Latest version.
  • This is a chronological listing of the ordinances of Tulsa, Oklahoma, beginning with the 2010 Republication.

    this Code
    21836 6-26-2008 An ordinance amending Title 2, Chapter 1, Section 113, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Animals," providing a definition for "outside agency"; banning animal euthanasia services to nonresidents and outside agencies unless authorized by the mayor or mayor pro tem; providing a fee for said services if authorized; repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 2 113
    21842 6-26-2008 An ordinance amending Title 11-C, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Chapter 7, Sections 702, 703 and 708, to specify certain sewer rates that shall be applicable to users inside and outside of the city, wholesale users and to property owned by the City of Tulsa; specifying sewer rates for users who are not also water customers; specifying rates for dumping or discharging septic waste; establishing October 1, 2008, as to when the amendments enacted by this ordinance shall become operative; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 11-C 702, 703
    2 Tit. 11-C 708
    21843 6-26-2008 An ordinance amending Title 11-C, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Chapter 3, Sections 302, 303, 306, and 307, to specify certain water rates that shall be applicable to users inside and outside of the city and to property owned by the City of Tulsa; establishing October 1, 2008, as to when the amendments enacted by this ordinance shall become operative; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 11-C 302, 303
    2 Tit. 11-C 306, 307
    21856 7-17-2008 An ordinance amending Title 2, Chapter 1, Subsection 101.A, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, to provide for designation of off-leash park areas in which dogs would be permitted to not be under leash; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 2 101.A.
    21857 7-17-2008 An ordinance amending Title 11-A Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Section 202; increasing the monthly stormwater drainage system service charge and establishing October 1, 2008, as to when such increased rates shall become operative; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 11-A 202
    21878 8-28-2008 An ordinance creating a new Title 43-G, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, establishing the official policy of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma, with regard to the expenditure of all monies received from extending the temporary sales tax levy of one percent (1%) for the period of time from and including August 1, 2006, to and including June 30, 2014; and the temporary increase of the sales tax levy from three percent (3%) to three and two-twelfths percent (3 2/12 %), for the period of time from and including October 1, 2011, to and including June 30, 2014; listing projects and purposes which will be accomplished from said revenues; creating a special sales tax overview committee 2008 temporary tax and appointing members thereof; specifying powers and duties of said committee and officers and employees of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma; establishing a special revenue fund known as the special temporary sales tax fund 2008, wherein all revenues received from said temporary sales tax levy, together with interest earned thereon, shall be deposited; prohibiting the expenditure of any of said funds for any purpose other than the projects and purposes set forth herein; prescribing certain mandatory duties of the secretary of the council and the council of said city; providing for public notice and hearings upon any proposal to amend or repeal the ordinance; and declaring an emergency 1       Added Tit. 43-G 100—103
    21879 8-28-2008 An ordinance amending the sales tax ordinance of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma, Title 43 of the Tulsa Revised Ordinances, by amending Title 43, Chapter 1, Section 100, of the Tulsa Revised Ordinances which amendment extends the temporary sales tax levy of one percent (1%) for a period of time from and including August 1, 2006, to and including June 30, 2014; and temporarily increases the sales tax levy from three percent (3%) to three and two-twelfths percent (3 2/12 %) from and including October 1, 2011, to and including June 30, 2014; which temporary sales tax levies shall be upon the gross proceeds or gross receipts derived from all sales to any person taxable under the sales tax law of Oklahoma; by amending Title 43, Chapter 1, Section 100, of the Tulsa Revised Ordinances, to become operative on and after July 1, 2014, reducing at that time the levy and assessment of said excise tax from three and twenty-two-twelfths percent (3 2/12 %) to two percent (2%) upon said sales; by amending Title 43, Chapter 1, Section 118, of the Tulsa Revised Ordinances, changing the percentages and purposes of expenditures from said revenues collected hereunder; by amending Title 43, Chapter 1, Section 118, of the Tulsa Revised Ordinances, to become operative on and after July 1, 2014, changing at that time the percentages and purposes of expenditures from said revenues collected hereunder; by amending Title 43, Chapter 1, Section 120, of the Tulsa Revised Ordinances, reducing the levy and assessment of said excise tax from three and two-twelfths percent (3 2/12 %) to two percent (2%) upon said sales no later than July 1, 2014, unless extended by a majority of the registered voters of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma, voting on the same; declaring an emergency; and providing for effective and operative dates of this ordinance, all subject to the approval of a majority of registered voters as prescribed by the laws of the State of Oklahoma 1 Tit. 43 100
    2 Tit. 43 100
    3 Tit. 43 100
    4 Tit. 43 118
    5 Tit. 43 118
    6 Tit. 43 120
    21899 7-31-2008 An ordinance creating a new Chapter 9, in Title 5 of the Tulsa Revised Ordinances, establishing the transportation advisory board; establishing Section 900, relating to the duties of the board; establishing Section 901, relating to membership of the board; establishing Section 902, relating to the creation of offices on the board and the conduct of meetings; establishing Section 903, relating to directing personnel to assist the board; repealing conflicting ordinances; and declaring an emergency 1       Added Tit. 5 900—903
    21900 7-31-2008 An ordinance amending Title 4, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Section 308, "Charter Review," to change when the city attorney shall provide a schedule to the council for soliciting and considering proposed amendments to the amended Charter of the City of Tulsa from March 15 of odd-numbered years to October 15 of even-numbered years and to change when the council shall file any adopted schedule with the city clerk from April 15 of odd-numbered years to November 15 of even-numbered years; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 4 308
    21913 10-9-2008 An ordinance amending Title 22, Chapter 3, of the City of Tulsa Revised Ordinances by adding a new Section 301 to provide for a temporary rebate system for residents of the City of Tulsa; and providing for effective and operative dates of this ordinance 1       Added Tit. 22 301
    21932 10-23-2008 An ordinance amending Title 7, entitled "Cemeteries," Tulsa Revised Ordinances, by adding thereto Chapter 2, entitled "Unclaimed Bodies"; providing procedures upon certain deaths; providing for a rotation schedule among participating funeral establishments for bodies with no placement instructions; providing for selection of alternate funeral establishment in event of inability of scheduled funeral establishment to act; providing for severability; providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances; and declaring an emergency 1       Added Tit. 7 200, 201
    21935 10-30-2008 An ordinance amending Title 23, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Chapter 1, Subsection 108.A, relating to schedule of costs, penalties and assessments, to increase certain costs in the schedule of municipal court costs; amending Subsection 108.C, to increase the automated fingerprinting identification system (AFIS) penalty assessment from three dollars ($3.00) to five dollars ($5.00); amending Section 110, to provide the amount of the monthly probation fee to be as referenced in Section 108 ("schedule of costs, penalties and assessments"); repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 23 108.A.
    2 Tit. 23 108.C.
    3 Tit. 23 110
    21954 12-4-2008 An ordinance amending and correcting Ordinance No. 21596, passed and approved by the Council of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma, on the 2nd day of August, 2007, and approved by the mayor pro-tem, on the 15th day of August, 2007, which contained a scrivener's error in amending Title 24, Section 106, which incorrectly referenced said section number as Section 107; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 24 106
    21971 12-11-2008 An ordinance amending Title 28 entitled "The Municipal Employees' Retirement Plan," Tulsa Revised Ordinances, amending Section 704 to provide for incorporating Internal Revenue Code Section 401(a)(9); amending Subsection 708.d to provide for trustee to trustee transfer of after-tax contributions; adding a new Section 709 to provide for a plan distribution to be made to the individual retirement account of a non-spouse beneficiary; amending Section 900 to provide for incorporating the Internal Revenue Code Section 415; deleting Section 901 and 902; providing for an operative date of January 1, 2008; providing for severability; and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith 1 Tit. 28 704
    2 Tit. 28 708.D.
    3       Added Tit. 28 709
    4 Tit. 28 900
    21975 12-18-2008 An ordinance amending Title 27, Chapter 8, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, renaming Chapter 8 as "Gambling"; amending penalty portions of Section 800 entitled "Betting on or Playing Prohibited Game," and Section 801 entitled "Permitting Gambling Game"; repealing Sections 802, 803, 804, 805, 806, 807, 808, and 810; creating a new Section 802 entitled "Betting on Races" and providing penalties; renumbering existing Section 809 entitled "Paraphernalia—Procedure upon Confiscation" as Section 803; providing for severability; repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 27 Ch. 8(tit.)
    2 Tit. 27 800
    3 Tit. 27 801
    4       Rpld Tit. 27 802—808, 810
    5       Added Tit. 27 802
    6       Rnbd Tit. 27 809
          as Tit. 27 803
    21979 12-18-2008 An ordinance amending Title 2, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, providing definitions for large animal, small animal, the working in neighborhoods department (WIN), animal welfare authority, and animal welfare officer; designating win rather than the chief of police as an entity with certain authority, duties, functions, and responsibilities regarding animals; increasing license fees; increasing fees and deposit associated with reclaiming, adopting, or sterilizing an animal; providing for severability; providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 2 100—118,
    21981 12-18-2008 An ordinance amending Title 37, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, related to the regulation of traffic; amending Chapter 2, Subsection 203.E, increasing the amount of preset fines and penalties to be paid by persons convicted of violations of certain traffic ordinances of the City of Tulsa; adding certain new offenses to the list of violations and establishing preset fines for said offenses; repealing ordinances in conflict with this ordinance; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 37 203.E.
    21982 12-18-2008 An ordinance amending Title 37, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Chapter 1, Section 100 to add definitions of "intoxicating beverages," "low-point beer," and "motorized scooter," and amend the definitions of "bicycle" and "motor vehicle;" amending Title 37, Chapter 3, Subsection 316.B to clarify certain language relating to disposition and records of traffic citations; amending Title 37, Chapter 4, Section 400 to clarify certain language; amending Title 37, Chapter 4, Subsection 402.A to make it unlawful and an offense for any person to add to, delete from, alter or deface the required information on a driver license or identification card; amending Title 37, Chapter 4, Section 406 to provide that any person charged with violating this section who produces a driver license issued to him or her and valid at the time of his or her arrest shall be entitled to a dismissal without costs and fine; amending Title 37, Chapter 4, Subsection 409.D to clarify certain language relating to license plates on vehicles; amending Title 37, Chapter 4, Subsection 409.E to increase the maximum fine for a violation of Section 409; amending Title 37, Chapter 4, Section 411 to increase, unless other wise provided for in Chapter 4, the maximum fine for a violation of Chapter 4; amending Title 37, Chapter 4, Subsection 412.A to add language making it unlawful for a person to possess more than one valid driver's license at any time and to amend certain other language; amending Title 37, Chapter 5, Section 525 relating to disabled persons parking to clarify certain language and increase the penalty provision; amending Title 37, Chapter 6, Subsection 617.c to increase the maximum fine for a violation of aggravated speeding; amending Title 37, Chapter 6, Section 645 to add a subsection "D" providing that no officer shall issue a citation under that section unless the operator is involved in an accident or collision; amending Title 37, Chapter 6, Section 647 to increase the minimum fine for a violation of that section; amending Title 37, Chapter 6, Section 648 to provide for a minimum fine and increase the maximum fine for a violation of eluding a police officer; amending Title 37, Chapter 6, Subsection 649.A to add certain language to clarify the offense; amending Title 37, Chapter 6, Section 655 to provide, unless other wise provided for in Chapter 6, an increase in the maximum fine for a violation thereof; amending Title 37, Chapter 6, Section 657 entitled "transporting an open container of alcohol" to amend the language and increase the maximum fine for a violation thereof; amending Title 37, Chapter 6, Section 658 entitled "transporting an open container of low-point beer" to amend the language and increase the maximum fine for a violation thereof and provide for imprisonment in the city jail for said offense; amending Title 37, Chapter 6, to add a new Section 664 entitled "traffic signal preemption device-possession, use, interference with, or sale;" amending Title 37, Chapter 6, to add a new Section 665 entitled "driver of a motor vehicle approaching a stationary emergency vehicle;" amending Title 37, Chapter 7,
    Section 700 to provide for a minimum fine and increase the maximum fine and add a subsection b to provide for a dismissal of charge under Section 700 upon certain conditions; amending Title 37, Chapter 7, Subsection 703.C relating to head lamps on motor vehicles; amending Title 37, Chapter 7, Subsection 707.B relating to tail lamps on vehicles; amending Title 37, Chapter 7, Subsection 712.B relating to special restrictions on lamps; amending Title 37, Chapter 7, Section 722 relating to mirrors on vehicles; amending Title 37, Chapter 7, Section 739 to provide for a minimum fine for a violation of Chapter 7 and increase the maximum fine for a violation of the provisions of Chapter 7 unless otherwise provided; amending Title 37, Chapter 8, Section 805 to increase the maximum fine for a violation of the provisions of Chapter 8 unless otherwise provided; amending Title 37, Chapter 8, by adding a new Section 806 entitled "removal of vehicle or its cargo from roadway obstructing the regular flow of traffic;" amending Title 37, Chapter 10, Sections 1000, 1001, 1002, 1004, 1005, 1007,1008, 1009, 1012 & 1013 to make the provision applicable to motorized scooters; amending Title 37, Chapter 10, Section 1003 to clarify the language applicable to bicycles or motorized scooters riding on the right side; amending Title 37, Chapter 10, Section 1006 to clarify the language applicable to bicycles or motorized scooters and place restrictions of riding abreast; amending Title 37, Chapter 10, Section 1011 relating to brakes on bicycles; amending Title 37, Chapter 10, to add a new Section 1014 entitled "applicability to emergency services personnel;" amending Title 37, Chapter 11, Section 1108 to provide a minimum fine and increase the maximum fine for a violation of Chapter 11 unless otherwise provided; amending Title 37, Chapter 12, Section 1200 to add a subsection "C" relating to "obstructions;" providing for a severability clause; repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 37 100
    2 Tit. 37 316.B.
    3 Tit. 37 400
    4 Tit. 37 402.A.
    5 Tit. 37 406
    6 Tit. 37 409.D.
    7 Tit. 37 409.E.
    8 Tit. 37 411
    9 Tit. 37 412.A.
    10 Tit. 37 525
    11 Tit. 37 617.C.
    12 Tit. 37 645.D.
    13 Tit. 37 647
    14 Tit. 37 648
    15 Tit. 37 649.A.
    16 Tit. 37 655
    17 Tit. 37 657
    18 Tit. 37 658
    19       Added Tit. 37 664
    20       Added Tit. 37 665
    21 Tit. 37 700
    22 Tit. 37 703.C.
    23 Tit. 37 707.B.
    24 Tit. 37 712.B.
    25 Tit. 37 722
    26 Tit. 37 739
    27 Tit. 37 805
    28 Tit. 37 806
    29 Tit. 37 1000
    30 Tit. 37 1001
    31 Tit. 37 1002
    32 Tit. 37 1003
    33 Tit. 37 1004
    34 Tit. 37 1005
    35 Tit. 37 1006
    36 Tit. 37 1007
    37 Tit. 37 1008
    38 Tit. 37 1009
    39 Tit. 37 1011
    40 Tit. 37 1012
    41 Tit. 37 1013
    42       Added Tit. 37 1014
    43 Tit. 37 1108
    44 Tit. 37 1200.C.
    21988 1-16-2009 An ordinance amending the Tulsa Revised Ordinances by repealing Title 35, entitled "Streets and Sidewalks" and adopting a new Title 35, entitled "Infrastructure Development"; providing for permits for construction-related activities in connection with infrastructure projects on easements or rights-of-way or other property owned or controlled by the City of Tulsa; establishing an infrastructure development advisory board; providing for penalties; providing for appeals; providing for severability; providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances; and declaring an emergency 1       Rpld Tit. 35 100, 101,
    2       Added Tit. 35 100, 101,
    400, 401,
    21989 1-16-2009 An ordinance amending Title 49, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Administrative, Permit and License Fees"; enacting, restating, consolidating and superseding permit, license, certificate, registration and service fees codified in titles 11, 11-A, 11-C, 14, 35, 50, 51, 52, 55, 56 and 59; relating to regulatory provisions codified in Title 11, entitled "Public Works Department," Title 11-A, entitled "Stormwater Drainage," Title 11-C, entitled "Waterworks and Sewerage," Title 14, entitled "Fire Prevention Code," Title 35, entitled "Infrastructure Development," Title 50, entitled "Annual Permits," Title 51, entitled "Building Code," Title 52, entitled "Electrical Code," Title 55, entitled "Existing Structures Code," Title 56, entitled "Plumbing Code," and Title 59, entitled "Mechanical Code"; providing for the issuance of permits, licenses, certificates, registrations and the collection of fees related to certain trades, contractors, journeymen, and apprentices; requiring the posting of certain bonds and public liability insurance; providing civil penalties for certain violations; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 49 100—117,
    21990 1-16-2009 An ordinance amending the Plumbing Code of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma, Title 56, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, by adopting the ICC International Plumbing Code, 2006 Edition, including Appendices B, C, D, E, F and G, as published by the International Code Council, Inc.; providing for and governing the design, installation, construction, fabrication, alteration, location, repair, venting, material quality standards, conversion of plumbing systems, in new and existing buildings including sanitary facilities, water supplies and distribution, stormwater and sewage disposal in buildings; providing for the administration thereof, issuance of permits, collection of fees, making of inspections; continuation of the plumbing and appeals board; requiring registration of plumbing licenses, payment of registration fees; requiring that registered license holders post insurance; providing penalties for the violation thereof; preserving and protecting existing rights and remedies; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 56 100, 101
    21991 1-16-2009 An ordinance amending the Mechanical Code of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma, Title 59, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Mechanical Code"; amending Title 59, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Chapters 1, 2 and 3; adopting "The International Mechanical Code, 2006 Edition," as published by the International Code Council, Inc. (ICC), as the Mechanical Code of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma; providing for and governing the design, construction, fabrication, erection, alteration, location, enlargement, equipment, repair, removal, conversion, use and maintenance of mechanical systems, including heating systems, ventilating systems, cooling systems, steam and hot water heating systems, process piping, boilers and pressure vessels, appliances utilizing gas, liquid or solid fuel, chimneys and vents, mechanical refrigeration systems, fireplaces, barbecues, incinerators, and crematories; providing for the administration, issuance and revocation or suspension of certificates of registration; providing for the issuance of permits, making of inspections, collection of fees; establishing the mechanical examiners and appeals board and establishing duties and responsibilities therefor; establishing qualifications for and requiring the registration of defined classifications of mechanical contractors, journeymen, and apprentices; requiring the posting of the bond and public liability insurance; providing for the examination and licensing of stationary engineers; requiring licensed operators to operate and maintain certain equipment; imposing duties and responsibilities on property owners; providing for the conditions and maintenance of all property, buildings and structures; providing standards for supplied utilities and facilities and other physical things and conditions essential to ensure that structures are safe, sanitary and fit for occupation and use; providing for the condemnation of buildings and structures unfit for human occupancy and use, as well as the demolition of such structures; providing penalties for the violation thereof; adopting "the International Fuel Gas Code, 2006 Edition," as published by the International Code Council, Inc. (ICC), as part of the Mechanical Code; providing for and governing the design, construction, fabrication, erection, alteration, location, enlargement, equipment, repair, removal, conversion, use and maintenance of fuel gas piping, fuel gas utilization equipment, and related accessories; providing for the administration hereof, issuance and revocation or suspension of certificates of registration; providing for the issuance of permits, making of inspections, collection of fees; establishing qualifications for and requiring the registration of defined classifications of mechanical contractors, journeymen, and apprentices; requiring the posting of bonds and public liability insurance; providing penalties for the violation thereof; repealing all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for preservation and protection of existing rights; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 59 100, 101
    2 Tit. 59 200, 201
    3 Tit. 59 300, 301
    22025  3- 5-2009 An ordinance repealing Chapter 9 of Title 29, Tulsa Revised Ordinances; creating a new Title 8-A entitled "Emergency Operations" within the Tulsa Revised Ordinances; creating a new Chapter 1 in Title 8-A entitled "Tulsa Nine-One-One Emergency Number"; repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1       Rpld Tit. 29 Ch. 9
    2       Added Tit. 8-A Title 8-A, title
    3       Added Tit. 8-A Ch. 1, §§ 100—108
    22067 2-5-2009 An ordinance amending Title 5, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Chapter 10, entitled "Tulsa Youth Council"; amending purposes and objectives; amending membership and terms of office; providing powers, duties, and responsibilities of the Council; providing for severability; providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 5 1000—1004
    22076 6-18-2009 An ordinance amending Title 36, Chapter 1, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Taxicabs"; amending Section 134 entitled "Rates of Fare", providing for a maximum rate schedule and a fuel surcharge upon recommendation of the transportation advisory board and council approval; providing for council approval without a recommendation by the transportation advisory board if it fails to act; providing for severability; providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 36 134
    22085 6-18-2009 An ordinance amending Title 11-C, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Chapter 3, Sections 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, and 307, to specify certain water rates that shall be applicable to users inside and outside of the city and to property owned by the City of Tulsa; establishing October 1, 2009, as to when the amendments enacted by this ordinance shall become operative; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 11-C 302—305
    2 Tit. 11-C 306, 307
    22086 6-18-2009 An ordinance amending Title 11-C, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Chapter 7, Sections 702, 703 and 708, to specify certain sewer rates that shall be applicable to users inside and outside of the city, wholesale users and to property owned by the City of Tulsa; specifying sewer rates for users who are not also water customers; specifying rates for dumping or discharging septic waste; establishing October 1, 2009, as to when the amendments enacted by this ordinance shall become operative; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 11-C 702, 703
    2 Tit. 11-C 708
    22087 6-18-2009 An ordinance amending Title 11-A, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Section 202; increasing the monthly stormwater drainage system service charge and establishing October 1, 2009, as to when such increased rates shall become operative; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 11-A 202
    22107 8-6-2009 An ordinance amending and correcting Ordinance No. 21979, passed and approved by the Council of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma, on the 18th day of December, 2008, and approved by the mayor pro-tem, on the 23rd day of December, 2008, which contained a scrivener's error; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 2 101.A.2
    22109 8-20-2009 An ordinance amending Title 37-A, entitled, "Emergency Medical Services Code," Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Subsection 100.P, amending the definition of "medical control board" to increase the number of physicians comprising the board; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 37-A 100.P.
