§ 1405. Special event permit application procedure.
The permitting of special events shall be coordinated and managed by the Working in Neighborhoods Department (WIN) of the City of Tulsa.
Applicants for a special event permit shall file with the Special Events Coordinator a verified application on a form to be furnished by the Events Coordinator.
The complete application shall be received by the Special Events Coordinator not less than the following number of days prior to the commencement of the event.
Ninety (90) days for special events involving the temporary use of public rights-of-way.
Forty-five (45) days for special events involving the temporary use of private property.
Applications for special events at City public facilities, film productions, oversize/overweight load movements, or non-exempt demonstrations shall be submitted in accordance with the time limits and procedures established by the Special Events Coordinator, subject to review by the Special Events Committee.
The application may not be submitted to the Special Events Coordinator more than one (1) year prior to the scheduled date of the event.
Each special event permit application shall be accompanied by the non-refundable application fee established in Title 49, Chapter 10 currently in effect or hereafter adopted.
Applications will be processed in the order in which complete applications are received unless delayed by other conditions. If a scheduling conflict occurs, preference will be given to long standing annual events customarily scheduled on the subject date.
An application for a special event permit is deemed complete when the applicant has provided all of the information required by the Special Events Coordinator, including any additional information required by other City departments.
The Special Events Coordinator is not required to process an incomplete or untimely special events permit application.
The Special Events Coordinator is not required to process more than one (1) application for a special event permit per applicant during any two-week period.
The Special Events Coordinator is not required to process two (2) or more special event permit applications submitted by the same applicant unless two (2) or more weeks shall have elapsed between respective dates of submission of each.
All applications for special event permits shall be reviewed by the Special Events Committee (SEC), which includes representatives from Police, Fire, Medical, Traffic Engineering and other City departments and applicable agencies.
Notwithstanding the submission of a completed application to the Special Events Coordinator, no date shall be confirmed until a special event permit is issued.
The monthly event permit may be issued for a recurring event at the same location on multiple dates in the same calendar month, provided no changes are made to the site plan and/or traffic control plan.
Subject to review by the Special Events Committee, the Special Events Coordinator is authorized to provide additional rules and regulations that are consistent with and that further the terms and requirements set forth with this chapter and the provisions of law that pertain to the conduct and operation of a special event, film production, oversize/overweight load movement or non-exempt demonstration.
(Ord. No. 23873 , § 1, 2-28-2018)