§ 303. Take-home vehicles.
Policy. It is the policy of the City of Tulsa that City-owned or -leased vehicles shall be used only for official business of the City of Tulsa, except as provided below. Personal use of a City-owned or -leased vehicle shall not be offered as a benefit or compensation to City employees, but shall only be incidental to a legitimate municipal purpose.
Exceptions. No City-owned or -leased vehicle shall be used for an employee's regular commute to or from work, or be otherwise subject to personal use, except in the following circumstances:
Emergency response. The vehicle is equipped with tools and/or instruments essential to respond to an emergency and the employee assigned said vehicle is trained in the use of said tools and instruments and is required to respond directly to the scene of an emergency; and
The employee is called to such emergency response situations outside of normal working hours at least three (3) times per month or an average of thirty-six (36) times over the course of a fiscal year; or
In the Mayor's judgment, the ability of the employee to respond directly to the scene of an emergency with essential tools and/or instruments is critical to public safety that a Take-home vehicle is justified for less frequent emergency responses.
Seasonal Use. If an emergency response is needed on a seasonal basis for weather related emergency response, an employee may be granted to take home a vehicle only when he or she is actually subject to being called to the scene of an emergency, regardless of whether the employee resides inside or outside the City limits.
Rotational Basis. If an emergency response is needed on a rotational basis year round, an employee may be granted to take home a vehicle only when he or she is actually subject to being called to the scene of an emergency, regardless of whether the employee resides inside or outside the City limits.
Sworn Employees. If a sworn employee is allowed to take home a vehicle, the employee is responsible for guaranteeing sufficient insurance to indemnify the City for any liability associated with the use of the vehicle while it is not being used for City employment. In no event, shall a Take-home vehicle be used for any other personal use. To the extent required by law and consistent with this Section, Take-home vehicle usage, including usage outside of City limits, for sworn employees are subject to labor-management negotiation.
Sworn police personnel may take their regularly assigned, marked police vehicle to and from their permanent residence, if it is parked in plain view within the City limits of the City of Tulsa; provided that sworn police personnel may not use a City-owned or -leased vehicle in connection with non-City employment, unless the City is compensated for the use of City-owned or -leased vehicles and other related costs to the City, pursuant to regulations promulgated by the Mayor;
Sworn fire personnel assigned department vehicles in both General Staff and Command Staff who are subject to call after their regular duty hours to respond to at least three (3) alarms per month or an average of thirty-six (36) emergency responses in a fiscal year and other job-related situations may take their regularly assigned, marked fire vehicle to and from their permanent residence, if it is parked in plain view within the City limits of the City of Tulsa; provided that sworn fire personnel may not use a City-owned or -leased vehicle in connection with non-City employment, unless the City is compensated for the use of City-owned or -leased vehicles and other related costs to the City, pursuant to regulations promulgated by the Mayor; and
Take-home vehicle consideration may be granted to the Police and Fire Chief conducting City business as part of their outlined duties.
Mayoral approval. All exceptions shall be pre-approved in writing by the Mayor and shall be reviewed at least annually for compliance with this Section.
Limitations on approved Take-home vehicles. The following limitations shall apply to all approved Take-home vehicles:
Communications equipment alone shall not be considered an essential tool or instrument for purposes of this ordinance.
Assisting motorists or other persons encountered in the normal course of a City employee's commute shall not be considered an emergency response for purposes of this Chapter.
In no event shall a Take-home vehicle be used for any other personal purpose outside the City limits of the City of Tulsa.
No repeal of collective bargaining agreements. To the extent required by law, nothing in this Chapter shall repeal the provisions of the collective bargaining agreements between the City of Tulsa and the Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge #93; and the International Association of Firefighters, Local No. 176.
(Ord. Nos. 20525, 21587, 21588, 21631; Ord. No. 23315, § 1, 6-11-2015 )