§ 403. General policy guidelines governing the appropriate use of municipal wireless phone equipment and services.
The Mayor, as the City's chief administrative and executive officer, shall be responsible for developing and maintaining the required procedures to determine qualifications for obtaining wireless phone equipment and services as well as reviewing usage on a random basis. Such procedures and guidelines shall conform to this ordinance.
Departmental requests for wireless phone equipment and services shall be made in accordance with procedures established by the Mayor. The Mayor will maintain a register of all City wireless phones, which includes account numbers, phone number, department and employee name to whom the phone is issued.
The Mayor shall ensure that the register is updated at least once per month. The department should return equipment no longer needed, in accordance with procedures established by the Mayor.
Any contract between the City of Tulsa and a wireless phone equipment or service vendor, beginning no later than July 1, 2004, shall include a provision requiring the contracted vendor to conduct a rate analysis at least twice per contract year which will determine whether or not users are using the most cost effective rate plan. The Mayor should review the results of these studies with the City department directors to determine if any plan changes should be made within their departments that will reduce costs to the City. As soon as practicable, the Mayor shall present the results of the rate analysis and departmental review to the Council for on-going budget analysis.
The Mayor is responsible for establishing criteria for assigning wireless phones within each department, for periodically evaluating use of these services and equipment, for ensuring equipment and services are properly contracted for under the established current City contract, and for selecting the most economical rate plan which best meets the requirements for the job.
All City employees are responsible for ensuring compliance with this chapter and communicating to employees the consequences of noncompliance. City employees who are assigned wireless phones and their respective departmental management are jointly responsible for understanding the terms of this chapter and monitoring the continued applicability of the assigned wireless phone equipment and services to the assigned duties and responsibilities of the City employee who has been assigned a wireless phone.
City employees who have been assigned a wireless phone are responsible for all calls logged (made and received) from the phone assigned to them, and for reviewing and approving cell phone bills to detect unusual calls. Any concerns must be reported immediately to the Mayor.
The Mayor, and the department director and supervisor of the City employee who has been assigned a wireless phone are jointly responsible for taking action to remove access to wireless phone equipment and services and instituting appropriate disciplinary action in cases of unacceptable or inappropriate use.
The Mayor, as the City's chief executive and administrative officer, shall be responsible for administering the wireless phones contract after a competitive bid process determines the best service and equipment provider.
The Mayor shall be responsible for providing a means by which to track payment to City for personal cell phone use.
(Ord. No. 20776)