    22113 8-27-2009 An ordinance amending Title 27, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, by repealing Section 405 entitled "Assault and Battery Upon Police or Other Law Officer—Penalty"; and declaring an emergency 1       Rpld Tit. 27 405
    22146 10-15-2009 An ordinance amending Title 11, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Chapter 12, titled "Rights-of-Way Occupancy Management"; amending Section 1202, titled "Definitions", by modifying the definition for "cable service", deleting the definition for "cable service gross revenue", and adding definitions for the terms "IP video, internet protocol video service, or internet protocol (IP)-enabled video service", "IP video system", "video programming", "video service", and "video service gross revenue"; amending Section 1206, titled "occupancy fees or inspection fee and service charge"; amending Section 1220, titled "cable and open video system provisions"; redesignating Section 1220 and titling it "video service provisions"; providing for a video service fee; replacing the defined term "cable service" with the defined term "video service"; providing for severability; repealing ordinances in conflict herewith; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 11 1202
    2 Tit. 11 1206
    3 Tit. 11 1220
    22149 10-8-2009 An ordinance amending Title 42, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, titled "The Tulsa Zoning Code", related to restrictions on land uses within the City of Tulsa; amending Section 401, titled "principal uses permitted in residential districts", Table 1, titled "Use Units Permitted in Residential Districts", related to permitted use unit 8 uses; amending Section 1202, titled "Use Unit 2. Area-Wide Special Exception Uses", related to spacing requirements; amending Section 1208, titled "Use Unit 8. Multifamily Dwelling and Similar Uses", by adding use conditions related to community group homes; amending Section 1800, titled "Definitions", by amending the definitions of "community group home" and "family" and adding a definition for "disability" or "disabilities"; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for severability; establishing an operative date of November 1, 2009; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 42 401
    2 Tit. 42 1202
    3 Tit. 42 1208
    4 Tit. 42 1800
    22154 11-5-2009 An ordinance amending Title 11, Chapter 12, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Rights-of-Way Occupancy Management," Section 1206A.3.a; increasing the amount of occupancy fee to be charged to occupancy permit holders in order to recover said permit holder's pro rata share of the burden on the rights-of-way; providing an operative date of October 1, 2009; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 11 1206A.3.a.
    22155 11-5-2009 An ordinance amending Title 42, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, titled "The Tulsa Zoning Code", related to restrictions on land uses within the City of Tulsa; amending Chapter 10-A, titled "Historic Preservation"; amending Section 1052, titled "Tulsa Preservation Commission", Subsection 1052.J, titled "Quorum"; deleting the requirement that for certificate of appropriateness reviews and action, there shall be at least four members from the professional group in the quorum; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 42 1052.J.
    22156 10-15-2009 An ordinance amending Title 4, Chapter 2, Tulsa Revised ordinances, adding Section 203, entitled "Responding to City Auditor Requests," providing for the City of Tulsa policy requiring officials to respond to lawful requests from the city auditor; adding Section 204, entitled "officials to assist," providing for the City of Tulsa policy that city officials shall provide documents or copies thereof, pursuant to lawful request of the city auditor; adding Section 205, entitled "failure to comply," providing an official's failure to comply with this chapter may be considered grounds for discipline, including removal; adding Section 206, entitled "disclosure statement to accompany," requiring a disclosure statement; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1—4      
    Tit. 4 203—206
    22157 11-12-2009 An ordinance amending Title 6, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Finance Department," adopting a new Section 605 to provide an additional fee for reimbursement to city of collection fees pursuant to contract with a collection agency; providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances; and declaring an emergency 1       Added Tit. 6 605
    22160 11-12-2009 An ordinance amending Title 23, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Chapter 1, by adding a new Section 116 entitled "collection services for court penalties, costs, fines, and fees in cases in municipal court in which the accused/defendant has failed to appear or otherwise failed to satisfy a monetary obligation ordered by the court"; providing for a severability clause; and repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith 1       Added Tit. 23 116
    22169 12-10-2009 An ordinance amending Title 11, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Chapter 12, titled "Rights-of-Way Occupancy Management"; amending Section 1220, titled "video service provisions"; amending Paragraph 1220.A.3 regarding the establishment of an educational and governmental access capital contribution fee; amending paragraph 1220.G.3, titled video and audio originations; providing for severability; repealing ordinances in conflict herewith; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 11 1220.A.3
    2 Tit. 11 1220.G.3
    22171 12-17-2009 An ordinance amending Title 36, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Taxicabs and Paratransit Vehicles"; amending Section 118 entitled "Requirements for chauffeur license", providing additional qualifications that an applicant shall not have been convicted of certain felonies and shall not be a person required to register as a sex offender under Oklahoma law; providing for severability; providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 36 118
    22189  1-14-2010 An ordinance creating a new Title 42-A, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Oil and Gas Drilling in the City Limits"; establishing procedures for exploration, drilling, and operating oil and gas wells; creating the administrative office of oil and Gas Inspector and describing the authority and duties of said office; providing for the issuance of permits and collection of fees for activities related to exploration, drilling, and operating oil and gas wells; requiring the posting of certain bonds and public liability insurance; providing for the drilling and operation of enhanced recovery wells of different types; providing for conversion from natural to artificial production of oil and gas; providing for swabbing of oil and gas wells; providing for construction of loading racks and other accessories to oil and gas-related structures and equipment; providing for oil and gas-related pipelines, their excavation, placement, operation, and maintenance; providing for nuisance abatement; providing penalties for certain violations; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1       Added Tit. 42-A 100—104
    Tit. 42-A 200—202
    Tit. 42-A 300—307
    Tit. 42-A 400—402
    Tit. 42-A 500
    Tit. 42-A 600—638
    Tit. 42-A 700—705
    Tit. 42-A 800—802
    Tit. 42-A 900—908
    Tit. 42-A 1000—1014
    Tit. 42-A 1100—1104
    Tit. 42-A 1200
    22205  3- 4-2010 An ordinance amending Title 42, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, titled "The Tulsa Zoning Code", related to restrictions on land uses within the City of Tulsa; amending Chapter 12, titled "Use Units"; amending Section 1221 titled "Use unit 21. Business signs and outdoor advertising"; amending Paragraph 1221.C.10, pertaining to use conditions for business signs, to permit roof signs within the Downtown Entertainment District, subject to certain conditions; amending Section 1800, titled "Definitions", by adding definitions for "Downtown entertainment district" and "Electronic message center or board sign"; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 42 1221 C.10.
    2 Tit. 42 1800
    22220  3-25-2010 An ordinance amending Title 6, Chapter 4, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, by adding thereto Section 415, entitled "Performance-Based Efficiency Contracts", providing for definitions; providing for performance-based efficiency contracts, providing for severability; providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances and declaring an emergency 1       Added Tit. 6 415
    22221  3-25-2010 An ordinance amending Chapter 12, Tulsa Revised Ordinances relating to "sewer use" and providing for general provisions; general sewer use requirements; pretreatment of wastewater; wastewater discharge permit application; wastewater discharge permit issuance process; reporting requirements; compliance monitoring; confidential information; publication of users in significant noncompliance; administrative enforcement remedies; judicial enforcement remedies; supplemental enforcement action; affirmative defenses to discharge violations; fees; severability; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 11-C 1200—1213
    22235  4-22-2010 An ordinance amending Title 49, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Administrative, permit, and license fees," Chapter 1, adopting a new Section 100 to provide for collection of a fee to support the Oklahoma Uniform Building Code Commission and a fee to reimburse the City its expenses related to such collection; and adopting a new Section 101 to provide for a Code Compliance Development meeting fee; renumbering the existing Sections 100 through 117 as Sections 102 through 119, respectively; amending Chapter 12, Section 1206, entitled "Rate used in calculating fee-in-lieu of detention" increasing the rate per square foot effective immediately, with additional increases effective April 2, 2011 and April 1, 2012; repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith; and declaring an emergency 1       Added Tit. 49 100, 101
    2       Rnbd Tit. 49 100—117
          as Tit. 49 102—119
    3 Tit. 49 1206
    22250  6-20-2010 An ordinance amending Title 11-A, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Section 302; amending exemptions to watershed development permits; removing an exemption for property that does not exceed forty-three thousand five hundred sixty (43,560) square feet (one acre) in size; removing an exemption for development of single-family residential properties; changing references from the "Public Works Department" to the "Development Services Division of the Economic Development Department"; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 11-A 302
    22263  6-17-2010 An ordinance amending Title 11-C, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, titled "Waterworks and Sewerage"; amending Chapter 3, Title "Water Rates"; amending Sections 302, 303, 304, 305, 306 and 307 to provide that certain water rates shall be applicable to property located inside and outside the corporate limits of the City of Tulsa, or on property owned by the City of Tulsa; providing that these water rates shall be effective on October 1, 2010; establishing when the amendments enacted by this ordinance shall become operative; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 11-C 302
    2 Tit. 11-C 303
    3 Tit. 11-C 304
    4 Tit. 11-C 305
    5 Tit. 11-C 306
    6 Tit. 11-C 307
    22264  6-17-2010 An ordinance amending Title 11-C, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, titled "Waterworks and Sewerage"; amending Chapter 7, titled "Sanitary Sewer User Charge System"; amending Sections 702, 703 and 708 to provide that certain sewer rates shall be applicable to users inside and outside of the City, wholesale users and to property owned by the City of Tulsa; specifying sewer rates for users who are not also water customers; specifying rates for dumping or discharging septic waste; providing that these sewerage rates shall be effective on October 1, 2010; establishing when the amendments enacted by this ordinance shall become operative; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 11-C 702
    2 Tit. 11-C 703
    3 Tit. 11-C 708
    22269  7-15-2010 An ordinance creating a new Title 24-A, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Neglected Vacant Buildings Registry and Maintenance"; providing definitions; establishing a procedure for registering and inspection of a neglected vacant building; providing for a neglected vacant building/residential structure plan to be submitted by the owner; providing registration fees; requiring the posting of certain bonds and public liability insurance; requiring maintenance of neglected vacant buildings; providing for exemptions and annual reports; providing penalties for certain violations; providing for severability; providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances; and declaring an emergency 1       Added Tit. 24-A 100, 101, 200—207
    22270  7-15-2010 An ordinance repealing Title 55 Tulsa Revised Ordinances, titled "Existing Structures Code"; adopting a new Title 55, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, titled "Property Maintenance Code"; adopting the 2003 ICC International Property Maintenance Code, published by the International Code Council, Inc. (ICC), as amended by this ordinance; regulating and governing the conditions and maintenance of all property, buildings and structures, by providing standards for supplied utilities and facilities and other physical things and conditions essential to ensure that structures are safe, sanitary and fit for occupation and use; providing for the condemnation of buildings and structures unfit for human occupancy and use, and the demolition of such existing structures as herein provided; providing for the issuance of permits therefor; providing penalties for the violation thereof; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1       Rpld Tit. 55 100—103
    2       Added Tit. 55 100, 101, 111
    22271  7-15-2010 An ordinance amending Title 24, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled, "Nuisances"; amending Section 205 entitled "Appeals from the Enforcement Official", Subsection B entitled "Notice of appeal", correcting the reference therein from Section 207 to Sections 210 or 403; amending Section 207 entitled "appeals to the Council", Subsection B entitled "notice of appeal", clarifying the procedures to notify the Council Secretary and the Nuisance Hearing Officer of the appellant's appeal and specifying the times applicable to the appeal; amending Section 210 entitled "summary abatement", changing the duration of the abatement order from twelve (12) months to twenty-four (24) months; amending Section 403 entitled "summary abatement", changing the duration of the abatement order from twelve (12) months to twenty-four (24) months; providing for severability; providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 24 205 B.
    2 Tit. 24 207 B.
    3 Tit. 24 210
    3 Tit. 24 403
    22304  8-19-2010 An ordinance amending Title 4, Chapter 3, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, adding Section 313, entitled "donations" providing for the City of Tulsa policy requiring all donations to the City of Tulsa to be accepted by the city council; and declaring an emergency 1       Added Tit. 4 313
    22305  7-29-2010 An ordinance updating and clarifying the focus, role and processes related to the City of Tulsa's Government Access Channel (TGOV), as originally authorized by and superseding City of Tulsa Joint Resolution #7220; clarifying programming policies and priorities as well as the make-up, role and responsibilities of the TGOV Coordinating Committee; amending Title 12 Tulsa Revised Ordinances; adding a new Chapter 7 titled "Tulsa Government Television"; adding a new Section 700, titled "Objectives"; adding a new Section 701, titled "TGOV Policies"; adding a new Section 702, entitled "Programming Priorities"; adding a new Section 703, titled "Coordination & Management"; adding a new Section 704, titled "Programming Restrictions"; adding a new Section 705, titled "Copyright of Programs"; adding a new Section 706, titled "General Broadcast Approach & Schedule"; adding a new Section 707, titled "TGOV Broadcast Channel"; adding a new Section 708, titled "Operational Framework"; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1       Added Tit. 12 700—708
    22311  9-16-2010 An ordinance amending Title 3, Chapter 2, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, amending Section 200, to amend the font and define specific colors of the City of Tulsa Corporate Seal; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 3 200
    22314 10- 7-2010 An ordinance amending Title 29, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Chapter 5, Section 508, by adding a new Subsection "F" entitled "Campus Police Officers" which authorizes Campus Police Officers as defined therein to enforce the provisions of the Traffic Code and the Penal Code of the City of Tulsa and to issue citations; providing for a severability clause; repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith; and declaring an emergency 1       Added Tit. 29 508 F.
    22325 10-28-2010 An ordinance amending Title 5, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Boards, Commissions and Committees," amending 110(A) to provide a definition of good-faith effort; amending 110(B)(2)(f) to eliminate mandatory goals and amending 110(B)(2)(i) to add utilization of good-faith efforts; repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith; and declaring an emergency 1       Added Tit. 5 110 A.6.
    2       Rnbd Tit. 5 110 A.6.—9.
          as Tit. 5 110 A.7.—10.
    3 Tit. 5 110 B.2.f., i.
    22356 12- 9-2010 An ordinance amending Title 42, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, titled "The Tulsa Zoning Code", related to restrictions on land uses within the City of Tulsa; amending Chapter 10-A, titled "Historic Preservation"; amending Section 1052, titled "Tulsa Preservation Commission"; updating references for consistency with the City's current form of government; providing that the composition of the Tulsa Preservation Commission shall be reduced form fifteen (15) members to nine (9) members, effective October 1, 2011, selected from a "professional" group, a "historic property owners" group and an "ex officio" group; providing for the appointment and terms of office of members; establishing requirements for the conduct of meetings of the Preservation Commission; amending Section 1054, titled "Historic Preservation District-zoning map amendments"; amending Section 1055, titled "Certificate of appropriateness (COA)"; clarifying provisions authorizing Preservation Commission Staff to approve certificates of appropriateness for minor exterior alterations to a building or structure; providing that from February 1, 2011 through September 30, 2011 the membership of the Preservation Commission shall total eleven (11) voting members, including six (6) historic property owner members who previously were appointed and served as community group members; providing that the amendments enacted by this ordinance shall become operative February 1, 2011 repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 42 1052
    2 Tit. 42 1054, 1055
    22361  1-13-2011 An ordinance amending Title 25, Chapter 4, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, amending Section 401, entitled "Definitions" providing that employees with an artistic and creative (AC), airport safety officer (AO), administrative and technical (AT), information systems (IS), information technical (IT), and office/technical (OT) designation for the City of Tulsa shall be added to the designations defined as an employee for the purposes of Title 25, Chapter 4 of the Tulsa Revised Ordinances 1 Tit. 25 401
    22380  2-17-2011 An ordinance amending Title 43-E, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Subsection 100.B., "Specific projects and purposes," by adding projects totaling the amount of $1,110,447.34; further amending section 100.B, "Specific projects and purposes," to revise accordingly the estimated totals; and declaring an emergency 1—5 Tit. 43-E 100 B.
    22395  3-24-2011 An ordinance amending Title 37, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Chapter 1, Section 100 to add definition of "Rickshaw;" amending Title 37, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Section 601 to add rickshaws to the provisions of the section; and amending Title 37, Chapter 10, to provide for certain traffic regulations for the operation of rickshaws within the City of Tulsa; providing for a severability clause; repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 37 100
    2 Tit. 37 601
    3 Tit. 37 1000
    4 Tit. 37 1001
    5 Tit. 37 1002
    6 Tit. 37 1003
    7 Tit. 37 1004
    8 Tit. 37 1005
    9 Tit. 37 1006
    10 Tit. 37 1007
    11 Tit. 37 1008
    12 Tit. 37 1009
    13 Tit. 37 1010
    14 Tit. 37 1011
    15 Tit. 37 1012
    16 Tit. 37 1013
    17 Tit. 37 1014
    22396  3-24-2011 An ordinance amending Title 36, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Section 101 entitled "Definitions" to add a definition of "rickshaw;" amending Title 36, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Section 106 entitled "Certificate application," paragraph "D" to add rickshaw; amending Title 36, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Section 132 entitled "Direct route" to add rickshaws; amending Title 36, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Section 146 entitled "Peda-cabs" to amend the Title to "Peda-cabs and rickshaws" and to add rickshaw to the provisions of the section; providing for a severability clause; repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 36 101
    2 Tit. 36 106 D.
    3 Tit. 36 132
    4 Tit. 36 146
    22411  4- 7-2011 An ordinance creating and adopting a new Title 42-B, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, titled "Form-Based Code", related to restrictions on land uses within the City of Tulsa; providing for the regulation of land development by setting controls on building forms, height and siting, and defining public spaces; establishing permitted uses within specified street frontages and for nonconforming uses; providing for the administration of this Code; establishing a regulating plan for properties with a " form-based district" regulated by this Code; establishing standards for building forms, city blocks, street connectivity and vehicular access; specifying building form standards for urban general frontages, townhouse/small apartment frontages, residential detached frontages and workshop frontages; regulating signage, lighting and mechanical equipment on properties; regulating urban space, including streetscapes, trees, squares, civic greens, parks, gardens and paths; establishing parking standards; providing definitions; providing an appendix of non-regulatory/ advisory illustrated street types; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1       Added Tit. 42-B 101, 102
    Tit. 42-B 201—205
    Tit. 42-B 301, 302
    Tit. 42-B 401—410
    Tit. 42-B 501—505
    Tit. 42-B 601—605
    Tit. 42-B 701
    Tit. 42-B App. A
    22415  5-19-2011 An ordinance adopting a new Title 15, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Chapter 3, titled "2011 Oklahoma Natural Gas Company Franchise"; providing definitions for words and phrases used in the grant of this franchise; granting to Oklahoma Natural Gas Company (ONG), a Division of Oneok, Inc., a corporation ("Grantee"), its successors and assigns, for a period of fifteen (15) years, a non-exclusive franchise and a right to use the public rights-of-way for the purpose of transporting, distributing and selling natural gas to consumers and the general public within the City; regulating the assignment, sale or lease of this franchise; providing for the use and repair of City rights-of-way; providing for the issuance of rights-of-way construction permits to the grantee and grantee's agents; providing requirements for such permits; providing for appeals from orders or decisions made in the enforcement of this franchise; providing for the regulation of grantee's service within the City limits; establishing engineering standards; imposing certain duties on the grantee to remove or alter facilities; requiring indemnification of the City; allowing grantee to make and enforce reasonable rules and regulations for the conduct of its business; requiring grantee to maintain records and permit the City to inspect them; requiring grantee to pay a franchise fee and establishing the method of calculating that franchise fee; authorizing the right to renegotiate the terms of this franchise in certain circumstances; providing that before this ordinance shall be effective it shall be approved by a majority of the qualified electors of the City of Tulsa at a special election to be held on August 9, 2011; providing for severability of invalid provisions; providing for the acceptance by the grantee and the effective date of this franchise; repealing Ordinance Number 16620, which granted a similar franchise to grantee in 1986, and all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 15 300—317
    22419  4-21-2011 An ordinance amending Title 11, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, titled, "Public Works Department"; adding a new Chapter 14, titled "Licensing of Signs Within the Central Business District Rights-of-Way"; granting a revocable license for certain signs located within the Central Business District, consistent with the City's 1989 Amended Charter and amendments, Article VIII, Section 13, titled "Permits"; providing definitions for "Central Business District", "Rights-of-Way", and "Sign"; requiring an application as provided in the City's Building Code; providing restrictions and conditions for the permitting and placement of such signs in the Central Business District; providing for severability; providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances; and declaring an emergency 1       Added Tit. 11 1400—1403
    22420  4-21-2011 An ordinance amending Title 52, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, the Electrical Code of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma; adopting, by reference, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 2005 Edition of NFPA-70, the "National Electrical Code (NFPA-70 2005)", as published by the National Fire Protection Association; providing standards for and governing electrical wiring design, protection, and installation methods; regulating electrical materials, equipment and appliances; establishing standards for special occupancies and special equipment; providing for the administration, issuance, revocation, and suspension of certificates of registration; providing for the issuance of permits and performing inspections; requiring registration of electrical and electrical sign contractors, journeymen and apprentices; creating the Electrical Examining and Appeals Board, and establishing duties and responsibilities therefor; providing for bonding and insurance and cash deposits; providing for appeals; providing penalties for violation the Electrical Code; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for preservation and protection of existing rights; providing for severability; providing that the operative date of this ordinance shall be June 1, 2011; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 52 100—116, 200
    22423  4-28-2011 An ordinance amending Title 45, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, titled "City of Tulsa Use Tax Code"; amending Chapter 1, titled "City of Tulsa Use Tax Code", Section 100, titled "Use tax levied", to increase the use tax levied by the City of Tulsa on the storage, use or other consumption of tangible personal property purchased or brought into the City of Tulsa from three percent (3%) to three and two-twelfths percent (3 2/12 %); repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for severability; providing that the operative date of this ordinance shall be on and after October 1, 2011 1 Tit. 45 100
    22425  4-28-2011 An ordinance amending Title 28, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Municipal Employees" Retirement Plan," amending 301(a) to increase the amount of basic employee contributions; repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 28 301 A.
