§ 101. Amendments to the ICC International Plumbing Code, 2015 Edition.

Latest version.
  • The following sections of the ICC International Plumbing Code, 2015 Edition, are hereby added or amended to read as follows:

    101.1 Title - Amendatory. These regulations shall be known as the "Plumbing Code of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma," hereinafter referred to as the "Plumbing Code," or "this code."

    102.8.3 Highest Standard Governs - Added. Nothing in this code shall be construed to prevent the enforcement of other ordinances or local regulations which prescribe higher plumbing standards than those which are provided herein.

    102.12 Outside of City - Added. All the provisions of this code shall apply to persons, firms, or corporations doing plumbing work outside the City of Tulsa if such work is connected or to be connected, directly or indirectly, with the waterworks system of the City of Tulsa or to any sewer emptying, directly or indirectly, into the sewer system of the City of Tulsa.

    103.1 Authority Having Jurisdiction - Amendatory. Pursuant to Title 11, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Chapter 2, the Director of Planning and Development Department, or the Director's designated representative, as provided for by Title 51, Section 103.2 Tulsa Revised Ordinances, shall direct the administration of the Plumbing Code of the City of Tulsa.

    106.1 When required - Amendatory. Any contractor who desires to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, demolish or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be performed, shall first make application to the code official and obtain the required permit for the work.

    Exception. Where equipment replacements and repairs must be performed in an emergency situation, the permit application shall be submitted within the next working business day.

    106.1.1 Annual Permit - Amendatory. An annual permit is a yearly permit which represents a group of individual permits for each alteration to an already existing electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing installation. The building official is authorized to issue an annual permit upon application therefor to any person, firm or corporation regularly employing one or more qualified tradespersons in the building, structure or on the premises owned or operated by the applicant for the permit.

    106.1.2 Annual Permit records - Amendatory. The person to whom an annual permit is issued shall keep a detailed record of alterations made under such annual permit. The building official shall have access to such detailed records of alterations at all times. At the completion of the entity's annual permit term, the applicant shall file such detailed records of alterations with the building official. Pursuant to the authority of 59 O.S. § 1000.25, the building official shall collect fees for each individual permit which is part of the annual permit once the detailed records are submitted and remit such fees to the OUBCC.

    106.1.3 Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Title 50 - Added. Annual permits shall be issued in accordance with Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Title 50.

    106.1.4 Separate Permit Required - Added. A separate permit shall be required for each building within a complex and for each water meter when there is a multi-meter installation on a single building.

    106.6.1 Work Commencing Before Permit Issuance - Amendatory. Any person who commences work on a plumbing system before obtaining the necessary permits shall be subject to penalty fees established in Title 49, Tulsa Revised Ordinances.

    106.6.2 Fee Schedule - Amendatory. Permit and inspection fees for all plumbing work shall be in accordance with the schedule established in Title 49, Tulsa Revised Ordinances.

    106.6.3 Fee Refunds - Amendatory. Fee refunds for all plumbing work shall be in accordance with the schedule established in Title 49, Tulsa Revised Ordinances.

    108.4 Violation Penalties - Amendatory. Any person who shall violate a provision of this code or shall fail to comply with any of the requirements thereof or who shall erect, install, alter or repair plumbing work in violation of the approved construction documents or directive of the code official, or of a permit or certificate issued under the provisions of this code, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor offense, punishable by a fine of not more than One Thousand Two Hundred Dollars ($1,200.00) or by imprisonment not exceeding six (6) months, or both such fine and imprisonment. Each day, or portion thereof, that a violation continues shall be deemed a separate offense.

    108.5 Stop Work Orders - Amendatory. Upon notice from the code official, work on any plumbing system that is being done contrary to the provisions of this code or in a dangerous or unsafe manner shall immediately cease. Such notice shall be in writing and shall be given to the owner of the property, or to the owner's agent, or to the person doing the work. The notice shall state the conditions under which work is authorized to resume. Where an emergency exists, the code official shall not be required to give a written notice prior to stopping the work. Any person who shall continue any work in or about the structure after having been served with a stop work order, except such work as that person is directed to perform to remove a violation or unsafe condition, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor offense, and, upon conviction, shall be punished by a fine of no more than One Thousand Two Hundred Dollars ($1,200.00), excluding costs, fees, and assessments, or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding six (6) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each day, or portion thereof, that a violation continues after due notice has been served shall be deemed a separate offense.

