§ 802. Offensive trades.
No person shall boil, heat, dry, keep, store or manufacture any offal, swill, bones, fat, tallow or lard, or skin any skunk or other wild animal having an offensive odor, or slaughter any hog, sheep, horse or other domestic animal within the corporate limits of the City of Tulsa, except as otherwise expressly provided by the Revised Ordinances of the City of Tulsa. No business of rendering, bone boiling, bone burning, gut cleaning, skinning or making glue from any part of dead animals, drying, storing any blood, scrap, fat, grease, dried skunk hides or green skunk hides, or the conducting of any business or occupation that will or does generate any unwholesome, offensive or deleterious odors, gas, smoke, or exhalation, or that is or would be dangerous or detrimental to life or health, shall be carried on anywhere in the City of Tulsa without a permit from the Director of Health.