census.

    Date Document Summary
    May 8, 1990 Amended Charter Original Election District Plan for Nine Council Districts
    July 29, 1991 Amended Election District Plan of 1991 Election District Commission filed its Election District Plan with the City Clerk, which became final on August 28, 1991
    July 24, 1992 Ordinance No. 17749 Amended the Election District Plan filed on July 29, 1991, by making minor adjustments in the boundary line between Election District No. 2 and Election District No. 8 to conform to the precinct and Senate boundary; and in Election District No. 1, Election District No. 3, and Election District No. 6 to avoid split precincts
    June 1, 1994 Ordinance No. 18208 Disannexed property in Election District No. 6
    November 1, 1999 Ordinance No. 19668 Annexed property in Election District No. 7
    July 20, 2001 Amended Election District Plan of 2001 Election District Commission filed its Election District Plan with the City Clerk, which became final on August 19, 2001
    December 20, 2001 Ordinance No. 20244 Annexed property in Election District No. 6
    January 4, 2002 Ordinance No. 20267 Amended and corrected legal description as contained in Ordinance No. 20244
    August 22, 2003 Ordinance No. 20652 Amendment of Amended Election District Plan 2001 as authorized by Article VI, Section 6.3, of the Amended Charter