Appendix A. AIRPORT  

Latest version.
  • Bond Issue Ord.
    Date of
    Maturity Interest Rate
    Aviation Airport A 3652 3750 06-15-30 1954 from 4.75 to 5 $ 400,000
    Aviation Airport B 3652 3834 01-15-31 1956 from 4.5 to 5 150,000
    Airport Site 1941 4549 4557 05-01-41 1946 ½ of 1 250,000
    Airport Sewer 1941 4549 4558 05-01-41 1946 ½ of 1 225,000
    Airport Waterworks 1941 4549 4559 05-01-41 1946 ½ of 1 275,000
    Municipal Airport Extension 4637 4658 01-01-42 1952 from 1.5 to 2 100,000
    Auxiliary Airport 1942 4637 4659 01-01-42 1952 from 1.5 to 2 50,000
    Airport Extension 1955 7094 7477 09-01-55 1979 from 1 to 4 2,150,000
    Auxiliary Airport 1955 7095 7479 09-01-55 1975 from 2.5 to 2.75 350,000
    Municipal Airport A 1959 8433 8758 11-01-59 1984 from 3.5 to 4 3,000,000
    Municipal Airport B 1960 8433 8981 08-01-60 1985 from 3.5 to 4 1,200,000



    Bond Issue Ord.
    Date of
    Maturity Interest Rate
    Fire Station 1923 2418 2504 06-15-23 1947 5 $ 100,000
    Fire Department 1927 3270 3464 & 3473 01-01-29 1953 from 4.25 to 4.5 115,000
    Fire Station A 1930 3652 3751 06-15-30 1955 from 4.75 to 5 150,000
    Fire Station B 1930 3652 3833 01-15-31 1956 from 4.5 to 5 150,000
    Fire Sta. & Equip 1942 4637 4653 01-01-42 1952 from 1.5 to 2 318,000
    Fire Sta. & Equip. A 1946 4992 5030 01-01-46 1956 from 1 to 1.1 187,000
    Fire Sta. & Equip. A 1952 6304 6397 07-01-52 1975 from 2 to 2.25 300,000
    Fire Sta. & Equip. B 1953 6304 6692 10-01-53 1974 from 2.75 to 3 400,000
    Fire Sta. & Equip. C 1955 6304 7138 01-01-55 1972 from 1.5 to 4 150,000
    Fire Sta. & Equip. D 1955 6304 7482 09-01-55 1973 from 2.5 to 2.75 235,000
    Fire Sta. & Equip. 1957 7572 8046 04-01-57 1972 from 3.2 to 4 550,000
    Fire Sta. & Equip. A 1962 9451 9497 10-01-62 1984 from 2.8 to 3.2 1,600,000



    Bond Issue Ord.
    Date of
    Maturity Interest Rate
    G.O.B. 1963 9451 9729 10-01-63 1988 from 3 to 4 $ 4,350,000
    G.O.B. Series A 1965 10213 10266 11-01-65 1990 from 2 to 4 7,610,000
    G.O.B. Series B 1965 10213 10269 11-01-65 1970 from 2.75 to 3.00 200,000
    G.O.B. Series A 1966 9451 10603 11-01-66 1991 4 15,540,000
    G.O.B. Series A 1970 11666 11746 06-01-70 1985 from 5.5 to 6 11,000,000
    G.O.B. Series I 1970 11548 11927 11-01-70 1990 from 4 to 6 15,000,000
    G.O.B. Series II 1971 11548 12209 & 12234 10-01-71 1996 from 3.75 to 5.75 16,000,000
    G.O.B. Series B 1972 11666 12351 & 12372 03-01-72 1992 from 3.25 to 5 9,070,000
    G.O.B. Series III 1972 11548 12544 10-01-72 1997 from 3.55 to 5 8,500,000
    G.O.B. Series IV 1973 11548 12991 12-01-73 1997 from 3.8 to 5.75 5,500,000
    G.O.B. P.A.C. Bond 1974 12877 13067 03-01-74 1999 from 4.1 to 5 7,000,000
    G.O.B. Series 1989 16900 17223 & 17238 11-01-89 2009 from 7 to 7.1 49,136,000
    G.O.B. Series 1992 17700 17711 06-01-92 2017 from 6.2 to 6.3 50,000,000
    G.O.B. Series 1995 18269 18351 02-01-95 2015 from 6.25 to 6.50 27,000,000
    G.O.B. Series 1996 18269 18674 05-01-96 2016 from 5.125 to 5.75 45,770,000
    G.O.B. Series 1999 19570 & 19575 19678 12-14-99 2019 from 5.00 to 5.63 31,990,000



