§ 102. Registration and rabies inoculation.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    It shall be the duty of every resident owning or having in his charge or possession within the corporate limits of the City of Tulsa any dog or cat four (4) months or more of age to cause such dog or cat to be registered with the Director of Finance and pay the license fees herein required; provided, however, that the requirements for a license fee for registration shall not apply to any dog or cat which may follow or be led by any nonresident or traveler through the City while the dog or cat is with its owner or keeper.


    It shall be the further duty of every person owning or having in his charge or possession within the corporate limits of the City of Tulsa any dog or cat four (4) months or more of age to cause such dog or cat, within thirty (30) days after the dog or cat reaches the age of four (4) months, to be inoculated as set forth below.


    Inoculation must be by a person licensed to practice veterinary medicine in the state of Oklahoma or other states.


    Inoculation must be with a prophylactic vaccine approved by the United States Department of Agriculture to prevent rabies. Rabies vaccine currently licensed by the United States Department of Agriculture will be recognized in the City of Tulsa for either a one-year or a three-year immunization period as follows:


    Three-year immunity. Modified live virus Flury strain rabies vaccine or killed strain vaccine, as licensed by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), will be recognized for three (3) years in dogs, provided that the dog is at least one (1) year of age at the time of the vaccination; if dogs under one (1) year of age are vaccinated with this type of vaccine, immunity will be recognized for a period of one (1) year; or


    One-year immunity. All other rabies vaccines currently licensed by the United States Department of Agriculture are recognized for a one-year period.


    Cats must be inoculated with vaccines specifically for cats. Ferrets must be inoculated with vaccines specifically for ferrets. The vaccines must be recognized by the United States Department of Agriculture.


    Thirty (30) days shall be permitted for an owner to secure revaccination of his dog, cat or ferret after the duration of immunity has lapsed.


    Every veterinarian, after vaccinating a dog or cat for rabies, shall complete in triplicate a computer-generated certificate or a legible certificate furnished by the Director of Finance. Two (2) copies shall be retained by the veterinarian, one (1) as a permanent record and one (1) as an expiration notice, and the third copy shall be retained by the animal owner to be shown to WIN, upon request, and to be used to secure the license tag. Such certificate shall include the following information:


    Owner's full name, address, zip code, home telephone number, daytime and/or emergency contact telephone number;


    Breed, date of birth, sex and color or marking of the dog or cat;


    Type of vaccine and duration of immunity;


    Signature of the veterinarian administering the vaccine;


    Name of the animal, if applicable; and


    Permanent ID information, if any; and


    Whether the animal is spayed, neutered or unaltered.

(Ord. Nos. 13559, 19038, 19143; Ord. No. 21979, § 1, 12-18-2008)