§ 2502. Permit required; permit term and fees.
All operators wishing to operate a shared active transportation program within the City of Tulsa shall secure a shared active transportation permit, as issued by the City of Tulsa Finance Department. The decision to issue a permit is at the sole discretion of the City.
Each permit shall be active for one (1) year from the date of issuance.
The initial permit fee, and subsequent permit renewal fees, shall be as provided in Title 49 of the Tulsa Revised Ordinances. The fee shall include the appropriate application fee, an inspection fee, and other fees as applicable.
All operators shall pay the City a public property repair and maintenance fee of Twenty Dollars ($20.00) per small vehicle, per year, calculated based upon the maximum fleet size requested and approved in the permit application. Should an increase in fleet size be approved in accordance with Section 2505 of this ordinance, this fee amount shall also be increased to reflect the new maximum fleet size. The public property repair and maintenance fee shall pay the cost of installation, maintenance and repair of City's infrastructure related to or necessitated by the shared active transportation program.
All operators shall also pay the City a public infrastructure fee of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) per small vehicle, per year, calculated based upon the maximum fleet size requested and approved in the permit application. Should an increase in fleet size be approved in accordance with Section 2505 of this ordinance, this fee amount shall also be increased to reflect the new maximum fleet size. This fee shall provide funding for capital costs associated with the implementation of the City's bicycle and pedestrian master plan.
Shared active transportation programs that are managed by free operators, or that 1) are incorporated as a nonprofit organization, and 2) receive local public financial assistance shall be exempt from the fees required in Subsections D. and E. of this section for each fiscal year in which the shared active transportation program continues to meet these criteria. Furthermore, free operators shall be exempt from Sections 2504 A.—C., 2505 A., B., 2508 and 2509 of this chapter.
(Ord. No. 24019 , § 1, 10-24-2018)