    108.8 Fine Not Exclusive Penalty - Added. The penalties herein prescribed shall not be exclusive and shall not prevent independent action by the Board of Appeals as established by Title 51, Chapter 1, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, to suspend or revoke the Certificate of Registration of any person, subject to the provisions of this code, and shall not prevent the City of Tulsa or its authorized officials from taking other action authorized by law to remedy the violation.

    SECTION 109 Means of Appeal - Amendatory. Appeals of orders, decisions or determinations made by the code official relative to the application and interpretation of this code shall be made to the Board of Appeals as established by Title 51, Chapter 1, Tulsa Revised Ordinances.

    SECTION 111 Registration of Plumbing Contractors - Added.

    111.1 General - Added. No person, firm, or corporation shall be issued a permit, engage or offer to engage in, by advertisement or otherwise, any plumbing business, or do any plumbing work in the City of Tulsa, unless such person, firm, or corporation has registered with the City of Tulsa as herein provided. All contractors, journeymen, and apprentices shall carry on their person, at all times while performing plumbing work within the City of Tulsa, their state license and shall display the same upon request from the code official or a police officer of the City of Tulsa.

    No person issued a contractor's license shall employ or supervise persons performing plumbing work unless those persons are licensed as provided herein. Nor shall any apprentice perform plumbing work unless the apprentice is directly supervised by a licensed plumbing contractor or journeyman.

    111.2 Requirements for Registration - Added. No person, firm, or corporation shall be issued a Certificate of Registration until furnishing proof of a current State of Oklahoma Contractor license, issued under the provisions of 59 O.S.2001, " 1001, et seq., as amended, and paying the fees required by Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Title 49.

    111.3 Transfer of Registration Prohibited - Added. No person, firm, or corporation shall allow his or its name to be used by any other person, firm, or corporation to obtain any permit for or do any work under his or its Certificate of Registration.

    111.4 Registration after Revocation - Added. No person, firm, or corporation shall be permitted to obtain a new Certificate of Registration within one (1) year from the date of revocation of any prior registration.

    111.5 Registration Fees - Added. Fees shall be charged for registration of state licensed plumbing contractors, in accordance with Title 49, Tulsa Revised Ordinances.

    111.6 Expiration of Registration - Added. Registrations of state licensed plumbing contractors shall expire each year on the last day of the birth month of the registered individual.

    111.7 Identification of Service Vehicles - Added. Every contractor shall identify all service vehicles used in his business with the company name and contractor's license number. Such identification shall be placed on both sides of all vehicles in letters and numbers no less than two (2) inches high and of a contrasting color.

    111.8 Suspension or Revocation of Certificates of Registration - Added. Certificates of Registration issued pursuant to this Code may be suspended or revoked by the Board of Appeals in accordance with Title 51, Chapter 1, Tulsa Revised Ordinances.

    SECTION 202 General Definitions - Amendatory.

    Building Drain - Amendatory. That part of the lowest piping of a drainage system that receives the discharge from soil, waste, and other drainage pipes inside and that extends 5 feet (1524 mm) in developed length of pipe beyond the exterior walls of the building and conveys the drainage to the building sewer.

    305.3 Pipes through foundation walls - Amendatory. Any pipe that passes through a foundation wall shall be provided with a relieving arch or a pipe sleeve built into the foundation wall. The relieving arch or pipe sleeve shall conform to one of the materials and standards listed in Title 702.2, or as approved. The sleeve shall be two pipe sizes greater than the pipe passing through the wall.

    305.4 Freezing - Amendatory. Water, soil and waste pipes shall not be installed outside of a building, in attics or crawl spaces, concealed in outside walls, or in any other place subjected to freezing temperatures unless adequate provision is made to protect such pipes from freezing by insulation or heat or both. Exterior water supply system piping shall be installed not less than 6 inches (152 mm) below the frost line and not less than twenty-four (24) inches below grade.