    22427  4-14-2011 An ordinance amending Title 12, of the Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Internal Policies", creating a new Chapter 7, entitled "Housing and Urban Development Grants", providing for a fair and efficient process for allocating Federal Urban Development Grants, including but not limited to community development block grant funds, home funds, and emergency shelter grant funds, and developing an annual action plan; providing for the scope of the chapter; providing for the creation and duties of the Housing & Urban Development Grant Prioritization Committee; providing for the provision of applicant workshops; establishing a deadline for the submission of proposals; providing for the creation and duties of the Program Review Committee; providing for the creation and duties of the Fund Allocation Committee; providing for public hearing; providing for the final resolution on consolidated plan and use of funds; providing for the submission to HUD of necessary documents; providing for the Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER), to evaluate program performance by each agency funded in the prior fiscal year; providing for the provision of quarterly reports to the City Council and mayor; providing for appeals; and declaring an emergency 1       Added Tit. 12 800—811
    22431  5-12-2011 An ordinance amending Title 2, Chapter 1, Subsection 101.a, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, to provide for designation of public off-leash areas in which dogs would be permitted to not be under leash; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 2 101 A.2.
    22432  5-12-2011 An ordinance amending Title 42, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, titled "The Tulsa Zoning Code", related to restrictions on land uses within the City of Tulsa; amending Section 206, titled "Street frontage required", to include lots within a corridor district development as an additional exception from the requirement; amending Section 601, titled "Principal uses permitted in office districts", Table 1, titled "Use units permitted in office districts", related to mixed-use buildings; amending Section 603, titled "Bulk and area requirements in the office districts", Table 3, titled "Bulk and area requirements in the office districts", related to mixed-use buildings; amending Section 604, titled "Special exception uses in office districts, requirements", Subsection B, to delete certain bulk and area requirements for multi-family uses in office medium intensity (OM) and office medium-high intensity (OMH) districts; amending Section 701, titled "Principal uses permitted in commercial districts", table 1, titled "Use units permitted in commercial districts", related to mixed use buildings; amending Section 703, titled "Bulk and area requirements in the commercial districts", Table 2, titled "Bulk and area requirements in the commercial districts", related to mixed-use buildings; amending Section 704, titled "Special exception uses in commercial districts, requirements", by deleting Subsection A, regarding certain bulk and area requirements for multi-family uses in commercial districts; amending Section 902, titled "Accessory uses permitted in industrial districts", to permit accessory dwellings in industrial districts for security and management purposes; amending Section 1106, titled "Off-street parking and loading", to permit modification of off-street parking and loading requirements within a planned unit development (PUD) by the City Council, if incorporated within a subdivision plat; amending Section 1212, titled "Use Unit 12. Eating establishments other than drive-ins" and Section 1212A, titled "Use unit 12A. Adult entertainment establishments", to provide for outdoor seating on rooftops; adding a new Subsection 1212.E, titled "Other requirements", to regulate off-street parking and loading requirements for a use Unit 12, eating establishments other than drive-ins; amending Section 1800, titled "Definitions", by adding a definition for "Mixed-use building""; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 42 206
    2 Tit. 42 601
    3 Tit. 42 603, 604
    4 Tit. 42 701
    5 Tit. 42 703, 704
    6 Tit. 42 902
    7 Tit. 42 1106
    8 Tit. 42 1212, 1212a.
    9 Tit. 42 1800
    22434  3-31-2011 An ordinance repealing Title 23, Section 112, of the Tulsa Revised Ordinances entitled creation of Judicial Nominating Committee, purpose, membership, appointment, term; and repealing Title 23, Section 113 of the Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled procedure for selection of Judges, and declaring an emergency 1       Rpld Tit. 23 112
    2       Rpld Tit. 23 113
    22438  5- 5-2011 An ordinance amending Title 42, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, titled "The Tulsa Zoning Code", related to restrictions on land uses within the City of Tulsa; amending Chapter 11, titled "Planned Unit Development"; amending Section 1103 titled "Uses permitted in Planned Unit Development"; amending paragraph 1103.A.3, pertaining to the reallocation of uses within a Planned Unit Development (PUD) regardless of general zoning district boundaries to provide that the reallocation of uses within a Planned Unit Development shall not be permitted within a historic preservation (HP) district effective immediately from and after passage, approval and publication of this ordinance; amending paragraph 1103.A.3, to allow the reallocation of uses within a planned unit development (PUD) regardless of general zoning district boundaries, effective from and after December 1, 2011, repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 42 1103 A.
    2 Tit. 42 1103 A.
    22441  6- 9-2011 An ordinance amending Title 14, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, titled "Fire Prevention"; amending Section 3301.1 of the ICC International Fire Code, 2006 Edition, titled "Explosives and Fireworks", incorporated by reference into Title 14 Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Chapter 1; amending the definition of "fireworks" defined in Section 3302 of the ICC International Fire Code, 2006 Edition, titled "Definitions", incorporated by reference into Title 14 Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Chapter 1; repealing all ordinance or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 14 3301.1
    2 Tit. 14 3302
    22453  6-23-2011 An ordinance amending Title 42, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, titled "The Tulsa Zoning Code", related to restrictions on land uses within the City of Tulsa; amending Section 800, titled "Purposes", to clarify the requirement for an approved development plan and a detail site plan within a corridor zoned district; amending Section 801, titled "Principal uses permitted in corridor districts", Table 1, titled "Use units permitted in corridor districts", by adding a Use Unit 25, light manufacturing and industrial use; amending Section 802, titled "Accessory uses permitted in corridor district", to change cross references from Section 805 to Section 804; amending Section 804 by changing the title from "Access requirements" to "Corridor development plan" and establishing requirements for a corridor development plan; amending Section 805, titled "Site plan review" to include review of corridor development plans; adding a new Section 806, titled "Corridor district administration", providing procedures for the approval of a corridor subdivision plat; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 42 800—803
    2 Tit. 42 804, 805
    3       Added Tit. 42 806
    22461  6-23-2011 An ordinance amending Title 11-C, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, titled "Waterworks and Sewerage"; amending Chapter 3, titled "Water Rates"; amending Sections 302, 303, 305, 306 and 307 to provide that certain water rates shall be applicable to property located inside and outside the corporate limits of the City of Tulsa, or on property owned by the City of Tulsa; providing that these water rates shall be effective on October 1, 2011; establishing when the amendments enacted by this ordinance shall become operative; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 11-C 302
    2 Tit. 11-C 303
    3 Tit. 11-C 305
    4 Tit. 11-C 306
    3 Tit. 11-C 307
    22462  6-23-2011 An ordinance amending Title 11-C, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, titled "Waterworks and Sewerage"; amending Chapter 7, titled "Sanitary Sewer User Charge System"; amending Sections 702, 703 and 708 to provide that certain sewer rates shall be applicable to users inside and outside of the City, wholesale users and to property owned by the City of Tulsa; specifying sewer rates for users who are not also water customers; specifying rates for dumping or discharging septic waste; providing that these sewerage rates shall be effective on October 1, 2011; establishing when the amendments enacted by this ordinance shall become operative; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 11-C 702
    2 Tit. 11-C 703
    3 Tit. 11-C 708
    22473  7-14-2011 An ordinance amending Title 42, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, titled "The Tulsa Zoning Code", related to restrictions on land uses within the City of Tulsa; amending Chapter 2, titled "General Provisions"; amending Section 200 titled "Zoning and supplemental zoning districts established"; adding a new "Form-Based Code District" classification, designated by the abbreviation "FBC"; providing that Form Based Code Districts are regulated by Title 42-B and only by Title 42 Tulsa Revised Ordinance to the extent provided for in Title 42-B; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 42 200
    22476  7-21-2011 An ordinance amending Title 42, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, titled "The Tulsa Zoning Code", related to restrictions on land uses within the City of Tulsa; amending Chapter 2, titled "General provisions"; amending Section 200 titled "Zoning and supplemental zoning districts established"; adding a new "Form-Based Code District" classification, designated by the abbreviation "FBC"; providing that Form Based Code Districts are regulated by Title 42-B and only by Title 42 Tulsa Revised Ordinance to the extent provided for in Title 42-B; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 42 200
    22477  7-21-2011 An ordinance amending Chapter 2, Title 37-A, of the Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Emergency Medical Services Code," by providing for election of nonparticipation in said program; providing for severability; providing for the definition of election period; providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 37-A 200
    2 Tit. 37-A 202
    22529  9-29-2011 An ordinance amending Title 6, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Finance Department" by repealing Chapter 4 entitled "Purchasing" and enacting a new Title 6, Chapter 4, entitled "Purchasing"; establishing certain definitions to be used in Chapter 4; setting forth powers and duties of the City purchasing agent; providing for the filing of requisitions and estimates by using departments of the City; providing for the encumbrance of funds for purchases; requiring disclosure of financial interests and prohibiting certain financial interests; providing a process for petty expenditures; setting forth competitive processes for purchases including request for quote, invitation for sealed bid, two-step sealed bid; competitive sealed proposal, and request for proposal; providing for ability to use auction or reverse auction as a step in a competitive process; setting forth requirements for competitive processes; providing for central warehousing, emergency purchases, inspection and testing of purchases; providing for disposition of surplus supplies, cooperative purchasing, performance based efficiency contracts, sole source and sole brand acquisitions, and auction and reverse auction; providing for penalties for noncompliance with this chapter; repealing ordinances in conflict; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 6 400—416
    22530  9-29-2011 An ordinance amending the Building Code of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma, Title 51 Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Chapter 2; adopting the ICC International Residential Code for One- and Two-Family Dwellings, 2009 Edition published by the International Code Council, Inc. (ICC), as amended and revised in Title 748 Uniform Building Code Commission — Chapter 20 and amended by this ordinance; providing for the regulation of design, construction, quality of materials, erection, installation, location, replacement, repair, alteration, occupancy, addition, relocation, and demolition or use of one- and two-family dwellings and townhouses not more than three stories in height with separate means of egress; providing for the administration thereof, the issuance of permits, collection of fees, and making of inspections; providing for appeals; providing definitions; providing for the classification of work, repairs, levels of alterations, occupancy, and additions thereto; providing penalties for the violation providing for severability; providing that the operative date of this ordinance shall be xxxxx, 2011; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 51 200—202
    22531  9-29-2011 An ordinance amending Title 51, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Building Code" by adding thereto Chapter Five, entitled "Residential Swimming Pools, Spas and Hot Tubs," providing for the regulation of design and construction of swimming pools, spas and hot tubs installed in or on the lot of a one or two family dwelling; providing for barriers and restricted access to swimming pools, spas and hot tubs; providing for entrapment protection, atmospheric vacuum relief system installation, dual drain separation and pool cleaner fittings restrictions; and adopting standards applicable to swimming pools, spas and hot tubs installed in or on the lot of a one or two family dwelling; providing for severability, that the operative date of this ordinance shall be xxxxx, 2011; and declaring an emergency 1       Added Tit. 51 500—508
    22548 10-20-2011 An ordinance amending Title 37, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Chapter 6, Section 645, by amending Subsection "D"; providing for a severability clause; repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith 1 Tit. 37 645.D.
    22550 10-20-2011 An ordinance amending Title 1, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Airports and Aircraft" in its entirety; adopting a new Chapter 1, entitled "Definitions;" adopting a new Chapter 2, entitled "General Regulations" to provide rules and regulations for use of Tulsa's airports and establishing a penalty for violations thereof; adopting a new Chapter 3, entitled "Operational Rules and Regulations" to provide rules and regulations governing operational issues at Tulsa's airports including adoption of Section 42.10, et seq. , of the NFPA1, Fire Code, 2009 Edition, and establishing a penalty for violations thereof; adopting a new Chapter 4, entitled "Aviation Fuel Flow Fee" to provide for a fuel flow fee for each gallon of fuel sold, consumed or dispensed at the airports; providing for an exemption from the fuel flow fee for air carriers or cargo carriers with scheduled service and a license to operate at the airport; providing a method of accounting and reporting to the Tulsa Airport Authority and establishing a late fee for past due reports and interest for late payments; and providing for audit of fuel flow records; adopting a new Chapter 5, entitled "Airport Commercial Business Exterior Sign Policy" to provide rules and regulations regarding commercial signage at Tulsa International Airport and R.L. Jones, Jr. Airport; and establishing a penalty for violations thereof; adopting a new Chapter 6, entitled "Fine Schedule" to designate by ordinance the penalties for offenses which may be satisfied by payment at the court; repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 1 100—104,
    22593 12-15-2011 An ordinance amending Title 43-F, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Subsection 100.B., "Specific projects and purposes," Paragraph 2, relating to new 2006 Sales Tax Projects, under the category heading of "Gilcrease," by eliminating project "Gilcrease Museum Expansion (Planning & Design) $1,700,000.00"; amending Paragraph 2 of Section 100.B., by increasing the cost estimate for project, "Gilcrease Museum Renovations & Improvements" by the amount of $1,700,000.00 for a total amended cost estimate of $3,280,000.00; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 43-F 100.B.2.
    22596 12- 1-2011 An ordinance amending Title 37-A, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, titled "Emergency Medical Services Code", Section 203 "Collection of service charges" by the addition of Sub-Section 203.F; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1       Added Tit. 37-A 203.F.
    22597  1- 5-2012 An ordinance amending Title 11, Tulsa Revised Ordinances entitled "Public Works Department" by repealing Chapter 10 entitled "Standard Specifications for Highway Construction" and enacting a new Chapter 10 entitled "Standard Specifications for Highway Construction"; adopting the Standard Specifications for Highway Construction, 2009 Edition; revising terms for all sections of the chapter, providing for severability and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 11 1000, 1001
    22617  1-12-2012 An ordinance amending Title 27, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, amending Section 1900, increasing the value of the property taken from less than Fifty Dollars ($50.00) to less than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for obtaining property by trick or deception; amending Section 1910, increasing the amount from Twenty Dollars ($20.00) to Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for defrauding restaurants and hotels; by repealing ordinances in conflict; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 27 1900
    2 Tit. 27 1910
    22618  1- 5-2012 An ordinance amending Title 5, Chapter 4, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Economic Development Commission of the City of Tulsa", amending Section 401, Subsection "A" by reducing the Economic Development Commission's membership from twenty-one (21) to eleven (11) and Subsection "C" by setting staggered terms for membership; providing for a severability clause; repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 5 401.A.
    2 Tit. 5 401.B.
    22623  1-26-2012 An ordinance amending Title 21, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, titled "Licenses", related to authorization to pursue and exercise a trade, occupation or business in the City of Tulsa; amending Chapter 13, titled "Massage Businesses"; amending Section 1301, definitions by adding terms and deleting terms to come into compliance with this new ordinance; amending Section 1302, by adding requirements to operate a massage establishment as recognized by this new ordinance; amending Section 1304, adjusting fees for the lawful services recognized by this ordinance; amending Section 1305, to provide for massage establishments, and additional qualifications; amending Section 1306, adjusting procedures for denying, suspending or revoking a license; amending Section 1309, as to the requirement to display the license and identification card; amending Section 1310, to prohibit the transfer, misuse and alteration of the license; amending Section 1311, to add massage establishments to the record keeping requirements; amending Section 1312, operating requirements; eliminating Section 1315, and replacing it with a new Section 1315, and renumbering Sections 1316—1319 as Sections 1315—1318; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for severability; and providing that the operative date of this ordinance shall be March 1, 2012 1 Tit. 21 1300—1318
    22626  2- 2-2012 An ordinance amending Title 28, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "The Municipal Employees' Retirement Plan," amending Section 402 to reflect the revisions to Section 504; amending 504(c) to provide for enhanced rights for participants returning from military service; adding Section 606 providing for forfeiture of benefits for participants convicted of certain crimes; amending Section 708(a) defining eligible retirement plan, and adding Section 901 to add detail regarding benefit limits and adding a definition of compensation; providing for severability; providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 28 402
    2 Tit. 28 504 C.
    3       Added Tit. 28 606
    4 Tit. 28 708 A.
    5       Added Tit. 28 901
    22631  2-23-2012 An ordinance amending Title 37, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Chapter 3, Section 305, entitled "authority to impound vehicles," by adding a provision to allow for impounding of a vehicle when a police officer has probable cause that a vehicle is not insured as required by the compulsory insurance law of the state of Oklahoma; and providing for a severability clause 1 Tit. 37 305
    22648  4-12-2012 An ordinance amending Title 43-F, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Subsection 100.B., "specific projects and purposes," paragraph 2, relating to new 2006 sales tax projects, under the category heading of "Downtown, Economic and Neighborhood Development," by changing the project title for project "Tulsa Development Authority Downtown Property Acquisition" to "Tulsa Development Authority Downtown Property Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Construction"; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 43-F 100 B.2.
    22649  2- 2-2012 An ordinance amending Title 5, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Boards, Commissions and Committees," repealing Chapter 2; providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances; and declaring an emergency 1       Rpld Tit. 5 200—202
    22650  4-12-2012 An ordinance amending Title 5, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Boards, Commissions and Committees," amending Chapter 1, Section 102A by adding a requirement that two (2) members of the former commission on concerns of the disabled be appointed to the Human Rights Commission, and that individuals with disabilities will continue to be so appointed after expiration of the initial terms; repealing Chapter 2; providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 5 102 A.
    2       Rpld Tit. 5 200—202
    22671  5- 3-2012 An ordinance amending Title 11-B, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Section 200, entitled "Residential Solid Waste Collection and Disposal, Residential Recyclables Collection, Processing and Marketing and Disposal of Rejects from Recycling Processing and Marketing Rate Structure," Subsection C. thereof, increasing residential collection service charges (user fees); and adding thereto Section 205, entitled "Green Waste Disposal and Rate"; providing for scope and purpose, definitions, and rate; providing for severability; providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances; and providing that the operative date of this ordinance shall be October 1, 2012 1 Tit. 11-B 200 C.
