§ 612. Sand Springs Railway Company Grants.  

Latest version.
  • The following ordinances granting rights-of-way across City streets to the Sand Springs Railway Company are continued in force according to their terms.

    Ordinance No. Streets
    4441 Various Streets in the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma.
    4598 West Fifth Street and South Thirty-Third West Avenue.
    6103 Alley in Block 11, and Thirty-First West Avenue, all in Hale Subdivision to the City of Tulsa, Tulsa County, Oklahoma.
    7156 Alley in Block 12, Hale Subdivision to the City of Tulsa, Tulsa County, Oklahoma.
    17102 Twenty-Fifth West Avenue, West 5th Street, 33rd West Avenue, 38th West Avenue, 39th West Avenue, 40th West Avenue, 41st West Avenue, 43rd West Avenue, 45th West Avenue, 49th West Avenue, 51st West Avenue, 61st West Avenue, and 65th West Avenue.