    305.4.1 Sewer depth - Amendatory. Building sewers that connect to private sewage disposal systems shall be a minimum of 12 inches (305 mm) below finished grade at the point of septic tank connection or as approved by the authority having jurisdiction. Building sewer lines shall be a minimum of 12 inches (305 mm) below grade.

    312.2 Drainage and Vent Water Test - Amendatory. A water test shall be applied to the drainage system either in its entirety or in sections. If applied to the entire system, all openings in the piping shall be tightly closed, except the highest opening, and the system shall be filled with water to the point of overflow. If the system is tested in sections, each opening shall be tightly plugged except the highest openings of the section under test, and each section shall be filled with water, but no section shall be tested with less than a 5-foot (1524 mm) head of water. In testing successive sections, at least the upper 5 feet (1524 mm) of the next preceding section shall be tested so that no joint or pipe in the building, except the uppermost 5 feet (1524 mm) of the system, shall have been submitted to a test of less than a 5-foot (1524 mm) head of water. This pressure shall be held for at least 15 minutes. The system shall then be tight at all points.

    312.3 Drainage and vent air test - Amendatory. Plastic piping shall not be tested using air. An air test shall be made by forcing air into the system until there is a uniform gauge pressure of 2.5 psi (17.25 kPa) or sufficient to balance a 5-inch (127 mm) column of mercury. This test shall be held for a period of not less than 15 minutes. Any adjustments to the test pressure required because of changes in ambient temperatures or the seating of gaskets shall be made prior to the beginning of the test period.

    312.6 Gravity Sewer Test - Amendatory. Where required, gravity sewer tests shall consist of plugging the end of the building sewer at the point of connection with the public sewer, filling the building sewer with water, testing with not less than a 5-foot (1024 mm) head of water and maintaining such pressure for 15 minutes.

    312.10.1 Inspections - Amendatory. Annual inspections shall be made of all backflow assemblies and air gaps to determine whether they are operable, in accordance with Chapter 1, Section 104.3 and 105.3.2.

    405.8 Slip Joint Connections - Amendatory. Slip joints shall be made with an approved elastomeric gasket and shall only be installed from fixture outlet to within 18 inches (457 mm) downstream of trap outlet seal. Fixtures with concealed slip-joint connections shall be provided with an access panel or utility space at least 12 inches (305 mm) in its smallest dimension or other approved arrangement so as to provide access to the slip joint connections for inspection and repair.

    604.5 Size of fixture supply - Amendatory. The minimum size of a fixture supply pipe shall be as shown in Table 604.5. The fixture supply pipe shall terminate not more than 30 inches (762 mm) from the point of connection to the fixture. A reduced size flexible water connector installed between the supply pipe and the fixture shall be of an approved type. The supply pipe shall extend to the floor or wall adjacent to the fixture. The minimum size of individual distribution lines utilized in gridded or parallel water distribution systems shall be as shown in Table 604.5

    Exception: The fixture supply pipe for domestic dishwashers and drinking fountains shall be permitted to be terminated more than 30 inches (762 mm) from the point of connection to the fixture.

    608.16.5 Connections to Lawn Irrigation Systems - Amendatory. The potable water supply to lawn irrigation systems shall be protected against backflow by an atmospheric-type vacuum breaker, a pressure-type vacuum breaker assembly, a spill resistant backflow preventer or a reduced pressure principle backflow preventer. A valve shall not be installed downstream from an atmospheric vacuum breaker. Where chemicals are introduced into the system, the potable water supply shall be protected against backflow by a reduced pressure principle backflow preventer assembly.

    701.2.1 Public System Availability - Added. Availability of the public sewer system to any premise shall be determined by the Development Services Division of the City of Tulsa.

    705.11.2 Solvent Cementing - Amendatory. Joint surfaces shall be clean and free from moisture. A purple primer that conforms to ASTM F 656 shall be applied. Solvent cement not purple in color and conforming to ASTM D 2564, CSA B137.3, CSA B181.2 or CSA B182.1 shall be applied to all joint surfaces. The joint shall be made while the cement is wet and shall be in accordance with ASTM D 2855. Solvent-cement joints shall be permitted above or below ground.

    708.1.3 Building Drain and Building Sewer Junction - Amendatory. The junction of the building drain and the building sewer shall be served by a cleanout that is located at the junction or within 12 feet (3658 mm) of the developed length of piping upstream of the junction. For the requirements of this section, the removal of the water closet shall not be required to provide cleanout access.