    22675  4-12-2012 An ordinance amending Title 17, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Health Regulations"; amending Chapter 4, entitled "Food Code" to adopt rules and regulations promulgated by the Oklahoma State Department of Health, Oklahoma Administrative Code (OAC) Title 310, Chapter 257, titled "Food Service Establishments" by reference as the "Food Code" of the City of Tulsa; establishing standards for the management of food personnel, operations, equipment and facilities in the City of Tulsa; enacting a new Section 401 entitled "Addendum to Food Code; City-County-Specific Licensing, Permitting, Compliance and Enforcement Requirements"; repealing Chapters Five and Six and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing that the operative date of this ordinance shall be May 1, 2012; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 17 400
    2       Added Tit. 17 401
    3       Rpld Tit. 17 500—518
    3       Rpld Tit. 17 600—613
    22698  6-14-2012 An ordinance amending Title 11-C, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, titled "Waterworks and Sewerage"; amending Chapter 7, titled "Sanitary Sewer User Charge System"; amending Sections 701, 702, 703 and 708 to add a definition; to provide that certain sewer rates shall be applicable to users inside and outside of the City, wholesale users and to property owned by the City of Tulsa; specifying sewer rates for users who are not also water customers; specifying rates for dumping or discharging septic waste; providing that these sewerage rates shall be effective on October 1, 2012; establishing when the amendments enacted by this ordinance shall become operative; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 11-C 701
    2 Tit. 11-C 702
    3 Tit. 11-C 703
    4 Tit. 11-C 708
    22699  6-14-2012 An ordinance amending Title 11-C, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, titled "Waterworks and Sewerage"; amending Chapter 3, titled "Water Rates"; amending Sections 302, 303, 304, 305, 306 and 307 to provide that certain water rates shall be applicable to property located inside and outside the corporate limits of the City of Tulsa, or on property owned by the City of Tulsa; providing that these water rates shall be effective on October 1, 2012; establishing when the amendments enacted by this ordinance shall become operative; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 11-C 302
    2 Tit. 11-C 303
    3 Tit. 11-C 304
    4 Tit. 11-C 305
    5 Tit. 11-C 306
    6 Tit. 11-C 307
    22701  6-21-2012 An ordinance amending Title 11-B, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Section 113 entitled Collection of Recyclables, and Section 200 entitled Residential Solid Waste Disposal and Collection Rate Structure, Subsections B and C thereof, revising residential collection service charges (user fees) and temporarily suspending collection, processing and marketing of residential recyclables; providing for scope and purpose, definitions, and rate; providing for severability; providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances; providing that the operative dates of this ordinance shall be for the period July 2, 2012 through September 30, 2012 and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 11-B 113
    2 Tit. 11-B 200 B.
    3 Tit. 11-B 200 C.
    22702  6-21-2012 An ordinance amending Title 11-B, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Section 104, entitled "Collection of Solid Waste," adding thereto Subsection E, providing for severability; providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances; providing that the operative date of this ordinance shall be July 2, 2012 and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 11-B 104
    22711  7-19-2012 An ordinance amending Title 12 Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Chapter 8, "Housing and Urban Development Grants," Section 805, "The Fund Allocation Committee," amending Subsection C of said Section 805, providing for an optional extension of time for the Committee to publish funding recommendations, dependant on a majority vote of the entire membership of the Committee; repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 12 805 C.
    22719  7-19-2012 An ordinance amending Title 37, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Chapter 12 entitled "Miscellaneous Provisions" by adding a new Section 1213 entitled "Forget-Me-Not Vehicle Safety Ordinance;" providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1       Added Tit. 37 1213
    26658  3-15-2012 An ordinance amending Title 42-B, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Form Based Code," Section 102 thereof, eliminating paragraph C and the table stated therein; relettering paragraph D as paragraph C and adding a new paragraph D providing for application of Title 42 when Title 42B is silent; and amending Section 204 thereof, revising the table in paragraph C and adding descriptive text following the table; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 42-B 102
    2 Tit. 42-B 204.C.
    26660  3-15-2012 An ordinance amending Title 27, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, by creating a new chapter thereto to be codified as Chapter 29, entitled "Door to Door Solicitation;" providing for definitions; providing for certain offenses as described herein; providing for penalties; providing for a severability clause; and declaring an emergency 1       Added Tit. 27 2900—2904
    22724  7-26-2012 An ordinance amending Title 37-A, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, titled "Emergency Medical Services Code", Chapter 2, Section 200, entitled "Definitions," by adding a definition of the phrase "TotalCare Program;" repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; and providing for a severability clause 1 Tit. 37-A 200
    22741  8-20-2012 An ordinance amending Title 11, Chapter 12, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Rights-of-Way Occupancy Management," Section 1206A.3.a; increasing the amount of occupancy fee to be charged to occupancy permit holders in order to recover said permit holder's pro rata share of the burden on the rights-of-way; providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances; providing an operative date of August 1, 2012; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 11 1206.A.3.a.
    22751  9-20-2012 An ordinance amending Title 24, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, titled "Nuisances Classified", Chapter 1, Section 103, entitled "Nuisances Affecting Peace and Safety," by amending subsection "N" thereof prohibiting the repeated use of real property or structure thereon to commit felony violations of the Oklahoma Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Act by requiring such felony violations to have resulted in a felony conviction in order to constitute a public nuisance and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for a severability clause; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 24 103
    22756  9-20-2012 An ordinance amending Title 52, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, the Electrical Code of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma, by adopting the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 2011 Edition of NFPA-70, the "National Electrical Code (NFPA-70 2011)", as published by the National Fire Protection Association; providing standards for and governing electrical wiring design, protection, and installation methods; regulating electrical materials, equipment and appliances; providing standards for special occupancies and special equipment; providing for the administration, issuance, revocation, and suspension of certificates of registration; providing for the issuance of permits and performing inspections; requiring registration of electrical and electrical sign contractors, journeymen and apprentices; continuing the electrical examining and appeals board, and its duties and responsibilities; providing for bonding and insurance and cash deposits; providing penalties for violation of the Electrical Code; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for preservation and protection of existing rights; providing for severability; providing that the operative date of this ordinance shall be November 1, 2012; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 52 100—116, 200
    22757  9-20-2012 An ordinance amending the Plumbing Code of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma, Title 56, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, by adopting the ICC International Plumbing Code, 2009 Edition, including Appendices B, C, D, E, F and G, as published by the International Code Council, Inc.; providing for and governing the design, installation, construction, fabrication, alteration, location, repair, venting, material quality standards, conversion of plumbing systems, in new and existing buildings including sanitary facilities, water supplies and distribution, stormwater and sewage disposal in buildings; providing for the administration thereof, issuance of permits, collection of fees, making of inspections; continuation of the plumbing and appeal board; requiring registration of plumbing licenses, payment of registration fees; requiring that registered license holders post insurance; providing penalties for the violation thereof; preserving and protecting existing rights and remedies; providing for severability; repealing all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing that the operative date of this ordinance shall be November 1, 2012; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 56 100, 101
    22758  9-20-2012 An ordinance amending the Mechanical Code of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma, Title 59, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Mechanical Code"; amending Title 59, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Chapters 1, 2 and 3; adopting "The International Mechanical Code, 2009 Edition," as published by the International Code Council, Inc. (ICC), as the Mechanical Code of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma; providing for and governing the design, construction, fabrication, erection, alteration, location, enlargement, equipment, repair, removal, conversion, use and maintenance of mechanical systems, including heating systems, ventilating systems, cooling systems, steam and hot water heating systems, process piping, boilers and pressure vessels, appliances utilizing gas, liquid or solid fuel, chimneys and vents, mechanical refrigeration systems, fireplaces, barbecues, incinerators, and crematories; providing for the administration, issuance and revocation or suspension of certificates of registration; providing for the issuance of permits, making of inspections, collection of fees; continuing the mechanical examiners and appeals board and duties and responsibilities therefor; continuing qualifications for and requiring the registration of defined classifications of mechanical contractors; providing for the examination and licensing of stationary engineers; requiring licensed operators to operate and maintain certain equipment; imposing duties and responsibilities on property owners; providing for the conditions and maintenance of all property, buildings and structures; providing standards for supplied utilities and facilities and other physical things and conditions essential to ensure that structures are safe, sanitary and fit for occupation and use; providing penalties for the violation thereof; adopting "The International Fuel Gas Code, 2009 Edition," as published by the International Code Council, Inc. (ICC), as part of the Mechanical Code; providing for and governing the design, construction, fabrication, erection, alteration, location, enlargement, equipment, repair, removal, conversion, use and maintenance of fuel gas piping, fuel gas utilization equipment, and related accessories; providing for the administration thereof, issuance and revocation or suspension of certificates of registration; providing for the issuance of permits, making of inspections, collection of fees; providing qualifications for and requiring the registration of defined classifications of mechanical contractors; requiring the posting of bonds and public liability insurance; providing penalties for the violation thereof; repealing all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for preservation and protection of existing rights; providing for severability; providing that the operative date of this ordinance shall be November 1, 2012; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 59 100, 101
    2 Tit. 59 200, 201
    3 Tit. 59 300, 301
    22759  9-20-2012 An ordinance amending Title 14, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, The Fire Prevention Code of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma; adopting the International Code Council (ICC) International Fire Code, 2009 Edition, including appendices "B" through "J," as amended; designating the Fire Marshal in the City of Tulsa as the Fire Code Official as used in the International Fire Code, 2009 Edition, defining fire code official's duties; establishing regulations governing precautions against fires; regulating the installation, operation, maintenance and testing of fire protection systems; providing for the maintenance and use of means of egress, providing regulations for the use and maintenance of equipment, processes and occupancies; providing regulations for materials handling; providing penalties for violations of Title 14; providing for the issuance of permits, collection of fees, and the making of inspections; providing for issuance and revocation or suspension of licenses and permits; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for existing rights and remedies; providing that the operative date of this ordinance shall be November 1, 2012; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 14 100, 101
    22760  9-20-2012 An ordinance amending Title 51 Tulsa Revised Ordinances, the Building Code of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma, Chapter 4; adopting the ICC International Existing Building Code, 2009 Edition, as published by the International Code Council, Inc., excluding Appendices "A" and "B", as amended in this ordinance; providing optional requirements and regulations for the repair, alteration, change of occupancy, addition, relocation, and demolition of existing buildings, other than one- and two-family dwellings and townhouses; providing for the issuance of permits, collection of fees, and making of inspections; providing for appeals; providing definitions; providing for the classification of work, repairs, levels of alterations, change in occupancy, and additions to existing buildings; establishing requirements for historic buildings, and relocated or moved buildings; providing for compliance alternatives and construction safeguards; providing penalties for violations; providing that the operative date of this ordinance shall be November 1, 2012; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 51 400, 401
    22761  9-20-2012 An ordinance amending Title 51, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, the Building Code of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma, Chapter 1; adopting the ICC International Building Code, 2009 Edition, as published by the International Code Council, Inc., including Appendix "G", as amended in this ordinance, pertaining to and governing the design, construction, fabrication, erection, alteration, location, enlargement, equipment, repair, demolition, moving, conversion, and use and maintenance of all buildings and structures other than detached one- and two-family dwellings, and townhouses; providing for the issuance of permits, collection of fees, and making of inspections; providing for issuance and revocation or suspension of certificates of registration; continuing the building, housing, and fire prevention appeals board and providing duties and responsibilities therefor; establishing qualifications for and requiring the registration of defined classifications of certain contractors and journeymen; requiring the posting of the bond and public liability insurance; providing penalties for the violation thereof; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; preserving and protecting existing rights and remedies; providing that the operative date of this ordinance shall be November 1, 2012; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 51 100, 101
    22773 10- 4-2012 An ordinance amending Title 43, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "City of Tulsa Sales Tax Code," requiring vendors to collect and remit sales tax, amending Section 105(c) to provide for an increased penalty, to clarify that failure to collect is a misdemeanor offense, and to provide for each day of such failure to be a separate violation; amending 105(d) to provide for an increased penalty, to clarify that failure to remit is a misdemeanor offense, and to provide for each day of such failure to be a separate violation; amending 105(e) to clarify that failure to secure a sales tax permit is a misdemeanor offense, and providing for each day without a permit to be a separate violation; amending Section 110 to provide for an increased penalty, to clarify that failure to file or filing a fraudulent return is a misdemeanor offense, and to provide for each day to be a separate violation; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for severability; and providing for an emergency 1 Tit. 43 105, 110
    22774 10- 4-2012 An ordinance amending Title 45, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "City of Tulsa Use Tax Code," amending Section 112 to provide for an increased penalty for failure to file a return or filing a false return, clarifying that the offense is a misdemeanor, and providing for each day to be a separate violation; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for severability; and providing for an emergency 1 Tit. 45 112
    22798 12-20-2012 An ordinance amending and correcting Ordinance No. 22618, passed and approved by the Council of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma on the 5th day of January, 2012, and approved by the Mayor on the 12th day of January, 2012, which erroneously replaced Section 401, Subsection B of the ordinance instead of Section 401, Subsection C of the ordinance; providing for a severability clause; and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith 1 Tit. 5 401 C.
    22813  1-31-2013 An ordinance amending Title 12, of the Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Internal Policies", by repealing Chapter 8, entitled "Housing and Urban Development Grants", and enacting a new Title 12, Chapter 8 establishing certain definitions to be used in Chapter 8; providing for a fair and efficient process for allocating Federal Housing and Urban Development Grants, including, but not limited to, community development block grant funds, home funds, Hopwa Funds, and emergency solutions grant funds, and developing a consolidated plan and an annual action plan; providing for the scope of the chapter; providing for the creation and duties of the HUD community development committee; providing for grant processes, including but not limited to, applicant workshops, proposal deadlines, public hearings, the final resolution on consolidated plan and use of funds, and submission to HUD of necessary documents; providing for the provision of quarterly reports to the City Council and Mayor; providing for off cycle awards and allocations; providing for appeals; and declaring an emergency 1       Rpld Tit. 12 800—811
          Added Tit. 12 800—808
    22816  2- 7-2013 An ordinance amending Title 6, Chapter 5, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, titled "Finance Department"; with the addition of Section 502 titled "Director to report fee schedule" providing for severability; and providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances. 1       Added Tit. 6 502
    22817  2- 7-2013 An ordinance amending Title 19, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, titled "Legal Department"; repealing Section 112 "License to Use City Property" thereof 1       Rpld Tit. 19 112
    22826  2-14-2013 An ordinance amending Title 49, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Administrative, Permit and License Fees"; enacting, restating, consolidating and superseding permit, license, certificate, registration and service fees codified in Titles 11, 11-A, 11-C, 14, 35, 50, 51, 52, 55, 56 and 59; relating to regulatory provisions codified in Title 11, entitled "Public Works Department," Title 11-A, entitled "Stormwater Drainage," Title 11-C, entitled "Waterworks and Sewerage," Title 14, entitled "Fire Prevention Code," Title 35, entitled "Infrastructure Development," Title 50, entitled "Annual Permits," Title 51, entitled "Building Code," Title 52, entitled "Electrical Code," Title 55, entitled "Existing Structures Code," Title 56, entitled "Plumbing Code," and Title 59, entitled "Mechanical Code"; providing for the issuance of permits, licenses, certificates, registrations and the collection of fees related to certain trades and contractors; requiring the posting of certain bonds and public liability insurance; providing civil penalties for certain violations; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 49 100—120
    Tit. 49 200—204
    Tit. 49 300—325
    Tit. 49 400—405
    Tit. 49 500—503
    Tit. 49 600—603
    Tit. 49 800—806
    Tit. 49 900—906
    Tit. 49 1200—1206
    Tit. 49 1300—1302
    Tit. 49 1400—1454
    22845  3-14-2013 An ordinance amending Title 35, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Infrastructure Development"; revising definitions; revising permit categories; adding a provision that contractors performing in an unsatisfactory manner may be denied an annual contract; revising the rights-of-way temporary use permit for temporary activity, clarifying limits on "temporary use"; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 35 100, 101
    Tit. 35 200—208
    Tit. 35 300
    Tit. 35 400
    Tit. 35 500
    Tit. 35 600—606
    Tit. 35 700
    Tit. 35 800—803
    Tit. 35 900
    Tit. 35 1000—1004
    22850  3-28-2013 An ordinance amending Title 11-C, Chapter 4, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Spavinaw Water District"; changing references to "the Public Works Department" to "the Water and Sewer Department"; deleting City's rental to the public of boats and outboard motors; revising fees for boat permits on the Spavinaw Reservoir Area; revising boating rules for the Spavinaw Reservoir Area; revising fees for boat storage; revising fees for campground rental; revising seasonal dates of operation for developed campground at Lake Eucha; providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances; providing for severability; declaring an emergency; and providing an operative date of April 1, 2013 1 Tit. 11-C 400—422
    22851  3-28-2013 An ordinance amending Title 11-C, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Chapter 12, relating to "sewer use," providing for general provisions; general sewer use requirements; pretreatment of wastewater; wastewater discharge permit application; wastewater discharge permit issuance process; reporting requirements; compliance monitoring; confidential information; publication of users in significant noncompliance; administrative enforcement remedies; judicial enforcement remedies; supplemental enforcement action; affirmative defenses to discharge violations; fees; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 11-C 1200—1213
    22852  4- 4-2013 An ordinance amending and correcting Ordinance No. 22415, the 2011 Oklahoma Natural Gas Company Franchise, passed and approved by the Council of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma on the 19th day of May, 2011, and approved by the Mayor on the 23rd day of May, 2011 and codified as Title 15 Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Chapter 3; correcting a scrivener's error in Title 15, Chapter 3, section 307, Subsection D of the ordinance, entitled "Dimension and Location Criteria"; providing for a severability clause; and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith 1 Tit. 15 307 D.
    22856  4-18-2013 An ordinance amending Title 27, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Chapter 19 entitled "False Pretenses and Frauds" by amending Section 1900 to increase the penalty for said offense and include the penalty provision therein; by amending Section 1901 to include certain other definitions necessary due to amendments made to subsequent sections; by amending Sections 1902, 1903, 1907 and 1908 to incorporate certain provisions necessitated by modifications to State law; by expressly repealing the current provisions of Sections 1904, 1905 and 1906 to be consistent with modifications made to State law; by amending Section 1910 to include the penalty provision therein; by amending Section 1911 formerly entitled "Penalties" to reflect a relocation of those penalty provisions into the respective sections within Chapter 19 detailing each offense; and renaming Section 1911 as "Embezzlement" and creating a new offense of embezzlement as declared to be a misdemeanor under State law within the "Penal Code" of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 27 1900
    2 Tit. 27 1901
    3 Tit. 27 1902
    4 Tit. 27 1903
    5       Rpld Tit. 27 1904—1906
    6 Tit. 27 1907
    7 Tit. 27 1908
    8 Tit. 27 1909
    9 Tit. 27 1910
    10 Tit. 27 1911
    22895  6-20-2013 An ordinance amending Title 11-C, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, titled "Waterworks and Sewerage"; amending Chapter 3, titled "Water Rates"; amending Sections 302, 303, 304, 305, 306 and 307 to provide that certain water rates shall be applicable to property located inside and outside the corporate limits of the City of Tulsa, or on property owned by the City of Tulsa; providing that these water rates shall be effective on October 1, 2013; establishing when the amendments enacted by this ordinance shall become operative; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 11-C 302
    Tit. 11-C 2 303
    Tit. 11-C 3 304
    Tit. 11-C 4 305
    Tit. 11-C 5 306
    Tit. 11-C 6 307
    22896  6-20-2013 An ordinance amending Title 11-C, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, titled "Waterworks and Sewerage"; amending Chapter 7, titled "Sanitary Sewer User Charge System"; amending Sections 702, 703 and 708 to provide that certain sewer rates shall be applicable to users inside and outside of the City, wholesale users and to property owned by the City of Tulsa; specifying sewer rates for users who are not also water customers; specifying rates for dumping or discharging septic waste; providing that these sewerage rates shall be effective on October 1, 2013; establishing when the amendments enacted by this ordinance shall become operative; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 2 Tit. 11-C 702
    3 Tit. 11-C 703
    4 Tit. 11-C 708
    22897  6-27-2013 An ordinance amending Title 52, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, the Electrical Code of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma, eliminating the requirement for an electrical sign permit to be issued by the City; eliminating the registration of electrical sign contractors, journeymen, and apprentices; and eliminating the examination and certification of electrical sign contractors and journeymen; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 52 100—114, 200
    22898  6-27-2013 An ordinance amending Title 51, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, the Building Code of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma, Chapter 1; amending Sections 105.3.6 and to eliminate unintended reference to the Oklahoma State Board of Health from each section; amending Section to include the definition of "substantial improvement" as applied by FEMA; amending Section 3107.3 titled "definitions" to eliminate "sign contractor types," "sign contractor," "electrical sign contractor," "electrical sign contractor," and "electrical sign journeyman"; repealing Sections 3107.5.6 and 3107.5.6.1 to eliminate licensing fees and permits for sign contractors; renumbering section 3107.5.7 to 3107.5.6; repealing regulations applicable to sign contractors, electrical sign contractors, and electrical sign journeymen; renumbering Section 3107.18 as 3107.17 and Section 3107.19 as 3107.18; providing for City Council to conduct a public hearing to approve or disapprove an application for a house moving permit; providing for notice of the public hearing; renumbering Sections 3410.7.1, 3410.7.1.1, 3410.7.2, 3410.7.3, 3410.7.4, 3410.7.5, 3410.7.6, 3410.7.7, 3410.8, 3410.8.1, 3410.8.2, 3410.9, 3410.10, 3410.11, 3410.12, 3410.12.1, 3410.12.2, 3410.12.2, 3410.12.3, 3410.13, 3410.13.1, 3410.13.2, 3410.13.3, 3410.13.4, 3410.13.5, 3410.13.6, 3410.13.7, 3410.13.8, 3410.14, 3410.15, 3410.16, 3410.8.1, 3410.8.1.1, 3410.8.2, 3410.8.3, 3410.8.4, 3410.8.5, 3410.8.6, 3410.8.7, 3410.9, 3410.9.1, 3410.9.2, 3410.10, 3410.11, 3410.12, 3410.13, 3410.13.1, 3410.13.2, 3410.13.3, 3410.14, 3410.14.1, 3410.14.2, 3410.14.3, 3410.14.4, 3410.14.5, 3410.14.6, 3410.14.7, 3410.14.8, 3410.15, 3410.16, 3410.16.1, and 3410.16.2 respectively; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; preserving and protecting existing rights and remedies; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 51 100, 101
    22910  7-18-2013 An ordinance amending Title 11 Tulsa Revised Ordinances, titled "Public Works Department," Chapter 11, titled "Prequalification of Contractors", Section 1102 titled "Certificates of Prequalification" to delete the automatic prequalification provision; and providing for severability 1 Tit. 11 1102
    22917  8- 1-2013 An ordinance amending Title 11-A, Stormwater Drainage, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Section 200 entitled "Definitions" to revise a definition of impervious surface and to include a definition of gravel; and Section 202 entitled "Rate Schedule" and to revise Section B, entitled "all other real estate" and to include a credit for gravel surfaces; setting forth the time and scope of applicability; providing for severability; repealing all conflicting ordinances and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 11-A 200
    2 Tit. 11-A 202
    22918  8- 1-2013 An ordinance amending Title 43-F, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Subsection 100.B., "Specific Projects and Purposes," Paragraph 2, relating to new 2006 sales tax projects, under the category heading of "River Parks," by reducing project "River West Festival Park Renovation" to $7,500,000.00 from $7,600,000.00 and reducing project "River Parks Facilities Rehabilitation and Replacement to $350,000.00 from $500,000.00; amending Paragraph 2 of Section 100.B., by adding the project "Zink Lake Dam Repair" with an estimated cost of $250,000.00 for a total amended cost estimate of $16,275,000.00; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 43-F 100.B.2.