    Bond Issue Ord.
    Date of
    Maturity Interest Rate
    L.A.F. 1946 5001 5028 01-01-46 1966 from 1.1 to 3 $ 3,000,000
    L.A.F. 1950 5945 5982 09-01-50 1974 from 1.5 to 1.75 500,000
    L.A.F. A 1952 6304 6392 07-01-52 1977 from 2 to 2.25 500,000
    L.A.F. B 1953 6304 6687 10-01-53 1978 from 2.75 to 3 1,075,000
    L.A.F. C 1955 6304 7139 01-01-55 1980 from .25 to 4 920,000
    L.A.F. D 1955 6304 7480 09-01-55 1980 from 1 to 4 900,000
    L.A.F. A 1957 8003 8047 04-01-57 1982 from 3.25 to 4 750,000
    L.A.F. B 1957 8003 8246 & 8260 10-01-57 1979 from 3.75 to 4 1,000,000
    L.A.F. C 1958 8003 8475 08-01-58 1983 from 2.75 to 3 1,100,000
    L.A.F. A 1958 9294 8476 08-01-58 1983 from 2.75 to 3 500,000
    L.A.F. D 1959 8003 8663 07-01-59 1984 from 3.25 to 4 1,425,000
    L.A.F. B 1960 8294 8980 08-01-60 1985 from 3.25 to 4.5 1,000,000
    L.A.F. C 1961 8294 9179 07-01-61 1986 from .25 to 4.5 1,600,000
    L.A.F. Expressway 1961 9183 9275 11-01-61 1986 from 3.25 to 3.6 1,000,000
    L.A.F. A 1961 9183 9276 11-01-61 1986 from 3.25 to 3.6 1,000,000
    L.A.F. B 1962 9183 9363 04-01-62 1987 from 2.75 to 4 500,000
    L.A.F. C 1962 9183 9442 08-01-62 1987 from .10 to 4 1,000,000
    L.A.F. A 1965 10213 10267 11-01-65 1990 from 2 to 4 2,800,000
    L.A.F. A 1966 9451 10602 11-01-66 1991 4 2,690,000
    L.A.F. 1977 13790 13872 07-01-77 1997 from 3.75 to 5.75 14,463,000
    L.A.F. 1983 15686 15850 12-01-83 2008 from 7 to 10 16,500,000
    L.A.F. 1984 15686 16173 12-01-84 2009 from 6.5 to 10 17,500,000
    L.A.F. 1985 15686 16469 12-01-85 2010 from 6 to 10 17,000,000



    Bond Issue Ord.
    Date of
    Maturity Interest Rate
    Bridge A 1930 3652 3753 06-15-30 1954 from 4.75 to 5 $ 400,000
    Bridge B 1930 3652 3831 01-15-31 1956 from 4.5 to 5 325,000
    Colored Detention Homes 1946 4992 5032 01-01-46 1951 from 7/8 of 1 to 1 20,000
    Convention Hall 3652 3727 05-15-30 1954 from 4.5 to 4.75 60,000
    Convention Hall 1952 6304 6402 07-01-52 1973 from 2 to 2.25 250,000
    Funding 1931 3870 05-15-31 1955 5.5 338,483.20
    Garbage Plant 1921 2139 2167 07-01-21 1946 5.5 50,000
    Garbage Vehicle 1956 7572 7689 04-01-56 1962 1.625 150,000
    Gilcrease Museum 1955 6960 7143 01-01-55 1980 from 1 to 4 2,250,000
    Gilcrease Museum A 1962 9300 9362 04-01-62 1987 from 2.75 to 4 600,000
    Grade Separation A 1953 6304 6688 10-01-53 1974 from 2.75 to 3 300,000
    Grade Separation B 1955 6304 7137 01-01-55 1979 from 1 to 4 650,000
    Hospital - Detention 3270 3345 01-01-28 1946 from 4 to 4.5 15,000
    Hospital A 3652 3728 05-15-30 1954 from 4.5 to 4.75 160,000
    Juvenile Detention Home A 3652 3755 06-15-30 1947 from 4.75 to 5 25,000
    Juvenile Detention Home B 3652 3837 01-15-31 1940 5 25,000
    Library 1930 3652 3749 06-15-30 1953 from 4.75 to 5 75,000
    Library 1942 4637 4657 01-01-42 1952 from 1.5 to 2 40,000
    Library A 1952 6304 6399 07-01-52 1963 from 2 to 2.25 200,000
    Library B 1955 6304 7142 01-01-55 1967 from 1.5 to 4 250,000
    Municipal Building A 1959 8607 8662 07-01-59 1984 from 3.25 to 4 1,482,000
    Municipal Building B 1961 8607 9178 07-01-61 1986 from .25 to 3.5 6,000,000
    Oaklawn Cemetery 1955 6304 7476 & 7506 09-01-55 1962 from 2 to 2.5 50,000
    Police Station 1923 2418 2503 06-15-23 1947 5 150,000
    Police Station 3652 3754 06-15-30 1955 from 4.75 to 5 170,000
    Police Station 1952 6304 6401 07-01-52 1965 from 2 to 2.25 175,000
    Red Fork Town Hall 1921 Red Fork 60 09-13-21 1936 6 6,000



