§ 100.1. Limited-Purpose, Public Safety Permanent Sales Tax Levied.  

Latest version.
  • Text operative on and after January 1, 2017

    There is hereby levied, pursuant to Title 68 Oklahoma Statutes, Section 2701, a permanent excise tax, also known as a sales tax, of sixteen one-hundredths of one percent (.16%) for the limited purpose of supporting public safety functions in the City of Tulsa. The said sales tax shall be in addition to the currently existing permanent sales tax of two percent (2%), and the current temporary sales tax of one and one-tenth percent (1.1%), set forth in Section 100 of this Title and approved by the voters on November 12, 2013. The said sixteen one-hundredths of one percent (.16%) permanent sales tax shall commence on January 1, 2017 and shall continue until July 1, 2021, on which date it shall increase to a twenty-six one-hundredths of one percent (.26%) permanent sales tax. The said tax shall be a limited-purpose tax; any and all revenue derived from it shall be deposited into a limited-purpose fund created by the City of Tulsa. All revenue derived from the said tax shall be expended by the governing body of the City of Tulsa for the purpose of funding public safety; specifically, for Police, Fire and 911 operations, rolling stock, maintenance, equipment and supplies, as further set forth in detail in Title 43-1 of Tulsa Revised Ordinances, "2017 Limited-Purpose, Public Safety Permanent Sales Tax Policy". No revenue derived from said tax shall ever be used for any purpose other than public safety.

( Ord. No. 23420, § 1, 1-28-2016, Elec. of 4-5-2016 )