    22921  8-22-2013 An ordinance amending Tulsa Revised Ordinances Title 43, "City of Tulsa Sales Tax Code", the sales tax ordinance of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma; enacting a new Section 100, "Sales Tax Levied", setting an extended temporary sales tax levy of one and one-tenth percent (1.1%) in addition to the current permanent two percent (2%) sales tax, for the period of time beginning July 1, 2014 and continuing until the full amount of Five Hundred Sixty-Three Million, Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars and no Cents ($563,700,000.00) has been collected, but in no event continuing beyond seven (7) years, that is, June 30, 2021, at which time the said sales tax shall be reduced from three and one-tenth percent (3.1%) to the said permanent two percent (2%); providing notice to the Oklahoma Tax Commission when such amount or date has been reached and said sales tax can be so reduced; enacting a new Section 118, "Purposes of Revenue", declaring the purpose of this sales tax to be providing revenue for the support of the functions of municipal government of the City of Tulsa, and all revenue from the said sales tax in excess of the permanent two percent (2%) shall be expended on capital improvements as listed in detail in Title 43-H of Tulsa Revised Ordinances, "2014 Sales Tax Policy"; repealing Section 120, "Termination Date"; providing that if on November 12, 2013 the voters of the City of Tulsa do not pass and approve said sales tax, the amendments stated herein shall be null and void and of no further effect; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for a severability clause; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 43 100
    2 Tit. 43 118
    3       Rpld Tit. 43 120
    22922  8-22-2013 An ordinance creating a new Title 43-H, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, establishing the official policy of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma, with regard to the expenditure of all monies received from extending a temporary sales tax levy of one and one-tenth percent (1.1%) for the period of time beginning July 1, 2014, and continuing until the full amount of five hundred sixty-three million, seven hundred thousand dollars and no cents ($563,700,000.00) has been collected, but in no event continuing beyond seven (7) years, namely June 30, 2021, which sales tax question will be voted upon November 12, 2013 (the "2014 extended 1.1% sales tax"); listing projects and purposes which will be accomplished from said revenues; creating the 2014 extended 1.1% sales tax overview committee and appointing members thereof; specifying powers and duties of said committee and officers and employees of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma; establishing a special revenue fund known as the 2014 extended 1.1% sales tax fund, wherein all revenues received from said temporary sales tax levy, together with interest earned thereon, shall be deposited; prohibiting the expenditure of any of said funds for any purpose other than the projects and purposes set forth herein; prescribing certain mandatory duties of the secretary of the council and the council of said city; providing for public notice and hearings upon any proposal to amend or repeal the ordinance; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency. 1       Added Tit. 43-H 100—103
    22923  8- 8-2013 An ordinance amending Title 10, Elections, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Section 300 entitled "Elections on Funding of Riverside Drive and/or Houston Avenue Improvements," adding to the activities described in Subsection B for which the provisions of subsection a shall not apply, all improvements to Riverside Drive between the 2300 and 3400 blocks south, associated with the development referred to as "the Gathering Place" as conceptually presented by the developer in June, 2013; repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 10 300
    22932  7-25-2013 An ordinance amending Title 37, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Chapter 10 entitled "Bicycles;" by amending the language of Section 1012 entitled "Parking Zones" to clarify when those parking zones have applicability for parking of bicycles, rickshaws or motorized scooters; by creating a new Section 1015 entitled "Overtaking Bicycles" consistent with the language provided by Oklahoma Statutes; and providing for severability 1 Tit. 37 1012
    2       Added Tit. 37 1015
    22941  9-12-2013 An ordinance amending Title 49, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Administrative, Permit and License Fees," Chapter 3, adopting a new Section 304 to provide for collection of a storm shelter fee; renumbering the existing Sections 304 through 325 as Sections 305 through 326, respectively; repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith; and declaring an emergency 1       Added Tit. 49 304
    2       Rnbd Tit. 49 304—325
          as Tit. 49 305—326
    22973 10-24-2013 An ordinance amending Title 37-A, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, titled "Emergency Medical Services Code", Section 100, subsection B, by revising ambulance response time standards; amending Section 111, subsection C, by adding language defining high demand periods, as they pertain to exceptions to the response time standard; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 37-A 100 B.
    2 Tit. 37-A 111 C.
    22994 12-12-2013 An ordinance repealing Title 5, Chapter 8, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, related to the sign advisory board; and declaring an emergency 1       Rpld Tit. 5 800—803
    22995 12-12-2013 An ordinance amending Title 24, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, titled "Nuisances," Chapter 2, Sections 201, 203, 205, 207, 209, 210, 211, Chapter 3, Sections 302 and 305, and Chapter 4, Sections 403 and 404 to include designations for business or calendar day limitations; amending Chapter 2, Section 201 by adding a new subsection C, to provide a definition of "business days," "days" and "calendar days" and renumbering the following subsections; amending Chapter 4, Section 401 by revising the length of time a building must have been boarded and secured to be considered dilapidated; providing for severability; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 24 201
    2 Tit. 24 203
    3 Tit. 24 205 B.
    4 Tit. 24 207 B.
    5 Tit. 24 209 E.
    6 Tit. 24 210
    7 Tit. 24 211 C.
    8 Tit. 24 302
    9 Tit. 24 305
    10 Tit. 24 401 A.
    11 Tit. 24 403
    12 Tit. 24 404
    22999 12-12-2013 An ordinance amending Title 51, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, the Building Code of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma, Chapter 1; amending Sections 113.1 through 113.1.11 by replacing the building, housing & fire prevention appeals board and vesting authority in the board of appeals to hear and decide appeals of decisions by code officials pursuant to Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Titles 14, 51, 52, 56 and 59; providing the composition of the board, the organization and operation of the board; the procedures to be followed by the board; the powers and duties of the board; providing decision making authority for the board; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; preserving and protecting existing rights and remedies; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 51 100, 101
    23000 12-12-2013 An ordinance amending the building code of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma, Title 51 Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Chapter 2; amending Sections R109.4, R112.1, R112.1.1 and R112.1.2 replacing the building, housing and fire prevention appeals board and vesting authority in the board of appeals as created in Title 51, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Chapter 1; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 51 200—202
    23001 12-12-2013 An ordinance amending Title 51 Tulsa Revised Ordinances, the Building Code of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma, Chapter 4; amending Sections 109.6 and 112.1 by replacing the building, housing and fire prevention appeals board and vesting authority in the board of appeals as created in Title 51, Tulsa's revised ordinances, Chapter 1; amending Sections 105.3.6 and to eliminate unintended reference to the Oklahoma State Board of Health from each section; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 51 400, 401
    23002 12-12-2013 An ordinance amending Title 52, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, the electrical code of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma, creating a new Section 109 by replacing the electrical examining and appeals board and vesting appeal and other authority in the board of appeals as created in Title 51, Tulsa's Revised Ordinances, Chapter 1; prohibiting unlicensed electrical work in the City of Tulsa and requiring registration with the City by one who would do electrical work; renumbering Sections 110 as 109, 110.1 as 109.1, 113 as 110, 113.1 as 110.1, 113.1.1 as 110.1.1, 113.1.2 as 110.1.2, 113.2 as 110.2, 113.3 as 110.3, 113.4 as 110.4, 113.5 as 110.5, 113.6 as 110.6, repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1       Rpld Tit. 52 109, 111, 112
          Rnbd Tit. 52 110
          as Tit. 52 109
          Rnbd Tit. 52 113
          as Tit. 52 110
          Rnbd Tit. 52 114
          as Tit. 52 111
    Tit. 52 100—111, 200
    23003 12-12-2013 An ordinance amending the plumbing Code of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma, Title 56, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Plumbing Code;" amending Sections 109 through 109.8.3 by replacing the plumbing and appeals board and vesting appeal and other authority in the board of appeals as created in Title 51, Tulsa's Revised Ordinances, Chapter 1; amending Section 111 requiring registration with the City of Tulsa and prohibiting licensed contractors from employing or supervising unlicensed plumbing work or allowing such work by an apprentice unless such apprentice is supervised by a licensed plumbing contractor or journeyman; amending Section 111.8 to authorize revocation or suspension of certificates of registration by the board of appeals; providing for severability; repealing all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 56 100, 101
    23004 12-12-2013 An ordinance amending the Mechanical Code of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma, Title 59, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Mechanical Code"; amending Part I titled "ICC International Mechanical Code, 2009 Edition," Section 108.7.4 & Section 109.2 by replacing the mechanical examiners and appeals board and vesting appeal and other authority in the board of appeals as created in Title 51, Tulsa's Revised Ordinances, Chapter 1; repealing Sections 109.2.1 through 109.8; amending Section 111.7 to authorize the board of appeals to suspend or revoke certificates of registration; amending Part II titled "Stationary Engineers," Sections 200 and 201, transferring certain authority from the mechanical examiners and appeals board to the code official; and authorizing the board of appeals to deny, revoke, suspend or cancel, for certain causes, licenses issued to stationary engineers and process steam boiler operators; amending Part III titled "International Fuel Gas Code, 2009 Edition," Section 109.0 providing that appeals of orders, decisions or determinations made by code officials shall be heard by the board of appeals as established by Title 51, Chapter 1, Tulsa Revised Ordinances; repealing all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 59 100, 101
    2 Tit. 59 200, 201
    3 Tit. 59 300, 301
    23005  1- 9-2014 An ordinance amending Title 21, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, titled "licenses", related to authorization to pursue and exercise a trade, occupation or business in the City of Tulsa; amending Chapter 13, titled "Massage Businesses"; amending Section 1301, definitions by adding terms and deleting terms to come into compliance with this new ordinance; amending Section 1302, by adding requirements to operate a massage establishment as recognized by this new ordinance; amending section1303 clarifying language related to exemptions; amending Section 1304, adjusting fees for the lawful services recognized by this ordinance; amending Section 1305, clarifying operating/qualification requirements related to the application process; amending Section 1306, adjusting procedures for denying, suspending or revoking a license; amending section 1307 and section 1308 to specify appeals procedure; amending Section 1308, as to the requirement to display the license and identification card; amending Section 1309, to prohibit the transfer, misuse and alteration of the license; amending Section 1310, to add massage establishments to the record keeping requirements; amending Section 1311, operating requirements; and renumbering Sections 1309—1319 as Sections 1308-1318; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; and providing for severability 1 Tit. 21 1300—1318
    23006  1- 9-2014 An ordinance amending Title 21, Chapter 10, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Coin Operated Devices," Section 1003; increasing the amount of annual license fee for certain coin operated devices and allowing proration of certain annual fees on a quarterly basis; providing for severability; providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 21 1003
    23007  1-22-2014 An ordinance amending Title 37, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Section 203, Subsection "E" to increase the pre-set fine set forth therein for a violation of Section 525 entitled "No valid disabled parking insignia" from One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150.00) to Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00); amending Title 37, Section 525, Subsection "C" to increase the penalty consistent with Oklahoma law to a fine of not more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00); providing for a severability clause; providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances; and declaring an emergency. 1 Tit. 37 203 E.
    2 Tit. 37 525 C.
    23013 12-12-2013 An ordinance amending Title 14, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, the Fire Prevention Code of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma; amending Section 105.7 to renumber code references made therein; renumbering Sections 105.7.3 as 105.7.5, 106.2.1 as 106.2.3, 308.3.1 as 308.1.4, 508.4 as 507.4, 907.2.10.5 as 907.2.11.5; amending references to a board of appeals by replacing the building, housing and fire prevention appeals board and vesting authority in the board of appeals as created in Title 51, Tulsa's Revised Ordinances, Chapter 1; amending code references in Section 803.5.1 and Section 901.6.3; amending Sections 901.3.1 and 901.3.2 to eliminate unintended reference to the Oklahoma State Board of Health from each Section; amending Section 904.11.6.1 to provide for existing automatic fire-extinguishing systems; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 14 100, 101
    23019  1-16-2014 An ordinance amending Title 37, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, titled "Tulsa Revised Traffic Code"; amending Chapter 1, Section 100 to add definitionsfor multi-space parking meter and single-space parking meter; providing for severability; andproviding for repeal of conflicting ordinances 1 Tit. 37 100
    23020  1-16-2014 An ordinance amending Title 45, Chapter 1, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "City of Tulsa Use Tax Code," Section 100; decreasing the amount of the use tax from 3 2/12 % to 3 1/10 %; providing for severability; providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances; and providing that the operative date for this ordinance shall be July 1, 2014 1 Tit. 45 100
    23036  2- 6-2014 An ordinance amending Title 37, Chapter 5, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Tulsa Revised Traffic Code"; amending Section 500 to add reference to multi-space parking meters and other methods of payment; amending Section 501 to delete reference to director of public works; amending Section 502 to add "or spaces"; amending Section 503 to revise parking districts in subsection A and meter rates in subsection B and to add reference to other unlawful forms of payment in subsection D; amending Section 509 to specify the hours and days of enforcement; amending Section 511 to describe the manner of parking by referencing the curb instead of the parking meter in subsections A and B; amending Section 512 to allow for other methods of designating commercial vehicle parking; amending Section 520 to revise the purpose for which taxi cabs may park in a loading zone; amending Section 522 to add reference to "fire lanes"; amending Section 524 to delete subsections A and B; providing for severability; and providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances 1 Tit. 37 500—503, 509, 511, 512, 520, 522, 524
    23037  2- 6-2014 An ordinance ammending Title 37, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, titled "Tulsa Revised Traffic Code"; amending Chapter 1, Section 100 to add definitions for multi-space parking meter and single-space parking meter; providing for severability; and providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances 1 Tit. 37 100
    23054  2-20-2014 An ordinance amending Title 27, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Section 2102 entitled "Malicious Mischief" to reduce the jurisdictional amount for a misdemeanor offense under Oklahoma law from less than two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00) to less than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00); to provide for a penalty for any violation thereof; providing for a severability clause; providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances; and declaring an emercency 1 Tit. 27 2102
    23058  2-13-2014 An ordinance amending Title 28, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Municipal Employees' Retirement Plan," amending 301(a) to increase the amount of basic employee contributions; providing for severability; and providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances; and providing that the operative date for this ordinance shall be July 1, 2014 1 Tit. 28 301 A.
    23062  3- 6-2014 An ordinance amending Title 6, Chapter 2, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Finance Department"; amending Chapter 2 to add a new Section 203 entitled "Emergency Operations Reserve"; also amending Chapter 2 to add a new Section 204 entitled "Post-Employment Healthcare Benefit Reserve"; providing for severability; and providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances 1       Added Tit. 6 203, 204
    23063  3- 6-2014 An ordinance amending Title 36, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Taxicabs"; amending Section 103 entitled "Administration and Appeals," authorizing an order of restitution upon a finding of an overcharge; providing for severability; and providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances 1 Tit. 36 103
    23067  3-13-2014 An ordinance correcting Ordinance 22921, adopted by the city council on August 22, 2013 and approved by the mayor on August 27, 2013, which contained a scrivener's error; amending Tulsa Revised Ordinances Title 43, "City of Tulsa Sales Tax Code", the Sales Tax Ordinance of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma, Section 100, "Sales Tax Levied", setting an extended temporary sales tax levy of one and one-tenth percent (1.1%) in addition to the current permanent two percent (2%) sales tax, for the period of time beginning July 1, 2014 and continuing until the full amount of five hundred sixty-three million, seven hundred thousand dollars and no cents ($563,700,000.00) has been collected, but in no event continuing beyond seven (7) years, that is, June 30, 2021, at which time the said sales tax shall be reduced from three and one-tenth percent (3.1%) to the said permanent two percent (2%); providing notice to the Oklahoma Tax Commission when such amount or date has been reached and said sales tax can be so reduced; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for a severability clause; and declaring an emergency 1 Tit. 43 100
    23072  3-27-2014 An ordinance amending Title 21, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Licenses," adopting a new Chapter 23 entitled "Licenses," adopting a new Chapter 23 entitled "Mobile Vendors"; providing certain definitions; establishing license and site permit requirements and exemptions; placing limitations and restrictions on vendor activities; providing for the application process and fees; establishing the term of the license and requiring license display; providing health regulations, standards of operation, insurance requirements, revocation rules and appeals associated with the license regulation; providing penalties for violations; providing for severability; repealing all ordinances 1       Added Tit. 21 2300—2321
    23099  5- 1-2014 An ordinance amending Title 26, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, titled "Parks, Mall and Plaza," amending Chapter 1, Section 103, sub-section Q and Chapter 3, Section 303 sub-section Q; complying with and in deference to state of Oklahoma law, Title 21, Oklahoma Statutes, Section 1289.24, by removing the City's ordinance regulating possession or carrying firearms in parks, recreation areas and other facilities; providing for severability; and providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances; and declaring an emergency. 1 Tit. 26 103 Q.
    2 Tit. 26 303 Q.
    23100  5- 1-2014 An ordinance amending Title 27, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Chapter 15, titled "Weapons," amending the citation of the Oklahoma Statute Cited in sub-sections (1) and (3) of Section 1514, and in Section 1515; providing for severability; and providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances; and declaring an emergency. 1 Tit. 27 1514
    2 Tit. 27 1515
    23101  5- 1-2014 An ordinance amending Section 202 of Chapter 2,Title 8, Tulsa Revised Ordinances by repealing subsections (g) and (h); re-identifying the remaining subsections of said Section 202; and declaring anemergency. 2 Tit. 8 202
    23112  5- 1-2014 An ordinance amending Title 44, Chapter I, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "City of Tulsa Hotel Tax Code," amending Section 118 to create three new funds, titled the 'Convention & Visitors Fund,' the 'Convention & Tourism Facilities Fund,' and the 'Tulsa's Future Fund' and designating percentages of taxes to be deposited into each existing fund; providing for a severability clause; repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith and declaring an emergency. 1 Tit. 44 118
    23116  5- 8-2014 An ordinance amending Title 11, Chapter 12,Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Right-of-Way Occupancy Management," Section1206.a.3.a; increasing the amount of occupancy fee to be charged to occupancypermit holders in order to recover said permit holder's pro rata share of theburden on the right-of-way; providing an operative date of June 1, 2014; anddeclaring an emergency. 1 Tit. 11 1206.A.3.a.
