§ 206. Nuisance Hearing Officer's authority.
At a hearing before a Nuisance Hearing Officer, pursuant to any section of this title, should the Nuisance Hearing Officer find that a nuisance, as defined by City Ordinances exists, an Order to Abate shall be entered. Such an order shall authorize standard abatement procedures to be executed which, may include, among other reasonable responses, the following:
Immediate abatement by the City when the immediate welfare of life or property is at risk.
Self-abatement by any responsible party pursuant to a written work schedule prepared by the enforcement official.
Should the responsible party not appear at a scheduled hearing, after being notified as herein provided, or fail to make other curative arrangements acceptable to the Nuisance Hearing Officer, an order may be entered which allows to a date certain for the nuisance to be abated by any responsible party.
If a responsible party fails to abate the nuisance as ordered, without just cause, the Nuisance Hearing Officer shall be authorized to impose a remedial civil penalty against the responsible party in an amount not to exceed One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) per day for each day beyond the scheduled completion date that the nuisance remains unabated.
If just cause, as determined by the enforcement official, prevents the responsible party from abating the nuisance, the order shall authorize the enforcement official to allow up to two (2) fourteen (14) day extensions to abate any nuisance upon pre-payment of the extension fees.
The Nuisance Hearing Officer is authorized to summarily order a remedial civil penalty against the responsible party in an amount not to exceed One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) per day for each day the enforcement official documents that a recurring violation of this title by the same responsible party exists within the twenty-four (24) months following the issuance of the order.
(Ord. No. 21596)