§ 629. Pipeline placement; marking.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Unless exempt pursuant to Title 15, TRO, Chapters 3 and 4, repair, installation, replacement, or any work associated with pipe or pipeline located in City rights-of-way shall be governed by the provisions of Title 11, TRO, Chapter 12 entitled: "Rights-of-Way Occupancy Management," including the need to obtain construction and occupancy permits provided for therein.


    All new or replacement pipe or pipelines shall be covered and must be not less than forty-eight (48) inches below the existing ground level as verified and approved by the Inspector. Prior to installation, the owner of the pipeline shall submit to the Public Works Director or his designee and the Inspector the pipeline design criteria, including but not limited to, operating pressures, pipeline gradient and elevation to sea level, location, pipe ASTM grade, pipe manufacturer, pipe wall thickness, and pipeline capacity and volume. Prior to and subsequent to installation of each segment of new or replacement pipeline, the pipe and pipeline must receive and pass an on-site inspection of the compliance with design criteria and the process of installation. The forty-eight (48) inch depth requirement in this Subsection A. shall not apply to piping constructed or installed within the diked tank battery, which piping may be placed at ground level.


    All new or replacement pipe or pipelines located in public rights-of-way shall require construction and occupancy permits authorized in Title 11, TRO, Chapter 12. In addition to any other requirement set out by state law or ordinance, all new and replacement pipe or pipeline crossings must meet one (1) of the following criteria:


    Cased Crossing. The pipeline crossings must pass through a casing of a design and constructed in accordance with the United States Department of Transportation standards set forth in 49 CFR 192.323 (Casing) as same exists on the date of the adoption of this ordinance, or as amended.


    Uncased Crossing. The pipeline crossing must conform in design, construction, and installation to the United States Department of Transportation standards set forth in 49 CFR 192 Subpart C as same exists on the date of the adoption of this ordinance, or as amended. Construction, installation, and use of an uncased pipeline crossing shall be allowed only when the pipe utilized for the crossing is a minimum of one (1) ASTM grade higher in tensile strength and a minimum of one (1) step greater in wall thickness than the materials otherwise required by the Code.


    The location of all new or replacement pipe and pipelines shall be marked by the owner(s) thereof or by the person installing or operating such pipelines as follows:


    Marker signs shall be placed at all locations where pipe or pipelines cross property boundary lines and at each side of a public street or road right-of-way which the pipe or pipeline crosses;


    The top of all marker signs shall be a minimum of four (4) feet above ground level, and the support post must be sufficient to support the marker sign and shall be painted yellow or such other color as may be approved by the Director of Public Works or his designee;


    All marker signs shall be a minimum of twelve (12) inches square and shall be marked as "Gas Pipe Line," "Oil Pipe Line," or "S.W. Pipe Line" or as may be applicable; and


    All marker signs shall contain the name of the owner and operator of the pipeline. It is the joint and several responsibility of the owner and the operator of any and all pipeline to maintain the markers in accordance with this title.


    "Locate Wires" - Locate wires, consisting of a minimum #6 rating solid core PVC coated wire, or equivalency approved by the Public Works Director of his designee, shall be required on all underground pipelines located in City of Tulsa rights-of-way.

(Ord. No. 22189, § 1, 1-14-2010)