§ 403. Euthanasia.
It shall be an offense for any individual or organization, except a licensed veterinarian, or a person trained to euthanize and who is approved and supervised by a licensed veterinarian, or a person certified by the Oklahoma State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners as a euthanasia technician, to euthanize any domestic animal.
Any dog, cat or any other animal which is kept for pleasure rather than utility in or about a household, held by or in the custody of a private or public animal shelter or agency and not reclaimed by the owner, may be disposed of only by adoption as a pet in a suitable home, or euthanized by any method approved by the Veterinary Division of the State Department of Agriculture, with the exception of curariform derivative drugs and provided that the following requirements are met to ensure the euthanasia agent is humane:
The method should be as painless as possible to the animal as determined by the best available medical and scientific knowledge and technology.
The animal should be kept as free from anxiety and fear as possible.
The technique should be simple enough to be used by relatively unskilled personnel and be legally available to animal shelters and humane societies. It should be mechanically simple and maintenance free as possible within reasonable cost.
It should be physically safe for personnel using it.
It should conform with all other requirements set forth for euthanasia in 4 O.S.2001, §§ 501, et seq.
(Ord. Nos. 19038, 19143; Ord. No. 21979, § 1, 12-18-2008)