    23115  5-22-2014 An ordinance amending Title 37-A, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Chapter 2, titled "Medical Service Program," amending Sections 200 and 201 of said Title 37-A to change the name of the EMSA "Totalcare Program" and the definitions of "Election Period," "Medical Service Program" and "Program Year" in Section 200; to change the reporting date for multifamily residential water customers and landlords in Section 201; providing for severability; providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances; and declaring an emergency. 1 Tit. 37-A 200
    2 Tit. 37-A 201
    23129  6- 9-2014 An ordinance amending Title 21, Chapter 19, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Intrusion Alarm Certification"; recognizing both residential and commercial alarm users and defining each; eliminating false alarm user awareness classes; increasing the residential alarm user fee for a first response certificate from $30.00 to $35.00 and establishing the commercial alarm user fee for a first alarm certificate in the amount of $75.00; providing for renewal of certificate fees; providing for cancellation of first response certificates; providing for renewal application following cancellation of a first response alarm certificate; providing for severability; repealing ordinances in conflict and declaring an emergency. 1       Rpld Tit. 21 1907, 1908
          Rnbd Tit. 21 1909, 1910
          as Tit. 21 1907, 1908
    Tit. 21 1900—1908
    23124  6-12-2014 An ordinance amending Title 11-C, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, titled "Waterworks and Sewerage"; amending Chapter 3, titled "Water Rates"; amending Sections 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, and 308 to provide water and sewer rate adjustments; amending Chapter 7, titled "Sanitary Sewer User Charge System"; amending Sections 702, 703, and 708 to adjust sewer service charge rates and adjust rates for dumping or discharging septic waste; amending sections providing that these rates shall be effective on October 1, 2014; establishing when the amendments enacted by this ordinance shall become operative; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency. 1—7 Tit. 11-C 302—308
    8, 9 Tit. 11-C 702, 703
    10 Tit. 11-C 708
    23125  6-19-2014 An ordinance amending Title 23, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, titled "Municipal Court - Procedure"; amending Section 108, titled "Schedule of Costs, Penalties and Assessments"; providing for severability; providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances; and declaring an emergency. 1 Tit. 23 108
    23132  6-19-2014 An ordinance amending Title 11-A, Chapter 2, Section 202, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, to increase the monthly service charge rate by nine percent; providing for severability; repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith; and providing an operative date of October 1, 2014. 1 Tit. 11-A 202
    23133  6-19-2014 An ordinance amending Title 37-A, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Chapter 2, titled "Medical Service Program," amending Sections 200 and 201 of said Title 37-A, specifically in Section 200 to extend the 2014 Medical Service Program year through July and August 2014 and without change to the program 2014 charge during such extension period; and in Section 201 to raise the charge for single and multi-family residential water customers participating in program year 2015 and in future program years; providing for severability; providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances; and declaring an emergency. 1 Tit. 37-A 200
    2 Tit. 37-A 201
    23162  8-21-2014 An ordinance assigning new duties to the City Auditor, to-wit: performance audit, governance audit, risk management audit, and internal controls audit; requiring the City Auditor to perform said audits periodically; requiring that the City Auditor report the results of said audits to the Mayor and City Council; providing for severability; repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith; and declaring an emergency. 1 Tit. 4 207
    23163  8-21-2014 An ordinance creating an Audit Committee of the City of Tulsa; stating the purposes of said committee; designating membership and providing method of selection of members; assigning duties to the committee; regulating the election of a Chairman, the keeping of records, and conduct of meetings; requiring City personnel to assist the Committee where necessary; requiring a report to be made annually to the Mayor and City Council; repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith; providing severability; and declaring an emergency. 1       Added Tit. 5 1100—1104
    23160  8-14-2014 An ordinance amending Title 5, Chapter 1 to conform to the State of Oklahoma Constitution by removing references to affirmative action; amending section 100(D) to revise the policy statement regarding the utilization of certain business enterprises; adding Section 100(E) to confirm the City's commitment to non-discrimination in contracting; and renumbering the existing 100(E) to 100(F); deleting Section 101(H) defining minority/female business enterprises; deleting Section 110(A)(1) defining affirmative action; deleting Section 110(A)(5) defining female/women business enterprise; deleting Section 110(A)(6) defining good faith effort; deleting Section 110(A)(7) defining minority business enterprise; deleting Section 110(B)(2)(b) requiring that City contractors practice affirmative action; amending Section 110(8)(2)(i) to remove affirmative action from the scope of the Compliance Official's inquiry; deleting Section 110(B)(2)(i) requiring City contractors to utilize, or make good faith efforts to utilize, minority and female businesses; adding Section 110(B)(2)(k) to require City contractors to comply with state and federal funding conditions; deleting Section 110(c)(2) to remove review of affirmative action programs from the scope of the compliance official's duties; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency. 1 Tit. 5 100—112
    23153  8- 7-2014 An ordinance adding a new chapter, Chapter 30, to Title 27 Tulsa Revised Ordinances, concerning secondhand merchandise dealers; providing definitions; prohibiting certain practices; requiring record keeping and making records available for inspection by law enforcement; requiring reports to law enforcement of transactions in secondhand merchandise; requiring that certain merchandise be held by the dealer for a certain period of time; providing a penalty; providing for severability; repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith; and declaring an emergency. 1       Added Tit. 27 3000—3005
    23189  8-28-2014 An ordinance amending Title 36, Tulsa Revised Ordinances entitled "Taxicabs and Paratransit Vehicles" providing a new title "Taxicabs, Paratransit Vehicles, and Transportation Network Companies" amending Title 36 Chapter One, Section 102 entitled "Exclusions" adding vehicles providing transportation network services adding a new Chapter Two, titled "Transportation Network Vehicle Services"; providing a statement of policy and purpose; establishing certain definitions; providing for administration and appeals; providing requirements for a TNC certificate; placing requirements upon certificate holders; providing procedures for issuance of certificates, application, fees, renewal and suspension or revocation; providing for severability; and repealing conflicting ordinances. 1 Tit. 36(tit.)
    2 Tit. 36 102
    3       Added Tit. 36 200—213
    23148  7-17-2014 An ordinance amending Title 37, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Chapter 2, Section 203, Subsection E, to increase the pre-set fine set forth therein for a violation of Section 500 entitled "Meter Parking (Overtime)" from Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) to Twenty-Five Dollars ($25.00); providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances; and declaring an emergency. 1 Tit. 37 203E
    23171  8-21-2014 An ordinance amending Title 42, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, titled "Zoning and Property Restrictions", related to restrictions on land uses within the City of Tulsa; amending Chapter 2, titled "General Provisions"; amending Section 200, titled "Zoning and Supplemental Zoning Districts Established"; adding a new zoning district titled "Mixed-Use Institutional District", designated by the abbreviation "MX-F"; adding a new chapter, Chapter 7a, establishing a new zoning district titled "Mixed-Use Institutional District"; providing the purposes and minimum requirements for the MX-I District; establishing definition of terms; providing principal and accessory uses permitted within the MX-I district and establishing requirements and conditions for such uses; providing uses permitted by special exception within the MX-I District and establishing requirements and conditions for such uses; establishing bulk and area requirements for development within the MX-I District; and providing other requirements for development within the MX-I District; providing for severability; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; and declaring an emergency. 1 Tit. 42 200
    2       Added Tit. 42 750—755
    23214 11- 6-2014 An ordinance amending Title 11-C, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Chapter 12, relating to "Sewer Use," Section 1200, Subsection D, by adding the term "UV transmittance" to the terms to be defined; amending Section 1201, Subsection A.2, by adding to the specific prohibitions the act of introducing into the publicly owned treatment works any materials that inhibit UV transmittance and impact the ability to achieve compliance with disinfection permit requirements; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency. 1 Tit. 11C 1200 D.
    2       Added Tit. 11C 1201 A.2.r.
    23277 4-9-2015 An ordinance amending Title 23, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Chapter 1, Section 111 subsection A. to provide between eight and thirteen judges shall be appointed for the municipal criminal court and of those up to ten individuals may be designated as an associate judge of the municipal criminal court and three of the judges shall be designated judge of the municipal criminal court; and declaring an emergency. 1 23 111
    23279 4-16-2015 An ordinance amending Title 55, Chapter 1, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Property Maintenance Code" Section 303.2 adding the option to secure the gate by a padlock or similar device which requires a key, electric opener or integral combination which will allow the latch to be at any height; providing for severability; repealing conflicting provisions; and declaring an emergency. 1 55 111
    23280 4-16-2015 An ordinance amending Title 5, Chapter One, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Human Rights Commission," amending Section 100 (a) to add gender identity and sexual orientation to the protected classes for housing discrimination purposes; amending Section 104(a) to add a definition of "gender identity" as Section 104(a)(2) and to add a definition of "sexual orientation" as Section 104(a)(7); amending Sections 104(b)(1), 104(b)(2), 104(b)(3), 104(b)(4) and 104(b)(5) to add gender identity and sexual orientation as classes protected from housing discrimination; providing for severability; providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances; and declaring an emergency. 1 Tit. 5 100 A.
    Tit. 5 104
    23286 5-7-2015 An ordinance amending Title 11, Chapter 12, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Right-Of-Way Occupancy Management," Section 1206.A.3.a; increasing the amount of occupancy fee to be charged to occupancy permit holders in order to recover said permit holder's pro rata share of the burden on the right-of-way; providing an operative date of June 1, 2015; providing for severability; repealing conflicting ordinances; and declaring an emergency. 1 Tit. 11 1206 A.3.a.
    23287 5-7-2015 An ordinance amending Title 37, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Tulsa Revised Traffic Code"; amending Chapter 5, Section 503.A.3 to expand parking district "restaurant and entertainment district"; amending section 503.A.6. to redefine parking district "south district"; amending section 503.B entitled "meter rates" for parking meters in said districts; repealing all conflicting ordinances; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency. 1 37 503
    23291  5-14-2015 An ordinance amending Title 11-C, Chapter 1, Section 103, of the Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Fluoridation of Water Supply Authorized", by reducing the maximum content of fluoride to be not more than seven-tenths (0.7) parts per million (ppm); and declaring an emergency. 1 11-C 103
    23294 5-21-2015 An ordinance amending Title 44, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "City of Tulsa Hotel Tax Code," Section 118 thereof, eliminating paragraph D. as currently written; relettering paragraphs E. and F. as D. and E., respectively; increasing the proportion of the subject tax revenue assigned to the economic development commission fund of the City of Tulsa from 1% to 4.5%; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency. 1 44 118
    23306 6-11-2015 An ordinance amending Title 11-C, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, titled "Waterworks and Sewerage"; amending Chapter 3, titled "Water Rates"; amending Sections 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, and 308 to provide water and sewer rate adjustments; amending Chapter 7, titled "Sanitary Sewer User Charge System"; amending Sections 702, 703, and 708 to adjust sewer service charge rates and adjust rates for dumping or discharging septic waste; amending sections providing that these rates shall be effective on October 1, 2015; establishing when the amendments enacted by this ordinance shall become operative; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency. 1—7 11-C 302—308
    8 11-C 702
    9 11-C 703
    10 11-C 708
    23314 6-18-2015 An ordinance amending Title 11-A, Chapter 2, Section 202, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, to increase the monthly service charge rate by nine percent; providing for severability; repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith; and providing an operative date of October 1, 2015. 1 Tit. 11A 202
    23315 6-11-2015 An ordinance amending Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Title 12, "Internal Policies", Chapter 3, "City of Tulsa Vehicle Policy"; adding definitions of "emergency" and "weather related emergency"; defining "seasonal use" and "rotational basis"; changing the number of emergency responses per month for eligibility of a take-home vehicle from 5 to 3; distinguishing police use as "sworn employees"; adding and detailing "sworn fire personnel" eligibility requirements under the "sworn employees" section; adding language that defers final say to collective bargaining agreements for sworn personnel; clarifying that all reviews of take-home vehicles be done in accordance with the fiscal year; removing IRS commuting fee; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency. 1 12 300—304
    23320  6-25-2015 An ordinance amending Title 43-F, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Subsection 100.B., "Specific Projects and Purposes," amending paragraph 1, relating to uncompleted 2001 Sales Tax Projects, under the category heading of "Public Safety" by deleting project "Hazardous Materials Protection Complex" having a cost estimate of $500,000.00; and amending paragraph 2 of Section 100.B, relating to new 2006 Sales Tax Projects, under the category heading of "Telecommunications" by eliminating projects "800 MHZ East Tulsa Receiver Site $1,195,000.00" and "Wireless Data Communications System $2,350,000.00"; amending paragraph 2 of Section 100.B., by adding project "Radio System Tower Controller Upgrade and Associated Equipment" having a cost estimate of $3,545,000.00 for a total amended "Telecommunications" cost estimate of $9,425,000.00; amending paragraph 2 of Section 100.B, under the category heading of "Streets and Transportation" by adding project "Riverside Drive and other related infrastructure" having a cost estimate of $750,000 for a total amended "Streets and Transportation" cost estimate of $127,924,169.10; revising subtotals and totals accordingly; correcting scrivener errors; and declaring an emergency. 1 43-F 100 B.1.
    2 43-F 100 B.2.
    23321 6-25-2015 An ordinance amending Title 43-G, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Subsection 100.B.2, "Projects and Purposes," under the category heading of "Streets and Transportation" by adding project "Riverside Drive and other related infrastructure" having a cost estimate of $5,500,000 for a total amended "Streets and Transportation" cost estimate of $172,128,000; and declaring an emergency. 1 43-G 100 B.2.
    23322 6-25-2015 An ordinance amending Title 43-H, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Subsection 100.B., "Specific Projects and Purposes," Project Number 6, under the category heading of "Public Works and Transportation," by changing the project title for project "Widen Riverside Drive, 24 th to 33 rd place South" to "Riverside Drive and other related infrastructure"; and declaring an emergency. 1 43-H 100 B.
    23324 6-25-2015 An ordinance amending Title 43-E, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Subsection 100.B, "Projects and Purposes," under the category heading of "Streets and Transportation" by adding project "Riverside Drive and other related infrastructure" having a cost estimate of $1,200,000.00 for a total amended "Streets and Transportation" cost estimate of $181,872,204.12, revising subtotals and totals accordingly; correcting scrivener errors; and declaring an emergency. 1—3 43-E 100 B.
    23352  8-13-2015 An ordinance amending Title 11-B, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Solid Waste Management"; replacing Chapters 1—8 in their entirety with Chapters 1—8; providing for severability; providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances; and providing that the operative date of this ordinance shall be November 1,2015. 1 11-B 100—108,
    11-B 200—212,
    11-B 300—313,
    11-B 400—403,
    11-B 500—504,
    11-B 600—606,
    11-B 700, 701,
    11-B 800—803
    23362  9-10-2015 An ordinance amending Title 12, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Grants," amending Section 802 to update and correct the name of the planning and development department and the term limits for members of the HUD committee; amending Section 804 to provide a single one-day extension within a five-year period for applicants missing proposal deadlines, to provide three business days for applicants to submit missing proposal documentation and to clarify and correct proposal requirements and proposal review process; amending Section 805, Subsection 1, to apply to the "shelter" category of emergency solutions grant projects; clarifying and correcting Section 806 to eliminate redundant language; amending Section 807 to provide a new process for off cycle awards and allocations; and amending Section 808, Subsection b, to correct an omission in the last sentence by inserting the words "classified service"; providing for severability; providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances; and declaring an emergency. 1 12 800—808
    23369  9-24-2015 An ordinance amending Title 37, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Chapter 6 entitled "Moving Regulations and Traffic-Control Devices" by adding a new Section 666 entitled "Texting While Driving" making it unlawful to operate a motor vehicle within the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma, while manually composing, sending or reading an electronic text message; providing for a penalty; providing for exceptions; providing for severability and providing for an effective date of November 1,2015. 1       Added 37 666
    23382 10- 1-2015 An ordinance amending Title 28, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Municipal Employees Retirement Plan," amending Section 101 to add definitions for actuarial accrued liability, actuarially determined employer contribution, closed amortization schedule, funded ratio, normal cost, plan improvement, present value of fully projected benefits and unfunded actuarial accrued liability; amending Section 300 to add 300(b) setting forth employer contribution requirements for plan years beginning January 1,2016 and to add 300(c) setting forth requirements for amendment or repeal; amending Section 1005 to add a due date for the actuarial report; amending Section 1101 to add 1101(c) requiring a closed amortization schedule policy and 1101(d) prohibiting plan improvements after January 1, 2016 and adding 1101(e) limiting the plan's assumed rate of return; providing for severability; providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances; and declaring an emergency. 1 28 101
    2 28 300
    3 28 1005
    4 28 1101
    23393 10-29-2015 An ordinance amending Title 37, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Chapter 7, Section 741 entitled mandatory child passenger restraint system; modifying requirements for the use of a child passenger restraint system for certain children; providing exceptions; modifying the provision relating to admissibility of a violation of this section in any civil proceeding or action; increasing the penalty provision for a violation of this section; providing for a severability clause; repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith; and declaring an emergency. 1 37 741
    23394 10-29-2015 An ordinance amending Title 51, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, the Building Code of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma, Chapter One, entitled the International Code Council (ICC) International Building Code, 2015 Edition; amending, adding or deleting provisions as provided herein; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency. 1 51 100, 101
    23396 10-29-2015 An ordinance amending Title 51 Tulsa Revised Ordinances, the Building Code of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma, Chapter Four, entitled the International Code Council (ICC) International Existing Building Code, 2015 Edition; amending, adding or deleting provisions as provided herein; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency. 1 51 400, 401
    23397 10-29-2015 An ordinance amending Title 52, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, the Electrical Code of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma, by adopting the National Electrical Code, 2014 Edition (NFPA 70-2014) amending, adding or deleting provisions thereof as provided herein; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency. 1 52 100—110,
    52 Ch. 2
    23398 10-29-2015 An ordinance amending Title 56, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, the Plumbing Code of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma, by adopting the International Code Council (ICC) International Plumbing Code, 2015 Edition, amending, adding or deleting provisions thereof, as provided herein; providing for severability; repealing all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; and declaring an emergency. 1 56 100, 101
    23401 11- 6-2015 An ordinance amending Title 37, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Chapter 2, Section 203, Subsection E., to provide for a pre-set fine for a violation of Section 666 entitled "Texting While Driving;" establishing the pre-set fine as Seventy-Five Dollars ($75.00); and declaring an emergency. 1 37 203 E.
