§ 701. Powers, duties and responsibilities.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The Commission shall serve as an advisory body to the Mayor concerning the needs and problems of women in the Tulsa area, and it shall recommend programs and policies designed to alleviate inequities confronting women in social, economic and vocational pursuits. It shall develop goals and shall coordinate research, planning and programming relating to opportunities, needs, problems and contributions of women in Tulsa.


    The Commission shall act as the central clearing house and coordinating agency for activities and information relating to the status of women in the Tulsa community. It shall stimulate research in the area of women's legal rights. It shall educate the community on the status of women by publicizing, in all appropriate ways, information on women's rights and obligations. It shall review the range of services available to women to enable them to fully contribute to society through their homes and participation in community life. It shall take responsibility for strengthening existing services, and it shall assist public, commercial, cooperative or voluntary agencies in pursuing needed services.


    The Commission shall stimulate an awareness, among men and women in the public and private sectors, of women's full potential and of the importance of the contribution of women to the development of the community. It shall establish and maintain a human resource file of women's organizations and individual women.


    The Commission shall prepare for the Mayor a report of its stated goals and objectives no later than the first of September of each year and shall submit an annual report to the Mayor no later than the first of May, describing the accomplishment of its stated goals and objectives.

(Ord. No. 16834)