    Bond Issue Ord.
    Date of
    Maturity Interest Rate
    Park 1924 2516 2598 & 2649 02-01-24 1949 5.5 $ 150,000
    Park 1926 3037 3110 & 3142 01-01-27 1952 4.5 100,000
    Park 1927 3270 3346 & 3472 02-01-29 1953 4.5 500,000
    Park A 1930 3652 3731 05-15-30 1954 from 4.5 to 4.75 200,000
    Park B 1930 3652 3835 01-15-31 1956 from 4.5 to 5 150,000
    Park Improvement 1946 4992 5033 01-01-46 1961 from 1 to 1.2 300,000
    Park Acquisition A 1952 6304 6396 07-01-52 1977 from 2 to 2.25 500,000
    Park Acquisition B 1953 6304 6501 01-01-53 1978 from 2.25 to 2.75 1,000,000
    Park A 1952 6304 6400 07-01-52 1977 from 2 to 2.25 750,000
    Park B 1953 6304 6694 10-01-53 1977 from 2.75 to 3 700,000
    Park C 1955 6304 7141 01-01-55 1978 from 1 to 4 610,000
    Park A 1956 7572 7688 04-01-56 1973 from 2.25 to 4 400,000
    Park B 1957 7572 8048 04-01-57 1978 from 3.25 to 4 600,000
    Park A 1962 9300 9364 04-01-62 1987 from 2.75 to 4 1,000,000
    Park B 1962 9300 9444 08-01-62 1987 from .10 to 4 2,800,000
    Park A 1973 12542 12730 04-01-73 1993 from 3.6 to 5.6 4,000,000
    Park B 1974 12542 13144 06-01-74 1989 from 4.5 to 6.5 4,500,000
    Park C 1975 12542 13416 07-01-75 1990 from 5 to 6.875 4,500,000
    Park 1983 15686 15850 12-01-83 1993 from 6.4 to 10 6,000,000
    Park 1984 15686 16173 12-01-84 1994 from 6.5 to 10 6,000,000



    Bond Issue Ord.
    Date of
    Maturity Interest Rate
    Sanitary Sewer A 1930 3652 3752 06-15-30 1955 from 4.75 to 5 $ 150,000
    Sanitary Sewer B 1930 3652 3836 01-15-31 1950 from 4.75 to 5 75,000
    Sanitary Sewer 1942 4637 4656 01-01-42 1952 from 1.5 to 2 264,000
    Sanitary Sewer 1946 4992 5034 01-01-46 1966 from 1.1. to 3 400,000
    Sanitary Sewer A 1948 5408 5502 07-01-48 1967 from 1.5 to 4 340,000
    Sanitary Sewer B 1949 5408 5698 07-01-49 1968 from 2 to 4 340,000
    Sanitary Sewer C 1950 5408 5948 07-01-50 1966 1.75 287,000
    Sanitary Sewer A 1952 6304 6394 07-01-52 1977 from 2 to 2.25 1,750,000
    Sanitary Sewer B 1953 6304 6690 10-01-53 1976 from 2.75 to 3 2,100,000
    Sanitary Sewer C 1954 6304 7027 10-01-54 1976 from 1.5 to 4 1,000,000
    Sanitary Sewer D 1955 6304 7478 09-01-55 1980 from 1 to 4 900,000
    Sanitary Sewer A 1956 7572 7685 04-01-56 1977 from 2.25 to 4 500,000
    Sanitary Sewer B 1956 7572 7837 07-01-56 1981 from 2.6 to 4 2,500,000
    Sanitary Sewer C 1957 7572 8049 04-01-57 1981 from 3.25 to 4 2,250,000



