§ 503. Parking Districts, meter rates and unlawful deposits.  

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  • A.

    Parking Districts. Districts for parking meters within the City of Tulsa shall be as set forth herein.


    Financial District. There shall be a financial parking district ("Financial District"), the boundaries of which shall be as follows: From a point commencing on Boston Ave. at Third Street, thence south to Sixth Street, to include east and west sides of the street. From a point commencing on Main Street at the Fifth Street intersection south to Sixth Street, to include east and west sides of the road. From a point on Fourth Street at Main Street, thence east along Fourth Street to Cincinnati Ave, to include north and south sides of the street. From a point commencing at the intersection of Fifth Street and Boulder Ave., thence east along Fifth Street to Cincinnati Ave, to include north sides of the street.


    Business Core District. There shall be a business core parking district ("Business Core District"), the boundaries of which shall be as follows: From the Point of Beginning on the east ROW line of Cheyenne Ave. intersecting the south side of the Burlington Northern Railroad ("BN RR"), thence east along the south side of the BN RR to the east ROW line of Detroit Ave., thence south to the North ROW line of Seventh Street, thence west along Seventh Street to the east ROW line of Cheyenne Ave., thence north on Cheyenne to the Point of Beginning. Excluding the above described Financial District.


    Restaurant and Entertainment District. There shall be a restaurant and entertainment parking district ("Restaurant and Entertainment District"), the boundaries of which shall be as follows: From the Point of Beginning on the west ROW line of Denver Ave. intersecting the south side of the BN RR, thence east to the east ROW line of Detroit Ave., thence south to the south ROW line of Fourth St., thence east to Elgin Ave., thence north along the east ROW line of Elgin Ave. to the south ROW line of Third St., thence east to the east ROW line of Greenwood Ave., thence north to the south ROW line of Cameron St., thence west to the east ROW line of Elgin Ave., thence north to the south ROW line of 1-244 (IDL), thence west to the west ROW line of Main St., thence south to the north ROW line of Cameron St., thence west to the west ROW line of Denver Ave., thence south to the Point of Beginning.


    BOK Convention Center District. There shall be a BOK Convention Center parking district ("BOK Convention Center District"), the boundaries of which shall be as follows: From the Point of Beginning on the east ROW line of Cheyenne Ave. intersecting the south side of the BN RR, thence south on the east ROW line of Cheyenne Ave. to north ROW line of Seventh Street, thence west to the east ROW line of Houston Ave., thence north to the north ROW line of Third Street, thence east on the Third Street ROW line to the west ROW line of Frisco Ave., thence north on the west ROW line of Frisco Ave. to the north ROW line of First Street, thence north on the west ROW line of Cheyenne Ave. to the south side of the BN RR ROW thence east on the south side of the BN RR to the point of beginning.


    Hillcrest Hospital District. There shall be a Hillcrest Hospital parking district ("Hillcrest Hospital District"), the boundaries of which shall be as follows: From a point commencing at the intersection of Utica Ave. and Twelfth Street then west along Twelfth Street to Trenton Ave. commencing at the intersection of Eleventh Street and Saint Louis, thence south along Saint Louis Ave. to Twelfth Street.


    South District. There shall be a South District the boundaries of which shall be as follows: From the point of the beginning at the intersection of Seventh St. and Cheyenne Ave., thence easterly along the south ROW line of Seventh St. to the east ROW line of Kenosha Ave., thence south along the east ROW line of Kenosha Ave. to the south ROW of Eighth St., thence west along the south ROW line of Eighth St. to the east ROW line of Elgin Ave., thence south along the east ROW line to Tenth St., thence south along the west ROW line of Elgin Ave. to Eleventh St., thence west along the south ROW line of Eleventh St. to Detroit Ave., thence south along the east ROW line to east Thirteenth St., thence west along the south ROW line of east Thirteenth St. to Boston Ave., thence south along the east ROW line of South Boston Ave. to Eighteenth St., thence west along the south ROW line of east Eighteenth St. to Boulder Ave., thence north along the west ROW line of east Boulder Ave. to Twelfth St., thence west along the south ROW line of Twelfth St. to Cheyenne Ave., thence north along the west ROW of Cheyenne Ave. to the point of beginning.


    East District. There shall be an East parking district ("East District"), the boundaries of which shall be as follows: From the Point of Beginning on the east ROW line of Greenwood Ave. intersecting the south side of the BN RR, thence east to the south ROW line of 1-244, thence east to the east ROW line of Lansing Ave., thence south to Sixth St., thence west along the south ROW line of Sixth St. to the east ROW line of Kenosha St., thence south to the north ROW line of Seventh St., thence west to the east ROW line of Detroit Ave., thence north to the south ROW line of Fifth St., thence east to the east ROW line of Frankfort Ave, thence north to the south ROW line of Third St., thence east to the east ROW line of Greenwood Ave., thence north to the Point of Beginning.


    Meter rates. All Parking Rates for all Parking meters within the Parking Districts of the City of Tulsa shall be Fifty Cents ($0.50) for each half-hour.


    Rates on meters govern if conflict. Whenever the rates prescribed on parking meters are in conflict with any ordinance or regulation prescribing rates, the rates appearing on the parking meters shall govern unless official notice to the contrary is given on signs or parking meter hoods attached to the meter post or meter head.


    Unlawful deposits. It shall be unlawful and an offense for any person to deposit or cause to be deposited any slug, device or metallic substitute for a United States coin or any other form of unlawful, or unacceptable payment in any parking meter.

(Ord. No. 17568; Ord. No. 23036, § 1, 2-6-2014; Ord. No. 23287, § 1, 5-7-2015 ; Ord. No. 23846 , § 3, 1-24-2018)