§ 1401. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Affected parties shall mean residents, businesses, places of worship, schools and other entities located within three hundred (300) feet of the special event venue that are likely to experience impact (e.g. noise and street closures) due to the special event.


    Building shall mean any fully enclosed permanent structure built for the support, shelter, or enclosure of persons, animals or property of any kind. It includes push carts or sidewalk cafes, for which the sale of Goods, food or beverages has been authorized.


    Demonstration shall mean any formation, procession or assembly of persons which, for the purpose of expressive activity, is:


    To assemble or travel in unison on any street in a manner that does not comply with normal or usual traffic regulations or controls; or


    To gather at a public area.


    Event shall include a special event, film production, oversize/overweight load movement, or a demonstration.


    Expressive activity shall include conduct, the sole or principal object of which is the expression, dissemination or communication by verbal, visual, literary or auditory means of opinion, views or ideas and for which no fee or donation is charged or required as a condition of participation in or attendance at such activity. It includes public oratory and distribution of literature.


    Film production shall mean any outdoor film-making proposed to block pedestrian or vehicular traffic, or to take place on public or private property. Film permit fees shall be governed by Title 49, Chapter 10.


    Goods shall mean goods, wares, personal property, merchandise or any other similar item which is generally sold.


    Major event shall mean any special event organized and conducted that utilizes public rights-of-way. Major event permit fees shall be governed by Title 49, Chapter 10.


    Minor event shall mean any special event organized and conducted that utilizes private property. Minor event permit fees shall be governed by Title 49, Chapter 10.


    Monthly event shall mean any special event organized and conducted that utilizes public or private property for a recurring event at the same location on multiple dates in the same calendar month, if no changes are made to the site plan and/or traffic control plan. Monthly event permit fees shall be governed by whether it is a major event or minor event.


    Neighborhood block party shall mean a gathering sponsored by a registered neighborhood or homeowners association, which may close a portion of a street (i.e. one residential block) during daylight hours.


    Organizer shall mean any person who conducts, manages, promotes, organizes, aids or solicits attendance at a special event.


    Oversize/overweight load shall mean any oversize/overweight load movement that traverses City of Tulsa Streets. Any vehicle, trailer, object or structure over fourteen (14)-feet-high, fourteen (14)-feet-wide or ninety (90)-feet-long is considered oversize and any vehicle, trailer, object or structure over ninety thousand (90,000) lbs. is considered overweight. oversize/overweight load permit fees shall be governed by Title 49, Chapter 10.


    Person shall mean any person, film, partnership, association, corporation, company or organization of any kind.


    Public rights-of-way shall mean any street, sidewalk, alley and/or easement deeded or dedicated to public use. This includes a City of Tulsa maintained trail.


    Sidewalk shall mean that portion of the highway, other than the roadway, set apart by curbs, barriers, markings on other delineation for pedestrian travel.


    Sign shall mean any sign, pennant, flag, banner, inflatable display, or other attention-seeking device.


    Site plan shall mean a diagram depicting all public rights-of-way sought to be closed and utilized for the conduct of the event, and the location of any structure, stand, tent, vehicle, sign, restroom facility, trash receptacles and/or displays to be used during or related to the event.


    Sound-amplifying system shall mean any system, apparatus, equipment, device, instrument or machine designed for or intended to be used for the purpose of amplifying the sound or increasing the volume of human voice, musical tone, vibration or sound wave.


    Special event shall mean:


    Any organized formation, parade, procession or assembly consisting of persons, which may include animals, vehicles or any combination thereof, to assemble or travel in unison on any street that does not comply with normal or usual traffic regulations or controls; or,


    Any organized activity conducted by a person involving the use of, or having any impact on public property, public facilities, public rights-of-way, street areas, or involving the temporary use of private property in a manner that varies from its current land use, which is open to the public with or without an admission charge. Private property use, including parking lots, may reference outdoor activities that include, but are not limited to, the sale or serving of alcoholic beverages including beer, entertainment with live music, fireworks, amusement rides, inflatables, climbing walls, examples as listed in Section 1401.T.3, parking motor vehicles on property not designed to accommodate motor vehicles or on any surface other than a hard surface area constructed of an all-weather material, or if the activity has the potential of impacting public property or public safety services.


    For the purpose of this chapter, examples of special events include, but are not limited to, concerts, exhibitions, circuses, parades, carnivals, fairs, festivals, street parties, farmers markets, community events, escorts, mass-participation sports such as running, walking and/or cycling, films, oversize/overweight load movements and associated activities conducted over, under, upon and/or across public rights-of-way, which use, close or occupy portions of streets and sidewalks.


    Special event permit shall mean a permit issued under this section.


    Special event venue shall mean that area for which a special event permit has been issued and the geographic limits of all activities conducted as a part of the special event. For mass-participation sports, it includes the route of the event.


    Street shall mean a way or place of whatever nature, publicly maintained and open to use of the public for purposes of vehicular travel, including but not limited to, any shoulder, parkway, public parking lot, public rights-of-way, alley or median. Street includes highway.


    Vendor shall mean any Person who sells or offers to sell, any goods, food, or beverages within a special event venue.


    Traffic control plan shall mean the method of providing traffic control through and around the special event venue showing the placement of all necessary temporary traffic and parking control devices and/or changes in traffic signal operations. The special events coordinator shall have the authority to place, or cause to be placed, temporary "No Parking Signs" and other applicable signage for the purpose of regulating, warning or guiding traffic along public streets and rights of way, if in his/her opinion, traffic conditions and volume caused by the special event would otherwise adversely affect access to homes, businesses and driveways for area residents and businesses, to keep streets open for emergency vehicles and to prevent unnecessary traffic congestion. Illegally parked vehicles can be relocated to a designated area by on-duty officers at the expense of the event organizer in areas marked with temporary or permanent "No Parking Signs", if obstructing the normal movement of traffic or blocking an approved permitted special event venue set-up. Temporary "No Parking Signs" will be designed and placed in accordance to City requirements and enforced by ordinance.

(Ord. No. 23873 , § 1, 2-28-2018)