    23403 11- 9-2015 An Ordinance relating to Zoning and Property Restrictions, repealing existing Title 42, Tulsa Revised Ordinances (Zoning and Property Restrictions) in its entirety; repealing existing Title 42-B Tulsa Revised Ordinances (Form-Based Code) in its entirety; and adopting a new Title 42, Tulsa Revised Ordinances (Zoning and Property Restrictions), Chapters 1 through 95, to be known and referred to as the "Tulsa Zoning Code" 1       Rpld 42 Title 42, Chs. 1—18
          Rpld 42 Apps. A—C
    42 Title 42(note)
    2       Rpld 42B Title 42B
    23420  1-28-2016 An ordinance amending Tulsa Revised Ordinances Title 43, "City of Tulsa Sales Tax Code", the sales tax ordinances of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma; enacting a new section, Section 100.1, "limited purpose, public safety permanent sales tax levied", setting a limited-purpose, permanent sales tax levy of sixteen one-hundredths of one percent (.16%) for a period of time beginning January 1, 2017 and continuing until July 1, 2021, on which date the said sixteen one-hundredths of one percent (.16%) permanent sales tax shall increase to a twenty-six one-hundredths of one percent (.26%) permanent sales tax, in addition to any sales tax then existing; declaring that the limited purpose of this sales tax is to providing revenue for the support of the public safety functions of the City of Tulsa; describing the purposes and expenditures for which the limited-purpose tax will be made; stating that all revenue from the said sales tax shall be expended only for public safety as listed in detail in Title 43-I of Tulsa Revised Ordinances, "2017 Limited-Purpose Public Safety Permanent Sales Tax Policy"; providing that if on April 5, 2016 the voters of the City of Tulsa do not pass and approve said sales tax, the amendments stated herein shall be null and void and of no further effect; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for a severability clause; and declaring an emergency. 1       Added 43 100.1
    23421  1-28-2016 An ordinance amending Tulsa Revised Ordinances Title 43, "City of Tulsa Sales Tax Code", the sales tax ordinances of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma; enacting a new section, Section 100.2, "limited-purpose street maintenance and public transportation permanent sales tax levied", setting a limited-purpose permanent sales tax levy of eighty-five thousandths of one percent (.085%), to begin January 1, 2017, in addition to any sales tax then existing; declaring that the limited purpose of this sales tax is to provide revenue for the support of the street maintenance, traffic and public transportation functions of the City of Tulsa; stating that all revenue from the said sales tax shall be deposited into a limited-purpose fund created by the city, and shall be expended only for street maintenance, traffic and public transportation as listed in detail in Title 43-J of Tulsa Revised Ordinances, "2017 limited-purpose street maintenance and public transportation permanent sales tax policy"; providing that if on April 5, 2016 the voters of the City of Tulsa do not pass and approve said sales tax, the amendments stated herein shall be null and void and of no further effect; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for a severability clause; and declaring an emergency. 1       Added 43 100.2
    23422  1-28-2016 An ordinance amending Tulsa Revised Ordinances Title 43, "City of Tulsa Sales Tax Code", the sales tax ordinances of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma; enacting a new section, Section 100.3, "limited-purpose economic development temporary sales tax levied", setting a temporary sales tax levy of three hundred five thousandths of one percent (.305%) beginning January 1, 2017, increasing to eight hundred five thousandths of one percent (.805%) on July 1, 2021, then decreasing to three hundred five thousandths of one percent (.305%) on July 1, 2025 and expiring on December 31, 2031; declaring that the limited purpose of this sales tax is to provide revenue for the support of economic development functions of the City of Tulsa, including Arkansas River Development, and paying debt service on indebtedness issued for such purposes; describing the projects and expenditures for which the limited-purpose tax would be made; stating that all revenue from the said sales tax shall be expended only for economic development as listed in detail in Title 43-K of Tulsa Revised Ordinances, "2017 Economic Development Temporary Sales Tax Policy"; providing that if on April 5, 2016 the voters of the City of Tulsa do not pass and approve said sales tax, the amendments stated herein shall be null and void and of no further effect; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for a severability clause; and declaring an emergency. 1       Added 43 100.3
    23427  1-14-2016 An ordinance amending Title 11, Tulsa Revised Ordinances entitled "Public Works Department" by amending Chapter 10 entitled "standard specifications for highway construction," amending Section 1001, to revise standard specifications set forth in parts 411.04.N and 414.04.R; and providing for severability; and providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances. I 11 1000, 1001
    23435  2-11-2016 An ordinance amending Title 14, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, the Fire Prevention Code of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma; by adopting the International Code Council (ICC) International Fire Code, 2015 Edition, amending, adding or deleting provisions thereof, as provided herein; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency. 1 14 100, 101
    23436  2-11-2016 An ordinance amending Title 59, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, the Mechanical Code of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma, by adopting Chapters One, Two and Three of the International Mechanical Code, 2015 Edition, including stationary engineers and the International Fuel Gas Code, 2015 Edition, amending, adding or deleting provisions thereof, as provided herein; repealing all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency. 1 59 100, 101
    2 59 200, 201
    3 59 300, 301
    23458  3-10-2016 An ordinance amending Title 36, Taxicabs, Paratransit Vehicles, and Transportation Network Companies, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Section 137, entitled "vehicle design, unit numbers, advertising, cruising lights" to provide authority to a holder to paint up to but no more than five fleet vehicles pink and to require the drivers of any pink vehicle to possess and to distribute business cards to passengers to avoid confusing the occupied cab from that of another holder; repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency. 1 36 137
    23479  5- 5-2016 An ordinance amending Title 35, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled Infrastructure Development; Chapter Eight, entitled "Infrastructure Development Advisory Board", specifically amending Section 800 to add a "purpose" paragraph; renumbering existing Sections 800 through 803 as Sections 801 through 804, respectively; amending Section 800, entitled "membership" by adding a consulting engineer and eliminating a banker or insurance agent engaged in the financial aspect of development and amending homeowner or neighborhood association member to homeowner association or neighborhood association member; amending Section 801 to add to the duties, upon request, assisting in the review and analysis of other real estate development related processes; to advise the director on policies, standards, ordinances and codes that relate to real estate development; to advise the directors of planning and development and engineering services on any proposed recommendation to adopt, modify or rescind policies, standards, ordinances and codes that relate to real estate development before any action is taken; and provide, upon request, to the mayor a joint recommendation (with the director) regarding any proposal to adopt, modify, or rescind policies, standards, ordinances and codes that relate to real estate development under consideration by the city council; amending Section 803 to provide the initiation of an appeal of a decision of a code official related to infrastructure development by appealing to the director who shall conduct an informal review to determine if a formal appeal is necessary and if so, shall notify the board to proceed with a hearing after notice; and, amending Section 803 (h) entitled "appeals to the city council" by providing that the council hearing shall be no later than thirty days from the date the notice of appeal was filed with the city clerk unless otherwise agreed by the appellant; providing for severability; repealing ordinances in conflict; and declaring an emergency. 1 35 800—804
    23482  4-28-2016 An ordinance amending Title 21, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Licenses, enacting a new Chapter 24, entitled "Utility Vehicles"; providing a statement of intent and purposes; establishing certain definitions to be used in Chapter 24; authorizing operation of utility vehicles on certain streets after meeting certain conditions; requiring a license and registration of utility vehicles; providing procedure for issuance of licenses, application, fees, renewal, suspension or revocation; providing administration and appeals; providing for lawful manner of operating a utility vehicle; providing a disclaimer; providing a penalty for violation; providing for severability; repealing ordinances in conflict and declaring an emergency. 1       Added 21 2400—2407
    23483  4-28-2016 An ordinance amending Title 36, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Taxicabs and Paratransit Vehicles, Chapter I, entitled "Taxicab and Paratransit Vehicle Regulations"; amending the title to: "Taxicab, Paratransit Vehicle and Utility Vehicle For Hire Regulations"; amending all applicable provisions to include regulation of utility vehicle for hire service as defined herein; amending regulatory provisions to authorize operation of utility vehicle for hire service upon meeting licensing requirements; requiring a license/certificate and registration of utility vehicles for hire; providing procedure for issuance of licenses, fees, renewal, suspension or revocation of same; establishing insurance requirements, permit requirements and operating requirements for utility vehicle for hire service; requiring a chauffer license for operation of utility vehicle for hire; providing for administration of utility vehicle for hire services; providing certain standards of operation for utility vehicle for hire service; providing for appeal of administrative ruling related to utility vehicle for hire service; providing for lawful operation of utility vehicle for hire service within city I.D.L., only; providing a penalty for violation related to operation of utility vehicle for hire service; providing for severability; repealing ordinances in conflict and declaring an emergency. 1 36 100—150
    23487  5-19-2016 An ordinance amending Title 11, Chapter 12, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Right-of-Way Occupancy Management," Section 1206A.3.a, increasing the amount of occupancy fee to be charged to occupancy permit holders in order to recover said permit holder's pro rata share of the burden on the right-of-way; providing an operative date of June 1, 2016; repealing ordinances in conflict and declaring an emergency. 1 11 1206 A.3.a.
    23499  6- 9-2016 An ordinance amending Title 11-C, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Waterworks and Sewerage," Chapter 3 and Chapter 7 by increasing certain water and sewer rates in order to provide 6% in additional revenue to the water fund and 9% in additional revenue to the sewer fund; providing an operative date of October 1, 2016; repealing ordinances in conflict; providing for severability. 1 11-C 302—308
    2 11-C 702, 703
    23521  7-21-2016 An ordinance amending Title 36, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Taxicabs, Paratransit Vehicles, and Transportation Network Companies" providing a new title "Taxicabs, Paratransit Vehicles and Utility Vehicle For Hire Regulations;" amending Title 36, Chapter One, Section 102 entitled "Exclusions" adding vehicles providing transportation network services; repealing Chapter 2 entitled "Transportation Network Vehicle Services" in its entirety; providing for severability; repealing ordinances in conflict and declaring an emergency. 1 36 Title
    36 102
    3       Rpld 36 200—213
    23522  7-21-2016 An ordinance amending Title 21, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, titled "Licenses"; repealing Chapter 13 "Massage Business" in its entirety; providing an operative date of August 25, 2016; providing for severability; repealing ordinances in conflict and declaring an emergency. 1       Rpld 21 1300—1318
    23524  7-21-2016 An ordinance amending Title 24, Nuisances, Chapter 2, Procedure For Abatement, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Section 205, entitled "Appeals From the Enforcement Official," paragraph B, entitled "Notice of Appeal"; requiring a written "notice of appeal", to be completed and timely filed with the city clerk's office; requiring notice of the date, time and place of the appeal hearing to be mailed by the enforcement official to the appellant; repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency. 1 24 205
    23525  7-21-2016 An ordinance amending Title 24, Nuisances, Chapter 2, Procedure For Abatement, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Section 207, entitled "Appeals to the Council", paragraph B, entitled "Notice of Appeal"; requiring two copies of a written "notice of appeal to council of nuisance hearing officer decision" obtained from the city clerk or the council secretary, to be completed and timely filed with the city clerk's office; requiring the hearing on the appeal to be conducted by the council within thirty calendar days from the date of filing the notice unless a later date is agreed to by the appellant; requiring notice of the date, time and place of the appeal hearing to be mailed by the council secretary to the appellant; repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency. 1 24 207
    23526  7-21-2016 An ordinance amending Title 55, "Property Maintenance Code," Chapter 1, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Section 111, Subsection 111.2, entitled "Notice of Appeal-Amendatory," requiring a written "notice of appeal" to be completed and timely filed with the city clerk's office; requiring notice of the date, time and place of the appeal hearing to be mailed by the council secretary to the appellant; repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency. 1 55 111.2
    23559  9-14-2016 An ordinance amending Title 27, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, by adding a new Chapter 31 entitled "Scrap Metal Dealers"; providing for definitions; requiring a scrap metal dealer to maintain certain records relating to transactions; mandating a scrap metal dealer electronically report to the Tulsa Police Department all purchases of scrap metal; providing for hours of purchase of scrap metal by a scrap metal dealer; providing for a holding period for certain purchases of scrap metal by a scrap metal dealer; providing for certain other requirements imposed upon scrap metal dealers; providing for no holding period requirement for an exempt seller; providing for certain offenses as described herein; providing for penalties for violations of this chapter; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency. 1—5       Added 27 3101—3105
    23574 10-26-2016 An ordinance amending Title 45, Chapter 1, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "City of Tulsa Use Tax Code," Section 100; adjusting the amount of the use tax from 3.65% and, amending Section 119, devoting 15% of said use tax to the fund created by Title 43-K Tulsa Revised Ordinances to be used toward the debt service to achieve the projects pledged therein; providing for severability; providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances; and providing that the operative date for this ordinance shall be January 1, 2017. 1 45 100
    2 45 119
    23575 10-26-2016 An ordinance amending Title 28, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "The Municipal Employees' Retirement Plan," amending Section 504.D to provide for credited service to cease following the end of the month in which earnings cease for participants on long term disability, effective January 1, 2017; providing for severability; providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances; and declaring an emergency. 1 28 504
    23584 10-26-2016 An ordinance amending Title 11 Tulsa Revised Ordinances, titled "Public Works Department," Chapter 3, titled "Traffic Engineering", Section 303 titled "Meter Hoods" to establish a method of calculating the fee charged to hood a parking meter or inactivate a parking space; providing for severability; repealing ordinances in conflict; and declaring an emergency. 1 11 303
    23589 11-30-2016 An ordinance amending Title 51 Tulsa Revised Ordinances, the Building Code of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma, Chapter 2; adopting the ICC International Residential Code for One- and Two-Family Dwellings, 2015 Edition and as amended hereafter replacing the 2009 Edition as shown; providing for severability; repealing ordinances in conflict and declaring an emergency. 1 51 200—203
    23590 11- 2-2016 An ordinance amending Title 51, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, the building code of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma, Chapter 3, titled "Manufactured Homes, Mobile Homes, Modular Structures, Recreational Vehicles and Mobile Home Parks"; adding "Manufactured Homes" as defined therein to the regulatory scheme as revised therein; adding a violation penalty section; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; preserving and protecting existing rights and remedies; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency. 1 51 300—311
    23595 11-16-2016 An ordinance amending Title 12, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Grants," amending Section 804, Subsection 6.c. to clarify and correct proposal requirements relating to flood plains for proposed rehabilitation and new construction projects; amending Section 807, Subsection A. by expanding the 1% of program year's annual award in the grant category to 1% of HUD grant funding for the applicable program year and limiting the applicability of this provision; amending Section 807, Subsection B. and Subsection C. by expanding the 10% of program year's annual award in the grant category to 10% of HUD grant funding for the applicable program year; and further amending Section 807 by adding Subsection D., a new category for off cycle awards and allocations; providing for severability; providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances; and declaring an emergency. 1 12 804
    23598 11-30-2016 An ordinance amending Title 12, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Grants," amending Section 804, Subsection 6.C. to clarify and correct proposal requirements relating to flood plains for proposed rehabilitation and new construction projects; amending Section 807, Subsection A. by expanding the 1% of program year's annual award in the grant category to 1% of HUD grant funding for the applicable program year and limiting the applicability of this provision; amending Section 807, Subsection B. and Subsection C. by expanding the 10% of program year's annual award in the grant category to 10% of HUD grant funding for the applicable program year; and further amending Section 807 by adding Subsection D., a new category for off cycle awards and allocations; providing for severability; providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances; and declaring an emergency. 1 12 804
    23601 11-30-2016 An ordinance amending Title 51, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Building Code" by amending Chapter Five, entitled "Residential Swimming Pools, Spas and Hot Tubs," Section 503(5) to include gates not equipped with a locking device; Section 503(6) adding swimming pools to the exceptions; Section 504 by adding a new B. to include entrapment avoidance and relettering paragraph B. to C.; adding a violation penalty section; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency. 1 51 500—510
    23423  3- 3-2016 An ordinance creating a new title, Title 43-I, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, establishing the official policy of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma, with regard to the expenditure of all monies received from extending a permanent sales tax levy of sixteen one-hundredths of one percent (.16%) beginning January 1, 2017 and increasing to a twenty-six one-hundredths of one percent (.26%) permanent sales tax on July 1, 2021; such tax question to be voted on by the public on April 5, 2016; listing purposes which will be accomplished from said revenues; establishing a limited purpose revenue fund known as the "2017 Limited-Purpose Public Safety Permanent Sales Tax Fund", wherein all revenues received from said permanent tax levy, together with interest earned thereon, shall be deposited; prohibiting the expenditure of any of said funds for any purpose other than the purposes set forth herein, unless amended as provided herein; providing for severability; repealing conflicting ordinances; and declaring an emergency. 1       Added 43-I 100—102
    23424  3- 3-2016 An ordinance creating a new title, Title 43-J, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, establishing the official policy of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma, with regard to the expenditure of all monies received from the 2017 Limited-Purpose Street Maintenance and Public Transportation Permanent Sales Tax Levy of eighty-five thousandths of one percent (.085%), for street maintenance, traffic and public transportation, beginning January 1, 2017, which sales tax levy will be voted on, April 5, 2016; providing for capital projects and purposes which will be accomplished from said revenues; establishing a special revenue fund known as the "2017 Limited-Purpose .085% Street Maintenance and Public Transportation Permanent Sales Tax Fund", wherein all revenues received from said sales tax levy, together with interest earned thereon, shall be deposited; prohibiting the expenditure of any of said funds for any purpose other than the capital projects and purposes set forth herein unless the ordinance is amended as provided herein; prescribing certain mandatory duties of the secretary of the council and the council of said city; providing for public notice and hearings upon any proposal to amend or repeal the ordinance; providing for severability; repealing conflicting ordinances; and declaring an emergency. 1       Added 43-J 100—102
    23425  3- 3-2016 An ordinance creating a new title, Title 43-K, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, establishing the official policy of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma, with regard to the expenditure of all monies received from the Limited-Purpose Economic Development Temporary Sales Tax Levy of three hundred five thousandths of one percent (.305%) beginning January 1, 2017, increasing to eight hundred five thousandths of one percent (.805%) on July 1, 2021, then decreasing to three hundred five thousandths of one percent (.305%) on July 1, 2025 and expiring on December 31, 2031; which sales tax levy will be voted on, April 5, 2016; listing projects and purposes which will be accomplished from said revenues; allowing contingency appropriations; creating the 2017 Sales Tax Overview Committee ("STOC") and appointing members thereof; specifying powers and duties of said committee and officers and employees of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma; establishing a special revenue fund known as the "2017 Limited-Purpose Economic Development Temporary Sales Tax Fund", wherein all revenues received from said temporary sales tax levy, together with interest earned thereon, shall be deposited; prohibiting the expenditure of any of said funds for any purpose other than the projects and purposes set forth herein, unless amended as provided herein; prescribing certain mandatory duties of the secretary of the council and the council of said city; providing for public notice and hearings upon any proposal to amend or repeal the ordinance; providing for severability; repealing conflicting ordinances; and declaring an emergency. 1       Added 43-K 100—103
    23637  2- 8-2017 An ordinance amending Title 43-K Tulsa Revised Ordinances, regarding the temporary sales tax for economic development; providing for pledges from funding partners by December 31, 2020; allowing for reallocation of funds; providing severability; repealing all ordinances not in compliance herewith; and declaring an emergency. 1 43-K 100 D.
    23639  2-22-2017 An ordinance amending Title 5, Tulsa Revised Ordinances entitled "Boards, Commissions and Committees" by adding a new Chapter 11, creating an Advisory Commission to the City of Tulsa pursuant to the amended Charter, Article XII, Section 4, to be known as "The Greater Tulsa Area African-American Affairs Commission", providing for the appointments and terms of its members, and the powers, duties and responsibilities of the commission; repealing ordinances in conflict and providing for severability. 1       Added 5 1200, 1201
    23661  3- 8-2017 An ordinance amending Title 23, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Chapter 1, Section 108 to add a subsection "g" consistent with a recent modification to state law requiring a new state penalty assessment of fifteen dollars ($15.00) be levied by the municipal court upon any defendant ordered by the court to pay fines and/or court costs as a result of driving under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicating substance and declaring an emergency. 1 23 108
    23681  4-26-2017 An ordinance amending Title 11, Chapter 12, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Right-of-Way Occupancy Management," Section 1206A.3.a, increasing the amount of occupancy fee to be charged to occupancy permit holders in order to recover said permit holder's pro rata share of the burden on the right-of-way; providing an operative date of June 1, 2017; repealing ordinances in conflict and declaring an emergency. 1 11 1206 A.3.a.
    23691  5-24-2017 An ordinance amending Title 43-H, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Subsection 100.B., "Specific Projects and Purposes," relating to new 2014 Sales Tax Projects, under the category heading of "Parks and Recreation Department," by eliminating project "Penney - Replace Splash Pad with Water Playground" and adding "Zeiglerwater Playground"; and declaring an emergency. 1 43-H 100 B.
    23692  5-24-2017 An ordinance amending Title 43-F, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Subsection 100.B., "Specific Projects and Purposes," Paragraph 2, relating to new 2006 Sales Tax Projects, under the category heading of "Fire," by eliminating project "New Fire Station 11 in the Area of East 11th Street South & 177th East Avenue (Land Acquisition) $500,000," by amending the cost estimate for "New Southeast Tulsa Fire Station, East 41st Street South & 122nd East Avenue," from $2,600,000 to $3,100,000; and declaring an emergency. 1 43-F 100 B.2.
    23693  5-24-2017 An ordinance amending Title 43-F, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Subsection 100.B., "Specific Projects and Purposes," Paragraph 2, relating to new 2006 Sales Tax Projects, under the category heading of "Fire," by changing the project title for project "New Southeast Tulsa Fire Station, East 41st Street South & 122nd East Avenue" to "New Southeast Tulsa Fire Station and Apparatus, East 41st Street South & 122nd East"; and declaring an emergency. 1 43-F 100 B.2
    23697  5-24-2017 An ordinance amending Title 27, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Chapter 15 Section 1514 entitled "Weapons-Carrying-Exceptions" and Section 1515 entitled "Weapons-Selling to Minors" to exclude from regulation all knives regulated by Oklahoma Statutes; and declaring an emergency. 1 27 1514
    2 27 1515
    23704  6- 7-2017 An ordinance amending Title 11-C, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, titled "Waterworks and Sewerage"; amending Chapter 3, Titled "Water Rates"; amending Sections 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, and 308 to provide water and sewer rate adjustments; amending Chapter 7, titled "Sanitary Sewer User Charge System"; amending Sections 702, 703, and 708 to adjust sewer service charge rates and adjust rates for dumping or discharging septic waste; amending sections providing that these rates shall be effective on October 1, 2017; establishing when the amendments enacted by this ordinance shall become operative; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency. 1—7 11-C 302—308
    8, 9 11-C 702, 703
    10 11-C 708
    23721  6-28-2017 An ordinance amending Title 37, Chapter 11, entitled "Pedestrians - Rights and Duties" by amending Section 1105 entitled "Pedestrians Soliciting Ride, Employment, Business or Donations"; amending Title 37, Chapter 2, Section 203, Subsection E, to increase the pre-set fine to $150.00 for a violation of Section 1105 entitled "Stepping or Standing in a Roadway or on a Median to Solicit a Ride, Employment, Business or Donations," providing for a severability clause; and declaring an emergency. 1 37 1105
    2 37 203 E.
