§ 1901. Definitions.
When used in this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings given herein.
Actual Notice shall mean and include either notice given in person or in writing, Such actual notice in writing shall be presumed to have been given when deposited as registered or certified mail in the United States Mail and addressed to such person at his last known address.
Cardholder shall mean the person or organization named on the face of a credit card or a debit card to whom or for whose benefit the credit card or debit card is issued.
Credit shall mean an arrangement or understanding with the bank, depository or seller of goods or livestock for the payment of such check, draft or order.
Credit Card shall mean any instrument or device, whether known as a credit card, credit plate, charge plate or by any other name, issued with or without fee by an issuer for the use of the cardholder in obtaining money, goods, services or anything else of value on credit and all such credit cards lawfully issued shall be considered the property of the cardholders or issuer for all purposes.
Coin-operated machine shall mean and include any parking meter, vending machine, service meter, coin box telephone or other receptacle designed to receive or be operated by lawful coin of the United States of America.
Debit Card shall mean any instrument or device, whether known as a debit card or by any other name, issued with or without fee by an issuer for the use of the cardholder in depositing, obtaining or transferring funds from a consumer banking electronic facility.
False or bogus check or checks shall mean checks or orders, including those converted to electronic fund transfer, which are not honored on account of insufficient funds of the maker to pay same or because the check or order was drawn on a closed account or on a non-existent account when such checks or orders are given:
In exchange for money or property;
In exchange for any benefit or thing of value; or
As a down payment for the purchase of any item of which the purchaser is taking immediate possession, as against the maker or drawer thereof.
The making, drawing, uttering or delivering of a check, draft, or order, payment of which is refused by the drawee, shall be prima facie evidence of intent to defraud and the knowledge of insufficient funds in, or credit with, such bank or other depository; provided such maker or drawer shall not have paid the drawee thereof the amount due thereon, together with the protest fees, within five (5) days from the date the same is presented for payment; and provided, further, that said check or order is presented for payment within thirty (30) days after same is delivered and accepted.
A check offered for the purchase of goods or livestock that is refused by a drawee shall not be considered to be an extension of credit by the seller of goods or livestock to maker or drawer of the check.
Spurious coin shall mean and include any token, disk, blank, slug, washer, sweated, mutilated, false or counterfeited coin or other device, whether solid or otherwise used in substitution for lawful coin of the United States of America in the operation, use or enjoyment of any coin-operated machine.
(Ord. No. 22856, § 2, 4-18-2013)