Tulsa |
Code of Ordinances |
§ 1200. Membership.
Pursuant to the Amended Charter of the City of Tulsa Article XII, Section 4, there is hereby created an advisory commission to the Mayor and City Council of the City of Tulsa, a municipal corporation, to be known as the Greater Tulsa Area African-American Affairs Commission, which shall be composed of twenty-three (23) members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by a majority vote of the entire membership of the Council. Twelve (12) of the twenty-three (23) members shall each be the sole member representative of twelve (12) separate organizations, such organizations to be determined by the Mayor and submitted to, and approved by majority vote of the entire membership of the Council. Such twelve (12) organizations must have as their primary mission either the advancement of African-American culture and heritage, or the provision of services to the African-American community in Tulsa County. If the duly appointed member representative of an approved organization ceases to be an active member in good standing of such organization, the member position immediately becomes vacant and the vacancy shall be filled for completion of the term of the vacating member, all as provided in this Section.
In the event of the death or resignation of a member or if such member is otherwise unable to serve, the position immediately becomes vacant and the Mayor shall appoint, subject to confirmation of the City Council, an individual to fill the unexpired term, all as provided in this Section.
Charter requirement. Pursuant to the Amended Charter of the City of Tulsa, Article III, Section 1.4 (G), each of the twenty-three members of the Commission shall, as a condition of their appointment, and continued service, be qualified electors and maintain their principal residence within the city limits of the City of Tulsa.
Members recommended by Tulsa County. The Board of Tulsa County Commissioners may, by adoption of a resolution, recommend to the Mayor four (4) candidates for membership, such members not to be among the members representing organizations and, the appointment to be determined and made by the Mayor and subsequently confirmed by the Council as provided in the Amended City Charter and this Section.
Terms of Members. The terms of the initial twenty-three (23) members of the Commission shall be calculated as beginning on and from May 1, 2017, regardless of their date of appointment and confirmation. All members representing organizations shall serve two-year terms, and the remaining eleven (11) members shall serve terms, as follows: Three (3) member appointments, including one (1) appointment arising from County Commission recommendation, shall serve for terms of one (1) year; three (3) member appointments, including one (1) appointment arising from County Commission recommendation, shall serve terms of two (2) years and five (5) member appointments, including two (2) appointments arising from County Commission recommendation, shall serve terms of three (3) years. Thereafter, all appointments shall be for terms of three (3) years, all terms expiring on the anniversary date of their initial appointments; provided, however, that all such appointees, except those appointees who create a vacancy pursuant to this Section, shall hold their offices until their successors have been appointed and confirmed.
Represented organizations. No represented organization duly determined and approved, and in good standing, shall be displaced by another African-American organization. A represented organization shall be in good standing so long as that organization continues to function in the community for the purposes for which it was organized, and its representative attends at least eight (8) meetings of the Commission within each calendar year.
If a represented organization is no longer in good standing, the position of appointed member of that represented organization shall be declared vacant and the Chair of the Commission shall notify the Mayor and a determination and approval of another African-American organization to fill such vacancy shall be made as provided herein for organizations. Any question as to an organization's good standing shall be decided by the Mayor.
Mayoral Appointment of Members Representing Organizations. Each organization to be represented by a member appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Council, shall recommend to the Mayor at least three (3) candidates for mayoral appointment from the official roll of such organization's membership. The Mayor, in his sole discretion, may choose to appoint from such candidates so recommended, or may determine to appoint any qualified member of such organization from its official membership roll, as a Commission member, all subject to Council confirmation.
( Ord. No. 23639 , § 1, 2-22-2017)