§ 202. Maintenance and storage of carts.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    A solid waste or recycling cart supplied to a residential service unit by the authority remains the property of the authority. It is assigned to a specific address and must not be removed from the residential service unit unless authorized by the Director or the collections contractor.


    The customer in control of the residential service unit shall keep each cart clean.


    The customer in control of the residential service unit shall not alter, mark, decorate or modify a cart.


    Carts must not be abused or mutilated. A fee is charged for replacement of a cart damaged by negligence or abuse.


    The customer in control of the residential service unit shall promptly notify the City of the theft of a solid waste or recycling cart or of a need for repair or replacement of a solid waste or recycling cart.


    When not placed for collection, carts shall be stored by the residential service unit in a secure place at that residential service unit. The carts shall be stored behind the front building line of the residential service unit (for corner properties, behind the front and side building lines) and either (1) on the side of the residential service unit within three feet of the residential service unit or (2) hidden from sight so as not to be visible to a person standing in front of the residential service unit. Residents who use physically limited services are not required to store their carts behind the front building line of the residential service unit.

(Ord. No. 24035 , § 1, 11-7-2018)