    Bond Issue Ord.
    Date of
    Maturity Interest Rate
    Sanitary Sewer A 1962 9451 9496 10-01-62 1987 from .1 to 4 $ 1,300,000
    Sanitary Sewer B 1962 9451 9499 10-01-62 1967 2.25 120,000
    Sanitary Sewer 1983 15686 15850 12-01-83 2008 from 7 to 10 8,400,000
    Sanitary Sewer 1984 15686 16173 12-01-84 2009 from 6.5 to 10 13,400,000
    Sanitary Sewer 1985 15686 16469 12-01-85 2010 from 6 to 10 9,500,000
    Sewer Main & Sub. 1921 2139 2148 07-01-21 1946 5.5 600,000
    Sewer Main 1922 2256 2280 & 2328 05-01-22 >1947 5.5 900,000
    Sewer 1924 2516 2597 & 2648 02-01-24 1949 5.5 800,000
    Sewer - Red Fork Red Fork 86 07-01-26 1951 6 35,000
    Sewer 1926 3037 3075, 3108 & 3140 01-01-27 1952 4.5 1,155,000
    Sewer 1935 4055 4067, 4076 & 4078 01-01-35 1948 from 4.75 to 5 75,000
    Sewage Disposal Plant 1942 4637 4652 01-01-42 1952 from 1.75 to 2.25 1,037,000



    Bond Issue Ord.
    Date of
    Maturity Interest Rate
    Storm Sewer A 1930 3652 3729 05-15-30 1954 from 4.5 to 4.75 $ 400,000
    Storm Sewer B 1931 3652 3830 01-15-31 1955 from 4.5 to 5 300,000
    Storm Sewer 1942 4637 4655 01-01-42 1952 from 1.5 to 2 709,000
    Storm Sewer A 1948 5408 5501 & 5516 07-01-48 1968 1.5 to 4 383,000
    Storm Sewer B 1949 5408 5697 07-01-49 1968 from 2 to 4 340,000
    Storm Sewer C 1950 5408 5949 07-01-50 1968 from 1.75 to 3.5 425,000
    Storm Sewer A 1952 6304 6395 07-01-52 1977 from 2 to 2.25 675,000
    Storm Sewer B 1953 6304 6691 10-01-53 1975 from 2.75 to 3 1,025,000
    Storm Sewer C 1955 6304 7140 01-01-55 1980 from 1 to 4 720,000
    Storm Sewer D 1955 6304 7481 09-01-55 1979 from 1 to 4 852,000
    Storm Sewer A 1956 7572 7686 04-01-56 1972 from 2.25 to 4 300,000
    Storm Sewer B 1957 7572 8050 04-01-57 1979 from 3.25 to 4 300,000
    Storm Sewer C 1957 7572 8247 & 8261 10-01-57 1979 from 3.75 to 4 500,000
    Storm Sewer A 1957 8003 8051 04-01-57 1981 from 3.25 to 4 450,000
    Storm Sewer B 1957 8003 8248 10-01-57 1979 from 3.75 to 4 1,300,000
    Storm Sewer C 1958 8003 8477 08-01-58 1983 from 2.75 to 3 600,000
    Storm Sewer D 1959 7572 8664 07-01-59 1980 from 3.25 to 4 200,000
    Storm Sewer D 1959 8003 8665 07-01-59 1984 from 3.25 to 4 1,125,000
    Storm Sewer A 1961 9183 9277 11-01-61 1986 from 3.25 to 3.6 1,000,000
    Storm Sewer B 1962 9183 9443 08-01-62 1987 from .10 to 4 2,500,000
    Storm Sewer 1977 13790 13872 07-01-77 1997 from 3.75 to 5.75 7,480,000



    Bond Issue Ord.
    Date of
    Maturity Interest Rate
    Katy Overpass 3037 3465 & 3473 01-01-29 1954 5 $ 25,000
    Heavy Traffic Highway 3120 3263 & 3292 01-01-28 1953 4.50 60,000
    Midland Valley Underpass 3120 3262 & 3291 01-01-28 1953 4.50 75,000
    Street Improvement 1927 3270 3566 08-01-29 1953 4.50 1,250,000
    General Improvement A 1930 3652 3730 05-15-30 1954 from 4.75 to 4.5 450,000
    General Improvement B 1930 3652 3832 01-15-31 1956 from 4.5 to 5 350,000
    Grade Separation A 3652 3756 06-15-30 1955 from 4.5 to 5 450,000
    Grade Separation B 3652 3924 11-20-31 1956 from 4.75 to 5 225,000
    Street Improvement 1942 4637 4660 01-01-42 1952 from 1.5 to 2 334,000
    Street Dept. Warehouse & Equip. 4992 5035 01-01-46 1956 from 1 to 1.10 50,000