    801.1 Scope, Exception—Food Handling - Added. Section 801.1 of the ICC International Plumbing Code, 2015 edition, is amended to provide the following exception: Plumbing in all food handling facilities shall comply with Title 17, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Tulsa City County Health Department Food Code and meet the Inspection Code.

    903.1 Roof Extension - Amendatory. Open vent pipes that extend through a roof shall be terminated not less than 10 inches (254 mm) above the roof. Where a roof is to be used for assembly or as a promenade, observation deck, sun bathing deck or similar purposes open vent pipes shall terminate not less than 7 feet (2134 mm) above the finished occupiable surface within 10 feet (3048 mm) horizontal distance.

    1003.4 Oil Separators required - Amendatory. At repair garages where floor or trench drains are provided, car washing facilities, factories where oily and flammable liquid wastes are produced and hydraulic elevator pits, oil separators shall be installed into which oil-bearing, grease-bearing or flammable wastes shall be discharged before emptying into the building drainage system or other point of disposal.



    An oil separator is not required in hydraulic elevator pits where an approved alarm system is installed. Such alarm systems shall not terminate the operation of pumps utilized to maintain emergency operation of the elevator by fire fighters.


    Oil separators shall not be required in a non-hydraulic elevator pit.

    1101.7 Roof design - Amendatory. Roofs shall be designed for the maximum possible depth of water that will pond thereon as determined by the relative levels of roof deck and overflow weirs, scuppers, edges or serviceable drains in combination with the deflected structural elements. In determining the maximum possible depth of water, all primary roof drainage means shall be assumed to be blocked. The maximum possible depth of water on the roof shall include the height of the water required above the inlet of the secondary roof drainage means to achieve the required flow rate of secondary drainage means to accommodate the design rainfall rate as required by Section 1108.

    1108.3 Sizing of Secondary Drains - Amendatory. Secondary (emergency) roof drain systems and emergency scuppers shall be sized in accordance with Section 1106 except the design shall be based on a rainfall rate of 10.2 inches per hour. Scuppers shall be sized to prevent the depth of ponding water from exceeding that for which the roof was designed as determined by Section 1101.7. Scuppers shall not have an opening dimension of less than 4 inches (102 mm). The flow through the primary system shall not be considered when sizing the secondary roof drain system or secondary scuppers.

    1301.9.6 Overflow - Amendatory. The storage tank shall be equipped with an overflow pipe having a diameter not less than that shown in Table 606.5.4. The overflow pipe shall be protected from insects or vermin and shall discharge in a manner consistent with storm water runoff requirements of the jurisdiction. The overflow pipe shall discharge at a sufficient distance from the tank to avoid damaging the tank foundation or the adjacent property. Drainage from overflow pipes shall be directed to prevent freezing on walkways. The overflow drain shall not be equipped with a shutoff valve. A cleanout shall be provided on each overflow pipe in accordance with Section 708.

    IPC® 2015 Chapter 15 Referenced Standards - Amendatory. Chapter 15 of the IPC 2015 is adopted with the following modifications:

    IBC®-15 International Building Code® as adopted and modified by the State of Oklahoma through the OUBCC.

    IECC®-06 International Energy Conservation Code®

    IFC®-15 International Fire Code® as adopted and modified by the State of Oklahoma through the OUBCC.

    IMC®-15 International Mechanical Code® as adopted and modified by the State of Oklahoma through the OUBCC.

    IFGC®-15 International Fuel Gas Code® as adopted and modified by the State of Oklahoma through the OUBCC.

    IRC®-09 International Residential Code® as adopted and modified by the State of Oklahoma through the OUBCC.

    NFPA 70-14 National Electrical Code® as adopted and modified by the State of Oklahoma through OUBCC.

(Ord. Nos. 17796, 18096, 18171, 18370, 19011, 20066, 20428, 20631, 20895, 21237; Ord. No. 21990, § 1, 1-16-2009; Ord. No. 22757, § 1, 9-20-2012; Ord. No. 23003, § 1, 12-12-2013; Ord. No. 23398, § 1, 10-29-2015 )