    23740  7-26-2017 An ordinance amending Title 11-A, Chapter 2, Section 202, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, to increase the monthly service charge rate by nine percent; providing for severability; repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith; and providing an operative date of October 1, 2017. 1 11-A 202
    23742  7-26-2017 An ordinance amending Title 6 Tulsa Revised Ordinances, "Finance Department", Chapter 2, "Budget", by adding a new Section, Section 205, "Annual Transfer from Enterprise Utilities to General Fund"; ordering a portion of enterprise income to be paid into the General Fund; setting forth the formula for calculating the amount of said payment; providing for severability; repealing conflicting ordinances; and declaring an emergency. 1       Added 6 205
    23748  8- 2-2017 An ordinance amending Title 28, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Chapter 7, Section 701 to provide for the reduced percentage of the life annuity benefit after taking a partial lump sum payment to be calculated according to the mortality table adopted by the Board of Trustees, for participants whose benefit payments begin November 1, 2017 and after; and providing for a severability clause. 1 28 701
    23779  9-13-2017 An ordinance amending Title 36, Taxicabs, Paratransit Vehicles, and Utility Vehicles for Hire, Chapter 1, entitled "Taxicab, Paratransit Vehicle and Utility Vehicle for Hire Regulations"; amending Section 101 entitled "Definitions" to include an antique, classic or special interest vehicle for hire as another category considered to be paratransit vehicles and regulated as paratransit vehicles and not as taxicabs; amending Section 136 to exempt antique, classic and special interest vehicles for hire from age limitations imposed on other vehicles regulated by this ordinance; providing for severability; repealing ordinances in conflict; providing an operative date and declaring an emergency. 1 36 101
    2 36 136
    23780  9-13-2017 An ordinance amending Title 27, Chapter 22, Section 2208, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, concerning the use of tobacco and vapor products on city property, indoor and outdoor, including parks and recreation areas, but not including streets and sidewalks; setting out definitions; establishing penalties and enforcement; providing for severability; repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith; and declaring an emergency. 1 27 2208
    23786  9-20-2017 An ordinance amending Title 37, titled "Tulsa Revised Traffic Code," Chapter 10, titled "Bicycles", to add Section 1016 titled "Bicycle Lanes"; and amending Chapter 1, titled "Words and Phrases", Section 100 titled "Words and Phrases Defined" to add "Bicycle Lane"; providing for severability, and declaring an emergency. 1 37 1000—1016
    2 37 100
    23814 11- 1-2017 An ordinance amending Title 49, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Administrative, Permit and License Fees"; enacting, restating, consolidating and superseding permit, license, certificate, registration and service fees codified in Titles 11, 11-A, 11-C, 14, 35, 50, 51, 52, 55, 56 and 59; relating to regulatory provisions codified in Title 11, entitled "Public Works Department," Title 11-A, entitled "Stormwater Drainage," Title 11-C, entitled "Waterworks and Sewerage," Title 14, entitled "Fire Prevention Code," Title 35, entitled "Infrastructure Development," Title 50, entitled "Annual Permits," Title 51, entitled "Building Code," Title 52, entitled "Electrical Code," Title 55, entitled "Existing Structures Code," Title 56, entitled "Plumbing Code," and Title 59, entitled "Mechanical Code"; providing for the issuance of permits, licenses, certificates, registrations and the collection of fees related to certain trades and contractors; requiring the posting of certain bonds and public liability insurance; providing civil penalties for certain violations; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for severability; providing an operative date; and declaring an emergency. 1 49 100—122
    23818  1-24-2018 An ordinance amending Title 27, entitled "Penal Code," Tulsa Revised Ordinances, by adding thereto Chapter 12-A, entitled "Stret Performers"; providing definitions; providing for rules and regulations; providing for exclusion of a certain designated areas; providing a penalty; providing for severability; providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances; providing that the operative date of this ordinance shall be February 1, 2018; and declaring an emergency. 1       Added 27 Ch. 12-A,
    §§ 100—500
    23831 12-13-2017 An ordinance amending Title 4 Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Chapter 3, Section 308, "Charter Review"; requiring the City Attorney to provide a schedule of Charter amendments by October 15 of odd-numbered years; providing for severability; repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith; and declaring an emergency. 1 4 308
    23845  1-24-2018 An ordinance amending Title 37 Tulsa Revised Ordinances, titled "Tulsa Revised Traffic Code," Chapter 1, titled "Words and Phrases," Section 100 titled "Words and Phrases Defined" to add definitions for "Digital Payment", "Parking Meter", and "Pay By Tag"; providing for severability; repealing ordinances in conflict; and declaring an emergency. 1 37 100
    23846  1-24-2018 An ordinance amending Title 37 Tulsa Revised Ordinances, titled "Tulsa Revised Traffic Code," Chapter 5, titled "Stopping, Standing and Parking Regulations," Section 500 titled "Parking in Parking Districts" to reclassify parking zones as parking districts and include pay by tag as a parking option; Section 502 titled "Parking Lanes" to better clarify parking locations; Section 503.A.1 to expand the boundaries of the financial district; Section 503.A.3 to expand the boundaries of the restaurant and entertainment district, and to create a new downtown parking district entitled "East District"; and Section 511, titled "Manner of Parking", to include "Back in Angled Parking provisions for district metered parking; providing for severability; and repealing ordinances in conflict. 1 37 500
    2 37 502
    3 37 503 A.
    4 37 511
    23848  1-24-2018 An ordinance amending Title 28, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "The Municipal Employees' Retirement Plan," amending Sections 601(A) and 801(A) to revise the minimum retirement age to sixty; adding Section 504(E)(3) to provide for participants employed prior to July 1, 2018 to retain existing benefit structure if reemployed within one year after termination of employment; amending Section 600(B) to reduce the multiplier to 2% for participants beginning employment July 1, 2018 or after; amending Section 601(A) to increase the early retirement age to 60 for participants beginning employment July 1, 2018 or after; amending Section 601(B) to increase the early retirement reduction to 6.0% for participants beginning employment July 1, 2018 or after; amending 601(C) and adding Section 601(D) to establish the rule of 90 for participants beginning employment July 1, 2018 or after; amending 603(B) to incorporate the revised early retirement reduction; providing for severability; and providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances. 1 28 504
    2 28 600—604
    3 28 801
    23867  2-28-2018 An ordinance amending Title 14, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, the Fire Prevention Code of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma; by the addition of a new section, Section, "Nuisance Fire Alarm", declaring that causing or allowing nuisance alarms above a certain number of times is a misdemeanor offense; establishing the number of times a nuisance alarm must occur in order to invoke the criminal provisions of this ordinance; providing a penalty; and identifying the definition; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for severability. 1 14 101
    23869  2-28-2018 An ordinance amending Title 23, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Chapter 1, Section 108; requiring the technology fee to be assessed upon any defendant in each and every case resulting in a conviction for a parking or standing violation enumerated in Chapter 5 of Title 37 entitled "Stopping, Standing, and Parking Regulations" and on bond forfeitures and declaring an emergency. 1 23 108
    23870  2-28-2018 An ordinance amending Title 37, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Chapter 2, Section 203, to increase the pre-set fines for certain traffic violations (excluding parking or standing violations) by thirty-five dollars ($35.00) to include a one dollar ($1.00) increase in the Law Enforcement Education and Training (CLEET) Penalty Assessment as provided for in Title 23, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Section 108, Subsection B; a five dollar ($5.00) increase by the State of Oklahoma of the Automated Fingerprinting Identification System (AFIS) penalty assessment as provided for in Title 23, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Section 108, Subsection C; a five dollar ($5.00) increase by the State of Oklahoma of the Forensic Science Improvement (FSI) Penalty Assessment as provided for in Title 23, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Section 108, Subsection D; and the Technology Fee Assessment ("TFA") as provided for in Title 23, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Section 108, Subsection H; and to round off the preset fine amount the city receives as a fine amount on each traffic offense (excluding parking or standing violations) by one dollar ($1.00) in order keep the present fine amount ending in a "0" or a "5"; to increase the pre-set fines for certain parking or standing violations by five dollars ($5.00) to include the technology fee assessment ("TFA") as provided for in Title 23, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Section 108, Subsection I; and to adjust certain other preset fines as shown in the chart below; and providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances; and declaring an emergency. 1 37 203
    23872  2-28-2018 An ordinance amending Title 17, Chapter 4, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Food Code," Section 401(B)(5) increasing the amount of the full and non-prorated fee for food service establishment licenses including food processing plants, to $155.00 and amending Section 401(D)(2) increasing the food employee permit to $15.00; providing for severability; repealing ordinances in conflict and declaring an emergency. 1 17 401 B.5.
    2 17 401 D.2.
    23873  2-28-2018 An ordinance amending Title 37, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, titled "Tulsa Revised Traffic Code"; adding a new Chapter 14, titled "Special Events"; providing a permitting process to permit special events; providing definitions; providing standards and criteria for special events; providing regulations for operation of special events; providing cost recovery for special events, providing for insurance; providing penalties and enforcement terms; providing for severability; providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances; and declaring an emergency. 1       Added 37 1400—1415
    23874  3- 7-2018 An ordinance amending Title 37 Tulsa Revised Ordinances, titled "Tulsa Revised Traffic Code", Chapter 5, titled "Stopping, Standing and Parking Regulations", Section 525 titled "Disabled Persons Parking", amending Subsection B to add Subsections B.1. and B.2. relating to parking a motor vehicle in a disabled parking space access aisle, wheel chair ramp, and/or wheelchair loading/unloading area with an without displaying a disabled placard or plate; providing for severability; providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances; and declaring an emergency. 1 37 525 B.
    23875  3- 7-2018 An ordinance regarding privately-owned signs in city street right-of-way; amending Title 24 Tulsa Revised Ordinances, "Nuisances"; enacting a new subsection namely subsection "O" of Section 103, "Nuisances Affecting Peace and Safety"; declaring to be nuisances any private signs placed in or upon a public street, sidewalk, right-of-way or within twelve (12) feet of a curb or road edge; considering such signs to be abandoned; allowing summary removal of such signs from city right-of-way; providing for severability; repealing conflicting provisions; and declaring an emergency. 1       Added 24 103 O.
    23877  3- 7-2018 An ordinance amending only Section 4 entitled "Operative Clause" of Ordinance No. 23814 published on Nov. 11, 2017; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing an operative date; and declaring an emergency. 1 49 (note)
    23884  3-28-2018 An ordinance amending Title 21, Chapter 7, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Beer," Section 702 reducing the license fee levied on each retail dealer dealing in nonintoxicating beverages who sells them for on premises consumption from an annual fee of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) to a fee covering three (3) months in the amount of Seven Dollars and Fifty Cents ($7.50) and reducing the license fee levied on each such retailer dealing in nonintoxicating beverages who sells them for off premises consumption from an annual fee of Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) to a fee covering three (3) months in the amount of Five Dollars ($5.00); amending Section 703 changing the expiration date of the license issued pursuant to this section from June 30 to September 30, 2018; adding a new Section 708 enacting an effective date and a date of automatic repeal of this ordinance; providing for severability; repealing ordinances in conflict and declaring an emergency. 1 21 702
    21 703
          Added 21 708
    23885  3-28-2018 An ordinance amending Title 21, Chapter 3, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Alcohol Beverage Control" adjusting the taxes on existing occupations and adding additional occupations to conform to appropriate amounts allowed by state law; providing for effective date; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for severability, and declaring an emergency. 1 21 302
    23891  4- 4-2018 An ordinance amending Title 1, Airports and Aircraft, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Chapter 3, Section 301, entitled "Vehicle Operations in Public Areas," to require that each commercial ground transportation vehicle operating at Tulsa International Airport obtain a permit pursuant to the commercial ground transportation services policy adopted by the Tulsa Airports Improvement Trust, and amending Title 1, Chapter 6, Section 600, entitled "Fine Schedule," to provide for the imposition of a fine for operating without a permit under such commercial ground transportation services policy, and declaring an emergency. 1 1 301
    2 1 600
    23906  4-11-2018 An ordinance amending Title 11-C, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Spavinaw Water District," Section 413 entitled "Boat Storage" providing that only privately owned boathouses which are physically located on the Spavinaw Reservoir pursuant to a valid permit held by the original permittee or their assigns as of July 5, 1983, or those constructed or placed thereon by owners or assigns of a valid boathouse permit before June 1, 2020, may be legally located there; providing that if owners or assigns of a valid boathouse permit, without a boathouse, fail to construct or place a boathouse on the Spavinaw Reservoir that meets applicable written construction standards before June 1, 2020 their permit will lapse, be revoked, will not be renewed, and cannot be transferred and no other privately owned boathouses shall be constructed or placed on the Spavinaw Reservoir; provided further that the permit held by one who fails to timely repair a dilapidated boathouse, or fails to maintain it within minimum standards or fails to timely pay the annual rent shall lapse, be revoked, will not be renewed and cannot be transferred; provided further that the City of Tulsa maintains the right to revoke this section in its entirety, by the action of the Tulsa Municipal Utility Authority, thus revoking the permit program and all privately owned boathouse permits, which will require the immediate and permanent removal of all privately owned boathouses at the owner's expense; providing further that only the privately owned boathouse permitted as of July 5, 1983 shall be kept, offered for rent or rented; providing for severability; repealing ordinances in conflict and declaring an emergency. 1 11-C 413
    23918  5-23-2018 An ordinance of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma; amending Title 27 Tulsa Revised Ordinances, "Penal Code", Chapter 18, "Public Property", Section 1800, "Public Property—Restrictions"; extending the protections of said Section 1800 to any public property within the city limits of the City of Tulsa; providing severability; repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith; and declaring an emergency. 1 27 1800
    23919  5- 9-2018 An ordinance amending Title 49, Tulsa Revised Ordinances (TRO), "Administrative, Permit, and License Fees", by adding a new Chapter 15, entitled "Sidewalk Cafe, Table and Chair Permit Fees"; setting forth applicable fees; providing for severability; repealing ordinances in conflict, and declaring an emergency. 1       Added 49 1500—1502
    23920  5-23-2018 An ordinance amending Title 11, Tulsa Revised Ordinances ("TRO"), by the creation of a new Chapter 15, entitled "Sidewalk Cafe Permits and Table and Chair Permits in the Right-of-Way"; stating the purpose and intent of the chapter; delegating authority to city staff to implement policies and issue permits; setting forth operational requirements; providing for administration; allowing appeals where appropriate; providing for severability; repealing ordinances in conflict, and declaring an emergency. 1       Added 11 1500—1509
    23924  6- 6-2018 An ordinance amending Title 11-A, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Section 304; amending the elevation requirements of electrical, mechanical, and ductwork equipment in floodplains; adding elevation requirements to essential facilities in floodplains; amending the elevation requirements of manufactured homes in floodplains; amending building elevation requirements in floodplains; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency. 1 11-A 304
    23931  6- 6-2018 An ordinance amending Title 11, Chapter 12, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "Right-of-Way Occupancy Management," Section 1206 A.3.a., reducing the amount of occupancy fee to be charged to occupancy permit holders in order to recover said permit holder's pro rata share of the burden on the right-of-way; providing an operative date of July 1, 2018; repealing ordinances in conflict and declaring an emergency. 1 11 1206 A.3.a.
    23938  6-13-2018 An ordinance amending Title 11-A, Chapter 2, Section 202, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, to increase the monthly service charge rate by nine percent; providing for severability; repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith; and providing an operative date of October 1, 2018. 1 11-A 202
    23942  6-13-2018 An ordinance amending Title 11-C, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, titled "Waterworks and Sewerage"; amending Chapter 3, titled "Water Rates"; amending Sections 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307 and 308 to provide water and sewer rate adjustments; amending Chapter 7, titled "Sanitary Sewer User Charge System"; amending Sections 702, 703 and 708 to adjust sewer service charge rates and adjust rates for dumping or discharging septic waste; providing that these rates shall be effective on October 1, 2018; establishing when the amendments enacted by this ordinance shall become operative; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency. 1—7 11-C 302—308
    8, 9 11-C 702, 703
    10 11-C 708
    23957  7-11-2018 An ordinance amending Title 55, "Property Maintenance Code"; regulating and governing the conditions and maintenance of all property, buildings and structures, by providing standards for supplied utilities and facilities and other physical features and conditions essential to ensure that structures are safe, sanitary and fit for occupation and use; providing for the notification of buildings and structures unfit for human occupancy and use; establishing the "chronic nuisance property" designation, and creating procedures to manage and abate chronic nuisance properties; providing penalties for the violation hereof; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency. 55 101—113,
    23985  8-29-2018 An ordinance amending Title 3, Chapter 1, Section 102, establishing the fees for certified copies. 1 3 102
    24012 10- 3-2018 An ordinance amending Title 3, "Public Property, Records, Flag, Seal", Chapter 2, "Corporate Seal, Council Seal and City Flag", amending Section 204 thereof, "City Flag", setting forth in detail the design and appearance of the official city flag. 1 3 204
    24018 10-24-2018 An ordinance amending Title 37, "Tulsa Revised Traffic Code"; amending Chapter 1, Section 100 to add definitions for electric bicycle and electric scooter. 1 37 100
    24019 10-24-2018 An ordinance amending Title 21, "Licenses" by the addition of a new Chapter 24, "Shared Active Transportation". 1       Added 21 2500—2512
    24023 11- 7-2018 An ordinance related to the regulation of recreational vehicle parks; amending Title 51 "Building Code", Chapter 3, "Manufactured Homes, Mobile Homes, Modular Structures, Recreational Vehicles and Mobile Home Parks", Section 307, "Recreational Vehicle Parks"; amending spacing requirements, the number of required toilet facilities and the number of required laundry facilities. 1 51 301
    24024 11- 7-2018 An ordinance related to the regulation of bicycle traffic on public streets; amending Title 37, "Tulsa Revised Traffic Code"; amending Chapter 6, "Moving Regulations and Traffic-Control Devices", Section 622, "Speed Too Slow for Conditions". 1 37 622
    24027 11- 7-2018 An ordinance amending Title 43-H, Subsection 100.B., "Specific Projects and Purposes," relating to new 2014 Sales Tax Projects, under the category heading of "Tulsa Zoo," by adding "Zoo Playground". 1 43-H 100 B.
    24035 11- 7-2018 An ordinance amending Title 11-B, "Solid Waste Management"; amending Chapters 1—8 to conform to current residential and commercial solid waste services, program structures and service levels. 1 11-B 100—108,
    700, 701,
    24045 11-28-2018 An ordinance amending Title 5, "Boards, Commissions and Committees"; creating a new Chapter 13, entitled "Animal Welfare Commission", creating the Animal Welfare Commission which shall consist of five (5) members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council; establishing the powers and duties of the Commission; providing that personnel and agencies shall assist the Commission. 1       Added 5 1300—1302
    24047 11-28-2018 An ordinance amending certain sections in Chapter 31, of Title 27, Penal Code, regulating sales and purchases of scrap metal, to incorporate changes to Oklahoma Statutes made by HB2950; amending Section 3103(A)(1) for Photo ID; amending Section 3103(E) requiring digital image of items purchased; amending Section 3103(G) governing size of copper wire. 1 27 3103 A.1.
    2 27 3103 E.
    3 27 3103 G.
    24060 12- 5-2018 An ordinance amending Title 11, "Public Works Department", by the addition of a new Chapter 15, entitled "Small Wireless Communications Facilities". 1       Added 11 1600—1620
    24061 12-19-2018 An ordinance amending Title 51 by adopting Chapter 6 to establish and implement a self-certification program for construction plan review and the issuance of building permits. 1       Added 51 601—606
    24066  1- 9-2019 An ordinance amending Section 202 in Chapter 2 of Title 27, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Penal Code, of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma, identifying persons liable to punishment for violating the Penal Code in the Tulsa Ordinances, specifically amending Subsections 202(A)(3) and (4); repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for severability. 1 27 202 A.
    24069  1- 9-2019 An ordinance amending Title 28, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, entitled "the Municipal Employees' Retirement Plan," amending Section 1003 to eliminate the reporting relationship of the Plan Administrator to the Board of Trustees; providing for severability; and providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances. 1 28 1003
    24072  1-16-2019 An ordinance of the City of Tulsa, amending Title 37 Tulsa Revised Ordinances (TRO), "Tulsa Revised Traffic Code", by amending Section 520 entitled "Parking in Loading Zones"; permitting downtown residents the ability to apply for a passenger loading zone permit; superseding any ordinances in conflict herewith. 1 37 520