§ 207. Appeals to the Council.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Right to Appeal. An appeal to the Council may be taken by any person aggrieved where it is alleged there is error in any order, requirement, decision or determination made by the hearing officer.


    Notice of Appeal. Any person aggrieved by a decision of the Nuisance Hearing Officer may file an appeal to the Council by filing two copies of a written Notice of Appeal, specifying the name and address of the Appellant and the grounds for appeal, with the City Clerk at 175 E. 2nd Street, Room 260, Tulsa, OK 74103, within ten (10) business days of the date of the decision complained of. The Appellant shall obtain a form from the office of Council Secretary or the City Clerk, entitled "Notice of Appeal to Council of Nuisance Hearing Officer Decision" and file two copies of the completed Notice of Appeal with the City Clerk. A hearing on the appeal shall be heard by the Council not later than thirty (30) calendar days from the date of filing the Notice of Appeal unless a later date is agreed to by Appellant. Notice of the date, time and place of the appeal hearing shall be mailed by the Council Secretary by first class mail to the Appellant at the address shown in the Notice of Appeal.


    Council Action. The Council shall hold a hearing and may reverse or affirm, wholly or partly, or may modify the order, requirement, decision or determination appealed from and may make such order, requirement, decision or determination as ought to be made. The concurring vote of a majority of the Council shall be necessary to reverse any order of the Hearing Officer.


    Stay of Proceedings. An appeal stays all proceedings in furtherance of the action appealed from.

(Ord. Nos. 17942, 18205, 21596; Ord. No. 22271, § 2, 7-15-2010; Ord. No. 22995, § 4, 12-12-2013; Ord. No. 23525, § 1, 7-21-2016 )