Tulsa |
Code of Ordinances |
§ 906. Rights-of-way permits.
Rights-of-way minor construction permit. When a rights-of-way minor construction permit is required pursuant to Title 35, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Chapter 4, a permit fee of Two Hundred Twenty Dollars ($220.00) shall be charged in addition to an inspection fee of Seventy-Two Dollars ($72.00) per work day in rights-of-way. Other fees as defined therein may be applicable in addition to the above fees. Contractors for this work must have an annual contract with the City of Tulsa in accordance with Title 35. This section shall not apply to "Rights-of-Way Occupants," and their contractors as defined in Title 11, Chapter 12.
Sidewalk and driveway permit fee. The location of the proposed work shall determine the fees and bonds and the proposed work shall be defined and established by referencing the adopted and currently effective Tulsa Metropolitan Area Major Street and Highway Plan.
Non-arterial sidewalk and driveway permit. Any person applying for a residential use permit to construct or repair any sidewalk, driveway, or curb in the City of Tulsa Non-Arterial Rights-of-Way shall be required to provide a good and sufficient bond or insurance, or a combination of both, in favor of the City of Tulsa in the sum of not less than Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00). Contractors applying for commercial use permits to construct or repair any sidewalk, driveway, or curb in the City of Tulsa Non-Arterial Rights-of-Way shall reference Title 35 Chapter 2 for bonding, insurance, and annual contract requirements. The permit and inspection fee for this work shall be One Hundred Ten Dollars ($110.00).
Arterial sidewalk and driveway permit. Contractors constructing or repairing any sidewalk, driveway, or curb in the City of Tulsa Arterial Rights-of-Way shall reference Title 35 Chapter 2 for bonding, insurance, and annual contract requirements. If the placement of such sidewalk, driveway, or curb is in an arterial street, fees required by Title 11, Chapter 12 will apply.
Right-of-way temporary use of street fees. The location of the proposed work shall determine the fees and insurance and the proposed work shall be defined and established by referencing the adopted and currently effective Tulsa Metropolitan Area Major Street and Highway Plan.
Non-arterial temporary use of streets. Any person applying for a permit to temporarily use the City's non-arterial rights-of-way shall pay the City of Tulsa a permit and inspection fee equal to One Hundred Ten Dollars ($110.00). Temporary use of street permits will be issued according to Title 35 Section 500. It does not include construction described in paragraph 906.A. above.
Arterial temporary use of streets. Contractors requesting temporary use of street permit in the City of Tulsa Arterial Rights-of-Way shall reference Title 35 Chapter 2 for insurance requirements. If the placement is in an arterial street, fees required by Title 11, Chapter 12 will apply.
(Ord. No. 23814 , § 1, 11-1-2017)