§ 700. Objectives.
There is hereby created a Tulsa government access channel (herein referred to as Tulsa Government Television ("TGOV")) to provide citizens of Tulsa with valuable local government information and promote a more informed citizenry by providing a greater opportunity for individuals to view government meetings and information. TGOV may operate through government access channels as provided for by ordinance or otherwise. It may operate through the internet, and/or any other media which may further the dissemination of information to the citizens of Tulsa and create a more open government for Tulsa.
TGOV's specific objectives include:
Providing information about programs and services offered by City of Tulsa departments, Tulsa City Council, authorities, boards, commissions and government-supported agencies, including live broadcasts of a variety of such meetings.
Expanding citizen's awareness of government and its decision-making processes by exposing them to live and tape delayed government meetings and civic events.
Enhancing existing public information materials by using cable television and other video mediums as a public information tool.
Providing and distributing programming of interest to Tulsa residents that will inform, educate and enlighten, as well as encourage participation in government services, activities and decision-making.
Increasing the cost efficiency of service delivery by City departments and agencies.
(Ord. No. 22305, § 1, 7-29-2010)