    Bond Issue Ord.
    Date of
    Maturity Interest Rate
    Traffic Signal 1930 3652 3732 05-15-30 1954 from 4.5 to 4.75 $ 40,000
    Traffic Signal 1942 4637 4654 01-01-42 1952 from 1.5 to 2 65,000
    Traffic Signal 1946 4992 5031 01-01-46 1951 from 7/8 of 1 to 1 43,000
    Traffic Signal A 1952 6304 6398 07-01-52 1963 from 2 to 2.25 100,000
    Traffic Signal B 1953 6304 6693 10-01-53 1965 2.75 116,000
    Traffic Signal 1956 7572 7687 04-01-56 1962 1.625 150,000
    Traffic Signal A 1957 8003 8052 04-01-57 1960 2 50,000
    Traffic Signal B 1958 8003 8394 04-01-58 1963 1.5 50,000
    Traffic Signal C 1958 8003 8479 08-01-58 1963 2 100,000
    Traffic Signal D 1960 8003 8982 & 9002 08-01-60 1963 2.5 50,000
    Traffic Signal A 1961 9183 9278 & 9288 11-01-61 1972 3 200,000
    Traffic Signal B 1962 9183 9445 08-01-62 1973 from 2.5 to 3 200,000
    Traffic Control 1976 13527 13573 05-01-76 1979 from 3.8 to 4.1 802,000



    Bond Issue Ord.
    Date of
    Maturity Interest Rate
    Water Supply Survey 2139 2146 07-01-21 1946 5.5 $ 25,000
    Waterworks 1921 2139 2149 07-01-21 1946 5.5 200,000
    Waterworks 1922 2206 2227& 2534 02-01-22 1947 from 5 to 5.5 6,800,000
    Waterworks 1924 2668 2679& 2779 08-01-24 1949 5 700,000
    Waterworks 1925 2808 2834 05-15-25 1950 from 4.5 to 5 500,000
    Waterworks 1935 4055 4066 01-01-35 1948 from 4.75 to 5 25,000
    Waterworks 1942 4637 4651 01-01-42 1962 from 1.75 to 2.25 916,000
    Carbondale Water 1926 04-06-26 1946 6 35,000
    Red Fork Waterworks 1917 Red Fork 37 06-01-17 1937 6 20,000
    Red Fork Waterworks Ext. 1921 Red Fork 61 09-13-21 1941 6 19,000
    Red Fork Water 1925 Red Fork 76 04-07-25 1950 6 50,000
    Waterworks Imp. 1946 4992 5029 01-01-46 1966 from 1.10 to 3 3,000,000
    Waterworks Imp. A 1948 5408 5500 07-01-48 1973 from 1.5 to 4 5,250,000
    Waterworks Imp. B 1949 5408 5696 07-01-49 1974 from 2 to 4 5,750,000
    Waterworks Imp. C 1950 5408 5947 07-01-50 1975 from 1.75 to 3.5 4,750,000
    Waterworks A 1952 6304 6393 07-01-52 1977 from 2 to 2.25 2,000,000
    Waterworks B 1953 6304 6689 10-01-53 1978 from 2.75 to 3 1,900,000
    Waterworks C 1954 6304 7026 10-01-54 1976 from 1.5 to 4 1,400,000
    Waterworks D 1955 6304 7136 01-01-55 1980 from .25 to 4 2,300,000
    Water A 1956 7572 7684 04-01-56 1981 from .10 to 4 3,000,000
    Water B 1956 7572 7836 07-01-56 1981 from 2.6 to 4 2,500,000
    Water C 1957 7572 8053 04-01-57 1982 from 3.25 to 4 1,500,000
    Water D 1958 7572 8478 08-01-58 1983 from 2.75 to 3 500,000
    Water E 1959 7572 8666 07-01-59 1984 from 3.25 to 4 500,000
    Water A 1962 9451 9495 10-01-62 1987 from .10 to 4 2,800,000
    Water B 1962 9451 9498 10-01-62 1967 2.5 120,000



    Bond Issue Ord.
    Date of
    Maturity Interest Rate
    W.P.B. 1965 10213 10268 11-01-65 1990 from 3.2 to 4.75 $ 2,500,000
    W.P.B. A 1967 10865 10937 & 10955 05-01-67 1997 from 3 to 5 5,200,000
    W.P.B. B 1968 10865 11132 07-01-68 1997 from 4.6 to 5 7,000,000
    W.P.B. C 1970 10865 11680 04-01-70 1980 from 5.3 to 6 5,300,000