§ 602. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • For the purposes of this chapter and for the manual, as defined below, the following words and terms have the meanings ascribed to them by this section; words and terms not defined here have the meanings given to them in the applicable building codes, in the laws of the State of Oklahoma, and by common and ordinary usage:


    Agent: A person authorized to act on behalf of another person or entity concerning a construction project.


    Applicant: A person, firm, corporation, or other legal entity, acting personally or as an agent, desiring to construct, alter, replace or repair any building or structure located on real property and making application for a building permit.


    Approved professional: A professional architect, landscape architect or engineer licensed or registered with the respective licensing authority regulating such profession in the State of Oklahoma, in good standing with such licensing authority.


    Authorized representative: An individual, company, firm, or organization that is authorized by an Owner to apply for a building permit.


    Board: The Board of Appeals established by the provisions of Ordinance No. 23394, codified at Title 51 of the Tulsa Revised Ordinances in Chapter 1.


    Building Code or Building Codes: The various building and construction codes adopted by the City from time to time and codified in the Tulsa Revised Ordinances, including, without limitation, the Building Code prescribed by Title 51, the Electrical Code prescribed by Title 52, the Property Maintenance Code prescribed by Title 55, the Plumbing Code prescribed by Title 56, the Mechanical Code prescribed by Title 59, and any applicable State Building Codes.


    Building Official: The official or his/her designee authorized to administer and enforce the Building Codes.


    Building permit: Formal written permission by the City of Tulsa to perform construction, alteration, repair or related activities within the municipal limits of the City of Tulsa or within its jurisdictional control, as required by ordinance.


    Contractor: The person, firm, corporation, or other legal entity engaged in any aspect of construction of a building or structure, or a part thereof, including associated site improvements.


    Developer: A person, firm, corporation or other legal entity that is either an owner of real property or the owner of an existing building or other improvement which is or which will be the subject of a permitted construction project, or under contract with the owner thereof to commence and complete a particular construction project or improvement to real property.


    Development Services Department: The department of the City of Tulsa having jurisdiction and control over the issuance of building permits, construction and development permits, occupancy permits, and similar permits and approvals for the construction of buildings and improvements.


    Fee: The charge to applicants for permits issued by the City of Tulsa as provided in Title 49 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Tulsa.


    Lessee: A person, firm, corporation or other legal entity that has the right to the use and occupancy of real property or a building, or a part thereof, pursuant to a written lease, according to the terms of such lease.


    Manual: The Self-Certification Building Permit Program Manual created by the Development Services Department and approved by the Development Services Director detailing the SC program, which shall include the policies and procedures related to the program.


    Ordinance: A legislative act of the City Council of the City of Tulsa which has become effective in accordance with the amended Charter of the City of Tulsa.


    Owner: A property owner, building owner or project owner, as defined herein, and as may be applicable.


    Owner, building: A person, firm, corporation, or other legal entity possessing an ownership interest in a building or other structure.


    Owner, project: A person, firm, corporation, or other legal entity, possessing, or who/which will acquire an ownership interest in real property or a building or other structure upon completion of a project.


    Owner, property: A person, firm, corporation, or other legal entity possessing an ownership interest in real property.


    Program: The administrative program to issue a building permit based on self-certification by an approved professional, as authorized by Part 2-Administration and Enforcement of the International Building Code, as amended from time to time, and which is referred to in this chapter as the "SC program".


    Project: An organized undertaking at a specific location to complete pre-determined objectives for the planning, design, construction, repair, improvement or expansion of buildings or facilities, as detailed in construction plans, specifications and other related documents.


    Self-certification or statement of self-certification: An official determination and declaration by an approved professional that the plans, specifications and other construction documents for a project for which a building permit is sought are in compliance with the Building Codes; and upon such certification, that the City of Tulsa may, in reliance of such certification, issue a building permit and conduct inspections without the City of Tulsa Development Services Department having reviewed such plans, specifications and other construction documents for code compliance. The approved professional so certifying shall bear the legal responsibility for compliance with the Building Codes.


    Self-certified building permit application: The written application for a Building Permit submitted to the Development Services Department, which shall include a statement of self-certification, other required certifications, forms, checklists, plans, specifications and other documents as required by this chapter and/or the manual, in such format(s) as determined by the Development Services Department.


    Special inspections: Field inspections of certain aspects of a project, both structural and non-structural in nature, in accordance with Chapter 17 of the International Building Code which requires specialized qualified expertise.


    State Building Code: The current version of any building code(s) adopted pursuant to state law and/or the by the Oklahoma Uniform Building Code Commission, including, but not limited to, the building codes contained in Title 748 at Chapter 20 of the Oklahoma Administrative Code.


    State law: Statutes of the State of Oklahoma or applicable provisions of the Oklahoma Administrative Code.


    State license: A license issued pursuant to the law of the State of Oklahoma to practice the following professions: Architecture, Landscape Architecture, or Engineering. Each State License must be current.


    TRO: The Revised Ordinances of the City of Tulsa.

(Ord. No. 24061 , § 1, 12-19-2018)